Revelation’s “End of the World” Timeline Explained

What outline does the Bible give about the end of the world? People have set dates that have come and gone, but the Bible gives a general timeline of specific events that will happen before Jesus returns. How long is the tribulation? Can we escape the tribulation? When will Jesus Christ return? Is there a rapture, and if so, when does it happen?

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world , Revelation’s “End of the World” Timeline Explained , #Revelations #World #Timeline #Explained
, Rapture,End time,Jesus returns,biblical prophecy,what is going to happen at the end,what is going to happen at the end of the world,end time signs,end time signs latest events,end time signs latest events and god’s warning,what does revelation say about the end of the world,What does revelation say about the last days,What will happen in the end-time,what will happen before the rapture,what events will happen before the rapture,what will happen before the tribulation

48 pemikiran pada “Revelation’s “End of the World” Timeline Explained”

  1. So are you saying that Gods true believers have to go through the tribulation before we are resurrected? so your saying its a post-trib rapture ? I thought the pre-trib rapture was what we were all waiting for ? now im lost …. WHY DO SOME PREACH pre-trib some preach mid-trib and some preach post-trib? THAT ONLY MEANS that not even the pastors and preachers KNOW
    how sad that we are all confused and believe different things…

  2. That’s ONE well articulated interpretation from a historic premillennialist perspective. There are 2 (some argue 3) other major interpretations of end times that hold great biblical interpretations. Be sure to examine scripture and see for yourself before making vast assumptions on this topic.

  3. Me personally I hope as of August 18 2023, we are at the tail end of the Millenial 6th Day. This World is something else. I don`t even have a companion anymore. She died 3 years ago. I need a physical companion as well as my spiritual one. I point out Genesis 2:18.

  4. Where do you get that we have 30 days after the Abomination of Desolation … Jesus seems to be pretty urgent about the Guy on the house top is not to come down… The man in the field is not to come back for clothes.. Did I miss understand. Do you have scripture that shows there are 30 days after the Abomination of Desolation for Christians to be prepared?

  5. Unfortunately, you have taken Matthew 24 and Revelation totally out of context. Matthew 24 and most of Revelation has nothing to do with our future. Jesus is answering a question posed to Him by His disciples about the destruction of the temple which occurred in 70AD and John is expanding on the details. The references to the sun and moon as literal signs are also incorrect. They are signs of judgement that is from language found in the old testament (see Is. 13:10). The abomination of desolation is clarified in Luke and refers to the armies of Rome surrounding the city. Also, zealots committed atrocities inside the temple as Rome was getting ready to attack the city. Matthew 24 has nothing to do with the end of the world. It has to do with the end of the old covenant system (Heb, 8:7-13). The bottom line is Jesus is reigning now and will continue to reign until all enemies have been placed under His feet.

  6. I believe the Bible shows a pre-tribulation rapture. Christ shall come for his bride shortly before the tribulation and at that time the dead in Christ shall rise first then we the living shall be caught up with them. At the end of the 7 year tribulation the raptured believers will return with Christ to rule and reign for a thousand years. That is the first resurrection. The second resurrection is at the end of the 1000 year reign at which time the Great White Throne final judgement is administered and the devil and resurrected unbelievers are cast into the Lake of Fire.

  7. Be prayerful and watchful for our redemption draws nigh.
    Look up and not down or around for our redemption draws nigh dearly beloveds around the world.

    Endtime signs are Converging in the Sign-line of the Time line of Creator GOD only.

    Be Ready is the word for the NOW. Ephesians chapter 6 dearly beloveds around the world. 🕊️🙏🙌🌱⛰️🤗🌿👑👰🤴👸🏝️🏜️😇

  8. I mean it’s pretty obvious it’s connected with the asteroid Apophis…….just look up what month and year it’s coming back around and what the name Apophis actually means…….it’s far too much to be a coincidence. I know no one will know the exact time or day these events are going to take place but there are pretty obvious clues laid out for us to see.

  9. I like the way the information is displayed, I don't like the fact you don't mention (believe?) in the pre-tribulation rapture as mentioned by Apostle Paul. Leaving this detail out is misleading to those trying to find Christ for the first time. Shame

  10. Matthew 24:16 "Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:" So Jesus said let them who are in Judea flee into the mountains, not everybody ! Your videos are so incredibly full of this and other lies !

  11. Additionally, and I don't mean to nitpick here, but the significance of this is so great that it MUST be said, the 'churches of God' et al, the 'splinters' and their predecessor churches the 'radio' and 'worldwide' churches of God hold on to the very same erroneous teaching and understanding, which is the conflation of the first resurrection and the second coming of Christ!
    These are two distinct events separated in time by one year! Specifically the final year of the 'Day of the LORD'! I've typed LORD in all capitals specifically to denote that this refers to the heavenly Father as opposed to Jesus Christ the Lamb of God. These are two distinct 'persons' as is rightly understood by the splinters (1 Thessalonians 1:1,3; 3:11 and elsewhere). But here's a distinction in scripture which the splinters fail to recognize, it is most important because of what it reveals! There are also two distinct wraths, one being the wrath of the Lamb (Revelation 6:16-17) which encompasses the trumpet judgements and the other being the wrath of the LORD, (Revelation 15:7) of the Father, encompassing the bowls! Now understand that 1 Thessalonians 5:9 says plainly that the saints are not appointed to wrath, yet Matthew 24:9 and other scriptures indicate that the saints will experience tribulation and some martyrdom too. However, Christ does not intend that His little flock MUST experience martyrdom as Jesus provides instruction (Matthew 24:15-16; 21-22 and elsewhere) on how to effectively avoid it! And Paul understands that some saints (elect) will remain alive until the first resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:17) which occurs at the time of the 7th trumpet, (1 Corinthians 15:51-52) the last trumpet! Now you can read scripture carefully, paying attention for any other trumpet which is sounded after the 7th trumpet completing the wrath of the Lamb but you will not find one because there isn't any! However, this is NOT the event of the second coming of Christ as King of kings alighting upon the mount of olives! There also remains the outpouring of the wrath of the LORD, of the Father, contained in the 7 bowls of the final judgements! This is the wrath to which the saints, the elect, are not appointed! (1Thessalonians 5:9) Now notice this also, we know that presently Christ Jesus is our high priest sitting at the right hand of the Father in the heavenly temple where is the Throne of the Father! Remember the earthy model wherein the holy of holies there resides the mercy seat upon the arc of the covenant where is the presence of God the Father? It's kind of significant. So here's the next detail in scripture which the churches of God seem to have missed which does much to clarify and prove what I'm saying. Notice that in Revelation 15:8 it plainly says that as the wrath of the Father contained in the 7 bowls is poured out on the Earth, the heavenly temple is filled with smoke and no one was able to enter it until all 7 bowls were poured out! So that means that Jesus our high priest in heaven is not in the temple during this time! Notice that in Revelation 16:13, while the 6th bowl is being poured out that the dragon (Satan), the beast, and the false prophet are present on the Earth! But know this, at Christ's second coming, when Jesus does land upon the mount of olives, Christ is accompanied by the armies of heaven, clothes in fine linen, and it is at this time when the 'battle of Armageddon' happens culminating with the beast and false prophet being captured and judged (Revelation 19:19-20) and Satan being bound for 1000 years commencing the millennium! So the question is, where is Jesus while the bowls of the Father's wrath are being poured on the Earth? Jesus and the saints are NOT upon the Earth experiencing the outpouring of the Father's wrath, nor is Christ in the heavenly temple. (Revelation 15:8) There does also remain another event which is unaccounted for, namely the wedding Feast of the Lamb, in itself no small event. So what then; how do we resolve these significant questions? The answer is simple yet seems to have eluded the churches of God. During the outpouring of the bowls of God's (the Father) wrath upon the Earth, Jesus with the saints are in heaven. They ARE at the wedding Feast of the Lamb upon the sea of glass as it were. (Revelation 7:9,13-14/15:1-2) So who are those whom have victory over the beast, his image, his mark, and the number of his name? Obliviously the saints. So now circle back to Revelation 13:11-17 and consider it along with 18:4 and recognize that this exodus is as that great exodus from Egypt which the Feast of Tabernacles is to recall. Now put it all together and voila, the place of safety, the first resurrection (rapture), and the wedding feast of the Lamb, the wrath of the Father, and the second coming all crystal clear! But the pride of the sheppard's of the churches of God, your pastors and elders with their reluctance to recognize prophets as per Ephesians 4:11 inhibits their receiving of these insights which by the holy spirit Christ has sent a messenger to deliver. Now that's tragic!
    And so, the significance of which all of this being, is that the claim of a Christ led, spirit filled church comes into question when any such church doesn't know this, and even so, that having been shown this and rejecting it calls into question both the validity of that church's claims or worse yet, the validity of the holy spirit itself! Is that not the unpardonable sin?

  12. It is curious and somewhat contradictory that in your previous presentation on the two witnesses you mentioned that no one can hide from the coming great tribulation. In this presentation you mentioned that in the 30 days following the setting up of the abomination of desolation that Christian's shall flee into hiding in the wilderness. It seems that you still are somewhat confused about this. For clarity you should know that the perscribed practice of the Feast of Tabernacles, Leviticus 23: specifically v41-43 (as opposed to the Feast of Hotels which is currently practiced) is the instructions for how this flight to the place of safety is accomplished! To aid in your understanding consider Revelation 18:4 which perscribes a final exodus from out of the modern civilization and it's economic/religious systems (the great city/Babylon/Egypt, all referring to the same thing). This parallels the great exodus from enslavement in Egypt led by Moses and Aaron during which time, the PROPER practice of the Feast of TABERNACLES memorializes. God's people dwelt in tabernacles (not hotels) and relied upon God in the wilderness.
    Are you getting it yet???

  13. I’m a bit confused, help me out please. Will the third year of the Great Tribulation and the year long day of the Lord run concurrently? Somehow, I was under the impression that the day of the Lord wouldn’t start until after the great tribulation finished. Thank you for your biblical teachings!

  14. Complete and utter nonsense, coming from not carefully reading the Scriptures and especially by not looking at the Greek in Matthew 24. Matthew 24 is talking about the end of the AGE, not the end of the world. The Greek word is "aion," and aion NEVER means "world." Matthew chapters 23 – 25 are speaking about a specific event – the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, which was the end of the age. We see this time indicator in Matthew 24:3 where Jesus is asked about when the destruction of the Temple will take place, along with the end of the age and His return.

    One big problem for people like you (and me before I was enlightened by a scholar) is that we do not think as first century Jews did and we do not use their language. For instance, the "coming in the clouds" is a reference from the OT where Jehovah God was said to have come in the clouds in judgment. Heaven and earth is a reference to national Israel and the Temple in Jerusalem.

    Furthermore, Jesus said that these things would come upon "THIS GENERATION." and not some people 2,000 years later. (Matthew 23:36). Did you miss that? Matthew 24:34 is even clearer. Jesus says that this generation shall not pass away before all these things come to pass. Why bother warning people of something that is coming 2,000 years later.

    It is sad that this nonsense, which was created in the 1800's by a Scottish lassie who apparently had too many pickle and ice cream sandwiches before she went to bed, keeps going on. It continues because people like you keep teaching error and leading people astray. What a mess!

  15. Matthew 24:15-21 is not talking about true Christians all over the world fleeing to a place of safety at all. It clearly is talking about those in "Judea" here: "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains". And Judea is what we call modern day Israel, because it is in their nation that the abomination is set up. The people in that nation flee to the mountains to escape the problems that are taking place due to the Beast occupying it and setting up the abomination.True Christians are persecuted and some are put to death according to Revelation, as they have all down through time. They are not raptured or taken to a place of safety. Jesus didn't escape persecution and death, neither did most of the apostles, and we're not better than they are.

  16. Looks like you forgot to mention the fact that Satan comes first (6th trump) and claims he is GOD and that he wants to be worshiped as such.
    But we will still be in the flesh.
    You will know when Yeshua arrives (He comes at the 7th trump ) because you will be in a spiritual body in the presence of GOD. That means everyone still alive is transfigured to a spiritual body. So are the dead.
    The old body is gone forever. Dirt to dirt.
    There is no rapture either.
    Confusion is the nature of his game.

  17. Verry scary indeed but this is what I learned via the Worldwide Church of God in 1987!
    Am very happy that you are bringing this Truth out so graphically!!
    May God bless you all!! ♡

  18. Many will come in my name like Herbert Armstrong who this church calls an apostle. This man was a false prophet and was not of God. Don't take my word for it read it in your own bible Deuteronomy 18!


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