
‘Putin is trolling the entire world’ with Navalny’s death: Bill Browder | DW News


Bill Browder, the American-born British co-founder of Hermitage Capital Management and an adamant critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, spoke to DW at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) regarding the death of Alexei Navalny.
The death of the Russian opposition leader has been confirmed by Navalny’s allies, but they say the Russian government is refusing to hand over his body.
Browder noted that Russian officials are no longer welcome at the MSC and said that Navalny’s death is a “way for Putin to effectively troll the entire world.”


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32 pemikiran pada “‘Putin is trolling the entire world’ with Navalny’s death: Bill Browder | DW News”

  1. The only way Putin is going to be removed from his post is pretty much the way Gorbachev was deposed; while going on a vacation! A few of his closest 'trustees' must come together and agree on his successor. This must include ALL the armed forces in Russia.
    I think the US and UK alphabet agencies may already working on this!

  2. Putin . has no one realised yet . that Putin's own weakness will be the same thing that brings his dictatorship to his final end . . Putin's real weakness . . he cannot handle even the thought of betrayal . . time for all Russian population and inner circle of HIERACHY and military to release Putin's own weaknesses against the one himself . . he himself Putin has the biggest weakness of all . he , , depends mortally , , on others around himself for his own life , he needs to be looked after like a child , by his personal nannies . everyday . day after day being molly coddled by his own people . his main weakness is within himself . .

  3. Bill Prowder was found to be a crook skimming profits from Russian Titanium company, Avisma, and illicit purchases of Gazprom shares for himself and the Ziff Brothers, that's why Putin would like to have a word with him. Ukraine will fall without a doubt especially as all the new recruits have no experience in fighting, then Zelensky will take a few months off and sail his newly acquired £50 million pound Yacht round to the various mansions gifted by us here in the UK whilst his wife Olena can continue on her spending sprees.

  4. Does DW have any evidence to prove those claims DW is making? Flithy old West is jumping on some false news instead of focusing on its own sinking economy.

  5. i am hardly a fan of browder, however, he calls putin what he is. to the shame of the rest of the western leaders show outright fear of pootin in their interviews. the rest of the world has nothing but admiration for pootin. MBS can't understand why he was criticized for what he did to a journalist, while pootin is pushing people out of every open window in russia.

  6. Putin is willing to destroy all, who are against his kind of rule. He wants stay as mighty despot and don’t stick to agreements.
    Last agreement was, Ukraine give all atomicbombs to Rus and Rus don’t attack Ukraine.
    These Rus dictators leaders are very dangerous men for world. nobody can make an agreement to them.

    What must they offer to free oppositionits?

  7. Ok Zelensky did a very similar thing to Gonzalo Lira, a US citizen who died in Ukranian jail. It was just presented differently.

  8. Don't say Putin is NOT willing to negotiate! Of course Putin is open to negotiation, as long as everyone agrees to Putin's terms…

  9. This is becoming the final opportunity for Russian people to become a truly free people. If they don't rise up now, they will be in a worse state of control than DPRK within the next few years. It will be worse for them than USSR controls. They will have bowed and conceded to criminal leadership

  10. Bill Browder what a bold statement stay safe Sir this world is evil for righteous. Alexei Navalny may your soul rest in peace Sir.

  11. And I suppose Putin poisoned him as well… all this is Garbage.. Navalny was poisoned on a plane heading to Russia… the poison used is produced in the west.. Navalny was a racist and criminal who made headlines because America chooses to promote him as a good guy to bring division in Russia.. I would be more concerned with Zelenskyy calling off next month’s elections and having most of his opposition thrown in prison… that should be the real news about an undemocratic and corrupt Ukraine…

  12. К сведению комментаторов. "Критик режима Путина" Брайдер явяется мошенником и финансовым аферистом, который с помощью своего бухгалтера Магнитского организовал в России незаконную схему воровства денег из бюджета.


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