
Reviewing the TT-130M: New Battle Pass Reward Tank! | World of Tanks


World of Tanks, WoT, 1.23.1 patch

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36 pemikiran pada “Reviewing the TT-130M: New Battle Pass Reward Tank! | World of Tanks”

  1. "Aliens will never come to earth, because their ship is down"
    this is top level commentary. You are comedic genius Skill

  2. that is a Chinese gun ,exterior looks exactly just like WZ 111 1-4 top gun ,stats bit better aim time but worse handling, same pen same dmg , and looking at how it shots in battle for me its 100% same gun, and we all know what it means when gun is made in China 🙂 I am sick of WG copy paste

  3. I hate how WG just combines features without any consideration of the origin of a tank.
    TT-130M is CZ – so I think it has a small autoloader with fast reload in between and maybe some other features like mobility.

    No, this tank get's a single-shot gun and turbo from the chinese…

    Next time build a russian EBR with an CZ autoloader.

  4. What good are tier IX's? You can't use them in clan wars or skirms. So they are pointless. The only reason for tier IX's is when you are grinding for a X.

  5. This thing needs either better ground resistance, more gun depression, or possibly both. And maybe a 5th charge of boost. It's just too weak as-is.

  6. Skill, will you make video comparison on upcoming free token prem tanks ? Those are pudel, strv, and t 40.

  7. Do the new reward tanks no longer have the infinite free large repair kit? Noticed skill was using a small one and it doesnt have the purple pink infinity symbol

  8. Skill, you could drive around at 4 mph in a paper tank flinging spit balls at everyone and still make the tank look OP. you rock bro, love your videos, u make me laugh soooo much, u really are the coolest of dudes!

  9. 7:50 "…750 dmg in the face…" when you shot him in the butt… OH, that's a subtle joke on the Lorraine's look, by calling his butt his face! Skeeeeeel, I see what you did there!

  10. Yeah this gun feels shitty. There were plenty of shots when you fired and the shell goes at the exact edge of reticle. Feels just weird.

  11. Always make me laugh how Skill plays some of the worst Tanks but still makes them look far, far better than they actually are

  12. speaking of rockets, I wish they renewed like reloading ammo.. instead of 4 rockets at the start making them take like 3 minutes to recharge or something like that.

  13. Skill seems like the type who believes in horoscopes and lucky socks. The gun handling was not that bad here.

  14. KK figured it out 🙂 Every new tank King Skill hates after first 3 games, when he tells ya why and try's to show ya Tank works good… (note to self) Buy every Tank Skill Hates 🙂 Got it !! very sneaky King Baboon, Trying to keep the good tanks out of the game 🙂 LOL Thanks Video !! see ya tomorrow.. Now back to the Stream..
    ps. BZ176 also has 4 second cool down between "rockets"

  15. its like WG has system that checks if someone pressed a recording button, just to give good RNG. skill what software are you using to record your stuff? 😀


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