
RARE GUN Lighter Restoration – World War II Trench Build


Very rare gun lighter restoration from World War 2. This time I do a full repair and restore a special old war relic that was built of brass and old copper cartridges by a soldier during WW II.

This is a spectacular looking and very special war relic from the World War 2. It’s found in the area where the Battle of Bulge took place in 1944-1945. I have bought the Gun Lighter from a family who lives near Bastogne. I got this old lighter and many other cool relics with me home including a medicine bag, a helmet and some other lighters and the famous whiskey hip flask that I already have restored – see the video here:

This relic was found in the late 60’s early 70’s and brought to a barn where it has been contained together with a lot of other WW2 metal garbage, uniforms, helmets, and other rusted materials. I was lucky to be able to buy a whole lot of relics from this family and therefore have more videos about this in the future.

The lighter is made of brass and old copper cartridges dated 1939. I am not sure who used this ammunition during WW2, but the cartridges had these numbers stamped in: P315 Iva1 – 7 -39. In my opinion it could be German Mauser ammunition – but I’m not 100% sure. So if you have any info about this, please leave a comment below.

I started by doing a quick cleaning of the lighter to get an overview of the restoration. Then I removed the flint wheel and the wick holder and both was in good restorable condition which was fantastic after all these years. I continued by detaching all the parts which was soldered on the lighter frame: the trigger, the trigger guard and finally the copper cartridges.

I cleaned all the small parts in my vibrating tumbler using aluminum oxide as my media. And I cleaned the gun frame and the copper cartridges in my sandblaster using very fine glass beads together with low air pressure. Just to preserve as much as possible.

All the parts were in fantastic condition of course there were a lot of scratches, dents, and tiny cracks on the lighter parts after all these years. After the sandblasting I gave the parts a very gentle hand grinding with some high grit sandpaper. I also polished all the parts but I managed to get a good compromise between looking good and still preserve some of the wear and tear on the lighter.

I soldered it all together and added lighter fluid cotton, a new wick, flint and flint spring to the project. And finished it all by making a new wick lid on my lathe.

I really think this restoration video turned out to be very good. Please subscribe if you want to see more cool upcoming projects 🙂 And DON’T FORGET TO SEE my F-4 PHANTOM II Aircraft Restoration –

Thanks for watching my channel. See you soon.
Best wishes and stay safe ❤ Martin.

world , RARE GUN Lighter Restoration – World War II Trench Build , #RARE #GUN #Lighter #Restoration #World #War #Trench #Build
, Restoration,restoration video,lighter restoration,lighter,rare lighter,rare,gun lighter,trench build,lighter repair,ww2,world war 2,awesome restorations,Restauration,Restauración,Реставрация,Restauro,मरम्मत,استعادة,relic,war relic

45 pemikiran pada “RARE GUN Lighter Restoration – World War II Trench Build”

  1. I fricken love your channel, it's actually calming for me, watching the restoration of some pretty cool stuff 🌴🌴

  2. Здорово, но обращайте пожалуйста внимание на ребра при полировке плоскостей, и на рукояти была, кажется, кожа

  3. Здравствуй, дорогой. По прежнему не устаю восхищаться твоим мастерством, волшебными,умелыми руками,которыми ты творишь магию возрождения. Как всегда всё по высшему классу,ты на высоте,мой друг. Я сам сейчас в госпитале, второй раз ранен. Под Донецком. Рад был увидеть тебя. Всех благ,и новых находок,и новых решений!!!

  4. Ну в керосин на сутки надо начинать! А тут большой риск сломать!!! Вы сделали шедевр из старины! Но при этом убили эту старину. Любители пескоструя и наждачной бумаги, не возвращают стиль. Проще сделать копию и отшлифовать до блеска, было бы красивее, но так же не было бы старины. Красиво, но испорчено, не обижайтесь, это мое мнение, вы молодец, но это не шедевр! В любом случае вам лайк от меня за видео!

  5. Have you seen the machine guns,etc frozen in time in the trees of the Ardennes? Makes you wonder..could they work again? Dude, all of this makes me think of the Gun Shop back at RAF Alconbury…we worked on the GAU -8A Avenger Cannon…during Desert Shield we were tasked taking down old M-16s…cool stuff here!

  6. "Dude"..that finished a far cry..from that debilitative brought it from.."magnificent"!!

  7. I’m loving this playlist! I hopped in on the eighth video, and I’ve already seen some of the other ones, but your work is amazing.


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