
Returning Miniatures, Expensive Tyranids, Old World Prices + Combat Patrol Reveals – Four Releases


Let’s talk through four different warhammer releases…

Old World + Made to order announcments –

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0:00 Intro
1:07 Horrors of the Hive
3:11 Old World Launch Sets
6:44 Made to Order 40K
10:04 Combat Patrol Rules
13:00 Outro

world , Returning Miniatures, Expensive Tyranids, Old World Prices + Combat Patrol Reveals – Four Releases , #Returning #Miniatures #Expensive #Tyranids #World #Prices #Combat #Patrol #Reveals #Releases
, warhammer 40k,warhammer,40k,10th edition,10th,space marines,adeptus astartes,tactics,codex,tenth,strategy,tournament,competitive,review,gaming,games workshop,warhammer 40000,tactica,Auspex,ultramarines

42 pemikiran pada “Returning Miniatures, Expensive Tyranids, Old World Prices + Combat Patrol Reveals – Four Releases”

  1. Why are suppressors in the combat patrol, they’re only available in the box set that’s no longer available and don’t have a solo box.

  2. I always liked rules via White Dwarf. It's a cool magazine I never buy… so it always gave me a reason to.

  3. I was certain I was gonna pick up tomb kings but that price may be a little too spicy for me. Hard to justify $300 usd when we don’t know if the game will fly

  4. lol you think they will make new chaos models
    thats a good joke
    no, more loyalist marines
    neverending swarms of more loyalist marines
    they will outnumber the guard in any competition, their swarms will cover the land and their tyranid competition
    only then will gw be able to do lore relevant competitions and get the results they want

  5. why would you even want to spend so much money on the tyranids psychic wet fart and the ugly nonsensical carnifex
    so sad the old carni model is gone, yea it needed refining with new mold tech, but not like this

  6. God forbid you give us new models and rules instead of releasing models that are well over 15 years old eh GW?
    Nah you'd rather just release a new flavour of SM Drednought, Captain or Lieutenant every couple of months.
    Who is running that bloody company?

  7. Oh sweet! I missed my shot at the Iron Warriors Warsmith originally, so it'll be great to nab him soon! I've been trying to set up a small collection of models to represent each of the nine traitor astartes legions, and I think he'll be the perfect model for an Iron Warriors representative

  8. How many times are they going to try sell us the same vangaurd marines? Did the factory run overnight or something and produce too many ?

  9. I would rather they had swapped the librarian for the lieutenant. The reason being that the box set is the only way to get that lieutenant.

  10. I’m just going to kitbash a destroyer lord with bits I have. It would be nice to have the Necron lord with warsyche but if it’s going to be finecast resin then I’ll pass.

  11. The tomb king box is basically two of the old battalion box sets, which adjusting for inflation would be £190 in todays money. Its surprisingly a very good deal.

  12. Envious of all these “lots of leviathan boxes” comments from Europe. It sold out almost instantly here in Japan, totally gone even from GW within a week. Didn’t buy it because I was laid off literally the day before preorder, by the time I got another job it was twice the price with resellers… 😔

  13. Things that make GW look dumb. Take them away then realize they want to sell the remaining so they bring them back and then soon after 6 months or less they create a new model for it. Inside info

  14. I think it is cool that they are adding new combat patrols for that game mode. Sucks that they won't be releasing that box set again or at least release the suppressors separately.

  15. I was a Brettonian player way back in the 00s. I have to say the new knights on foot look fantastic even if it seems somewhat sacrilegious.
    For those who don't know, only the peasants are sufficiently lowly to march to war on foot or use missile weapons of any kind. While the older models do look a little dated I actually really liked the old peasant models, particularly the men-at-arms. If nothing else the correct tone of shiny knights and drab peasantry is still there. The Brets have definitely aged better than the Tomb Kings in my opinion, though if memory serves, the Tomb King models are actually quite a bit older.

  16. Dusted off my Dwarfs. I have enough to keep me busy for a while, hopefully we don’t have to wait too long for faction boxes.

  17. Of course they are going to be sold together, the fex, and the neurotyrant share the same Leviathan sprue. The price is something that boggles the mind, especially in Japan, and Australia/NZ where we get hit with a +30% because far away.

  18. So how do the made to orders work? Are they produced like they were previously or are they plastic? Mainly asking about Huron. Also the loyalist version, what is the deal with him?

  19. The Old World prices are ridiculous. I hope they don't get a good response. At some point GW needs to be slapped down for their overpricing.

  20. I got a second sealed leviathan box for 140 us $… making me feel really good about that purchase with those prices on the bugs

  21. Beo ive been saying for f#%^!% AGES the necrosphink for a muti vortex beast. I was so mad as i got the idea…. they stopped selling anything tomb king.

  22. 1998 miniatures
    2024 pricing 👌🏻
    Thanks gw. I'll get recasts of old minis and print 6th ed rulebook.
    I doubt I'll spend over a 100 bucks.


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