
Possible Boltcaster PvP BUFF?! Concerning Equip Load Nerf! ⚔️New World Update 4.0.2


New World Update 4.0.2 comes with quite a few concerning changes. For example, Boltcaster and Split gems possibly got buffed for PvP unless a fix was not mentioned in the patch notes. The stamina cost increase to heavy dodge this patch will also have a questionable impact on the meta.


00:00 – Event & Skins
00:56 – Stamina cost change (Heavy)
05:28 – Bow & Musket Buff (with no fix?!)
06:51 – Pestilence & Koya’s Knee Guards
08:00 – Void Blade buff
09:01 – Fire Staff nerfs
09:50 – Flail buff
10:28 – World Experience (Ori nodes)
10:54 – Notable fixes

Sources: New World Database:

#NewWorld #Update #Boltcaster

DISCORD (New World):

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

world , Possible Boltcaster PvP BUFF?! Concerning Equip Load Nerf! ⚔️New World Update 4.0.2 , #Boltcaster #PvP #BUFF #Equip #Load #Nerf #World #Update #4.0.2
, new world,new world mmo,update,patch,4.0.2

33 pemikiran pada “Possible Boltcaster PvP BUFF?! Concerning Equip Load Nerf! ⚔️New World Update 4.0.2”

  1. Why is there no information anywhere about a strong fix for Attuned Leather Pants. They rendered the artifact useless. All 3 sets that I crafted can simply be thrown away

  2. I know they said they need to add coding for better valance changes and I hope they're looking at equip load and crit dmg by weapon separation

  3. In OPR meta is still ranged. Bow and FS, BB rule the scene. Flamethrower nerf is rediculous. AGS has no clue what they do, at best trial and error.

  4. why do they even feel the need to buff bow.. when its very strong already, plus there are already issues with these PVP/PVE balance changes not working right.. on elemental range damage.. like boltcaster. so they now are buffing an already broken weapon again!? even tho they know this method isnt working as intended?

  5. Heavy needed nerfs. There should be no reason why someone in heavy armor should be able to outrun someone running light and then face tank entire raid groups for 10 minutes without dying.

  6. This does overall balance eq load people got off medium and moved to heavy because since every load now only get 3 dodges why stay medium when you get a huge dmg mitigation and still do decent dmg in heavy with the same amount of dodges…heavy was in a very strong spot have the same amount of dodge of light players and medium players with no big dmg drop…tbh tho heavy is still viable in certain builds but now it just not mandatory set to run.

  7. Emp fireball wasn’t broken, didn’t need a nerf. If the usage is high maybe they should’ve buffed other perks.

  8. No one will go to light.. who’s not ranged …ur wrong ppl moved to heavy not because of dodge but because the damage vs mitigation is way better..

  9. I think the developers have no idea what they are doing! The heavy armor was trashed, the medium armor was already screwed up. Now they expect that every heavy melee will switch to light armor so that the fire staff or the bow have 3 shots at full HP?! Run out of stamina and it's over. Light melee doesn't get there. Area damage eats up half of your HP before you even hit. Fck light armor! First nerf bow and fire staff damage! 62% to 58%??? WTF? They are completely stupid. The shirking heal nerf was not 5s to 5.35s, right?! It's a joke…

  10. If they add more melee damage to light and more damage to medium and specifically more ranged damage to medium it could balance out.

    For example:

    Light equip load: 20% base damage + 10-20% Melee Damage

    Medium Equip Load: 15-20% base damage + 10-15% Ranged Damage.

    Heavy Equip load: remains the same. No damage bonus. Could add a debilitate effects duration/potency increase though. To make them more about debuffing. Worth considering pulling back on the 55 stam change too.

    The thought process behind buffing light melee is to make it playable, but buffing medium ranged also buffs light melee’s counter, which is largely the BB, but it also effects other things like IG, VG, FS, Bow and Musket to give them a bit more options.

    Assuming they fix the PvP damage balance bug, this would mean light melee becomes a nice glass cannon with counter play to it. And bows and muskets get a new playstyle where they can sacrifice their mobility and go medium instead of Having to go Light.

    I think it will make for a better dynamic between the armor weights this way.

  11. Thought experiments have me thinking that tank tank HAs, it won't matter much if at all. It is more that dps HA bruisers, ones with more dps oriented perks on gear rather than damage mitigating ones, may have to switch up. I have run both and because of ability timers and other timers, waiting a handful more seconds to be able to dodge combined with how much more damage you take when in a dps ha bruiser build, it will mean death after changes in a chunk of situations. So I would think those players would switch, either to more tanky or… to LA. I would not use MA over LA, rather be a LA melee than MA melee in all situations (as you have argued here and previously). I also find this discouraging because HA felt a lot more enjoyable with the new dodge and now they are taking away rather than buffing MA. Don't we have enough ranged in PvP? Despite HA being a little more enjoyable you still have it underrepresented in OPR and the open world. And the reason it gets used so much in WAR is because heals+HA is what is OP. You always want damage mitigation over damage avoidance when you have consistent good healing, and the exact opposite in OPR because good healing is the outlier, not the rule. Open world is a mix but a mix still favors avoidance, especially with shirking heals in the game.

  12. light having 3 dodges is not an issue because of light armor. now heavy is trading off stamina for armor which is understandable

  13. Light is stronger? Did u play it this or last season? Light is paper compared to medium. Most ppl run featherweight to compensate for that.

  14. if Elemental Aversion is not mitigating converted elemental ranged damage, does that mean that Element Harnessing (armor perk) and the elemental damage increase (jewelry oerk) also Do Not increase ranged converted elemental damage?

  15. Well just for reference i was running boltcaster today(full lightning harness and ring 697gs) after the patch and i think my highest heavy was 6.8k is that a lot for bow? Idk i just been recently playing bow but i was getting mote kills and damage in heavy serenity build and any firestaff build also much easier to play them than bow but I'm still new at bow so what do i know just sharing my experience.

  16. It's almost like people in a ton of metal armor should be tanking damage instead of bunny hopping away from it.
    Then players in medium can focus on being more mobile and DPS, and role specialization.. whats that?

  17. Please stop mentioning "light meta", there is simply no such thingy. Maybe applies to range players, but as all time light melee myself, this is almost disrespectful. What does it really mean when ppl say it's meta (1) kill combo that one shots ppl and when average player can pull off that's meta (2) full heavy armor while doing insane & consistent dmg, tanking while killing that's meta (FS flamethrower).

    As light player, you can't just face tank the enemies while doing consistent damage, this is where the timing, burst combo and escape skill with stam management comes into play. Light is just light. At the end of the day, it should be just the preference of different play style by different players. The word of meta shouldn't even exist

  18. Step 1) Go light
    2) Forget that block and not running in a straight line exists
    3) Complain about muskets

  19. Heavy only two dodges if you are a spamming newb. Wait a fraction of a second for a couple point stam regen. No real reason to chain dodges in heavy. That is the effect of the change imo.

  20. Heavy changes hardly affect any SnS/Spear heavies, as the spear cost after doing damage is -20% so 44.
    Ultimately there needs to be more to differentiate the equip loads – the Flail does this through utilizing a shield, and having certain skilltree loadouts benefitting from different equip loads. I don't think it's particularly balanced – it still favours Heavy massively. But it's a start, if they took a similar approach with all melee weapons, we could see Medium return as a viable option. I think the triple dodge is valuable enough in certain instances that players will switch – likely Bruisers, but any play using Spear in Heavy will continue to do so and hardly notice a change.

    It's also pretty much confirmed that the Bow/Musket are both buffed in PvP. The elemental split has not been fixed, as confirmed on Discord.

    Koya's is marginally better than Featherweight in Light – like only just. Mecrow mentions it in a video, it's definitely not enough to warrant switching to Koya's. It may be viable in Medium? Although I suspect Void Darkplate is better.

  21. The whole effective hp and armor mitigation… really needs a revamp. Not small changes, but heavy smacks with a warhammer type changes. Medium should have its own level of perks, light and heavy. And each should have its own levels of mitigation. Like lets say we have a bis 10k shooter. Heavy should take 3k, medium 5k, and light 8k . Damage should also have an effective scaling going on. Light should be high skill threshold, heavy on the punishment. Heavy should be a sustained style of game play, playing off CCs, positioning, and wearing down an opponent and their healing effectiveness. Medium should have a special place inbetween. Our chosen wieght class should be effecting the damage and healing effectiveness more than it does. Like for starters. Heavy should get bonuses to draining an opponents ability to self heal and stamina regen, and should be able to win something turned into a sustain war, were as light should have immense explotive bonuses, that plays off explosive burst damage …but has to contend with somehow quickly ending a fight or losing horribly in a sustained fight. But thats just not how things work at all. Damage difference between heavy and light is 15%. Its virtually the same damage, and the mitigation is all over the place. In rock paper scissors game.

  22. I think the problem isn't how many times heavy players can dodge. I believe the problem is the frigid dawn set. Not only do you have the highest armor rating possible running a heavy set but enchanted ward and ele aversion? Good luck doing any damage as ranged.


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