
QATAR WORLD CUP DIARY: Media negativity, beach day positivity


A friendly vibe continues to take hold in the streets of Doha and on the beach of Katara village.

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, Qatar,World Cup,England fans,Davo’s Diary

32 pemikiran pada “QATAR WORLD CUP DIARY: Media negativity, beach day positivity”

  1. Me and my wife are from Bury in Manchester and we have lived in Qatar since 2010. Thank you for posting such an honest account of your stay so far. We and all UK ex pats have noticed over the last few weeks the negativity of UK news media and we are sick and tired of it. You and a few other YouTubers and bloggers are spreading the truth of how it is. If you need to go somewhere good for an evening beer, I suggest the Irish Bar in the Sheraton hotel. You will need to wear jeans as shorts not allowed and need your passport to get in. Also if you want a good mixed grill meal, Turkey Central is a famous fast food eat in restaurant. It’s not the cleanest of places but you must try it. If you need any advise of help, please feel free to ask me. Regards Robert and Jean Cassidy from Manchester, Qatar residents since 2010.

  2. Just want to thank you so much for this video as our family miss Qatar a lot. We've been lived there for 13 years. My dad retired right before World Cup but more than that we miss everything about Qatar.

    How they always treat women first and make sure we safe when we're going out. The art, the education, the people, the food. Hope someday I can visit Qatar again by Allah's will. Once again thank you so much.

  3. I lived in Yemen around 2000-2003 and seen plenty of skin on the beaches there especially in the Gold Mohr Beach. Theres a lot of spring saunas there where you'll see a lot of people there in their boxers so theres really no issue of showing skin. Modesty is just a preferred style there. A lot of western women mainly in the medical field dressed very western with no issues so when I see the media portraying the middle east as some crazy medieval backwards land it makes me chuckle. So if you can walk around in Yemen in shorts and a tank top, I'm pretty sure you can do that in other Arab countries too.

  4. Thank you, Davo for speaking the truth people should realise that the media especially the west has an agenda against Islam and Muslims. They didn't want people to see how Muslims and especially in this case Qatar. We Are also humans just like every other religion culture race colour. If you don't still realise that 9/11 was a inside job then I really do have pity for you

  5. Hello from Morocco! I'm binge watching your videos^^ very entertaining and inspiring content. Best of luck man ❤️

  6. A question !!!!!!
    Why, when a European or Western team wins, only its countrymen celebrate? But when Morocco reached the semi-finals of the World Cup, the Arab and Africains peoples celebrated in all their streets, without exception.
    Answer: The religion of solidarity (Islam).
    This is God's religion
    This is everyone's religion
    Join us…. 😊

  7. Islam is rahmatan lil alamin.
    Means to understand the Qur'an and Hadith for the good of all human beings, whatever your religion or race may be, nature and environment. Islam teaches compassion on all beings; people, animals, plants, water, soil, fire, air and so on.

  8. The godless West wants their women; Mothers, Daughters, Wives, Aunties, Nieces, to parade around in their underwares…..they call it freedom and empowerment. Good luck to the West.

  9. 1 liter gasoline = 1 Qatari real
    1 Qatari real = 0.22 Poundsterling
    1 liter gasoline = 0.22 Poundsterling

    Just burn your electric car! LMAOOOOO 🤣🤣

  10. Thank you for your videos with your own experience mate in Qatar 🇶🇦 , I’m an Arab i live in the Uk i boycott BBC long time ago they Never said the truth specially of what happening in Palestine 🇵🇸

  11. Meaning: "O people, verily We created you from a male and a female and made you nations and tribes so that you may know each other. Indeed, the most noble among you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most piety among you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Knowing." (Qur'an, Al Hujurat 13)


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