
Prince Harry in a ‘world of trouble’


GB News host Patrick Christys says Prince Harry is in a “world of trouble” over claims the Duke of Sussex lied about his past drug use on his visa application.

Mr Christys’ remarks come as Donald Trump once again hints during an interview with GB News host Nigel Farage that if he is re-elected as president Prince Harry may face deportation from the US.

“He’s potentially in a world of trouble actually, isn’t he really, because if he has lied about his drug use on his visa form then frankly he will have to be treated like everybody else,” Mr Christys told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“I would quite like to see these visa forms.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out he filled it out in crayon and Meghan stuck it on the fridge for a couple of weeks before they submitted it.”

world , Prince Harry in a ‘world of trouble’ , #Prince #Harry #world #trouble
, 6349306619112,andrewbolt,fb,msn,opinion,yt

24 pemikiran pada “Prince Harry in a ‘world of trouble’”

  1. Harry should go back to the place he loves. Africa ! Oh no, he can't go back there also. Harry is as welcomed as an ice cube in the middle of the North Pole !

  2. In the meantime our real President has more important issues to deal with. Why did tRump accept his application to begin with?

  3. No, he isn't, because there will be zero consequences for him. This 'extended period of 2 weeks' given to produce the visa documents etc is to doctor these records!

  4. There are only three scenarios of what happened, either he lied on his visa application forms, in which case he should be held accountable and suffer whatever punishment that incurs, or he told the truth on his visa application, in which case the DoJ have some very serious questions to answer, or he lied in his book, in which case anyone who bought it should be allowed a full refund because they were sold a book of fiction as a 'true' autobiography.

  5. Gosh! Every lowlife on the planet that can read, or hear about Harry must feel a little better about themselves. 😂

  6. You people are rediculus. Why would the US government investigate Harry in this way. They'd have to comb through every immigrants proclamations in books/social media etc to see if they lied also. What a waste of tax payer dollars. Especially when people are just crossing the border every day. Going after Harry is no different than the Dems coming after Trump

  7. Couldn’t we just send them both to Africa! Maybe spending some time there will give them some insentive to consider the plight of the Baka People!?!

  8. Nothing about the shortcomings of PRIVATE healthcare, as opposed to GB news constantly running down the NHS. None of the Windsors have ever used the NHS so hell mend them!

  9. Is it true that he never even had a visa? He apparently flew in from Canada as a visitor and just overstayed his welcome.

  10. Send him packing back to his gammy fammy in Britain, and may he take Joe and Bozo with him.. Oh wait! Obama and his bros are already down on Downing Street waiting for his counsel

  11. Why won't people leave Princess of Wales alone. Her health issues are private! It is getting to be ridiculous!

  12. He won't be in any trouble because the people that allowed him in with no question are the same people that are in power and will protect him, their agenda and his agenda are the same, to destroy the RF, so the globalist elites that look after him and his wife because they are useful right now will see to it that absolutely nothing happens to him

  13. The thing is with Harry and his Visa is going to be a mess. He lied or got special treatment. Who ever gave him that OK to get in, makes the country's security look pathetic and bias. So no one is going to own up. That is why the record of how he entered America is suspicious. Why hide something if there is nothing to hide ?


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