
POOR HAMMER : How to Conquer the Old World on a Budget!


Warhammer doesn’t require deep pockets to play. In this video I’ll show you ways to play the hobby for pennies and ignore the eye watering prices that drive the uninformed away at first glance.

world , POOR HAMMER : How to Conquer the Old World on a Budget! , #POOR #HAMMER #Conquer #World #Budget
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31 pemikiran pada “POOR HAMMER : How to Conquer the Old World on a Budget!”

  1. My friend did the paper square method, but I got into it by just buying models and going from there, I quickly learned that I liked hobbling more than playing, but both are incredibly fun for me.

  2. Spoiler: You can pretty much get an entire Warhammer army from companies like Mantic for the cost of 1-2 birthday gifts instead of the 12 needed from GW.

  3. I'm gonna throw this out there: If you got like $20 bucks and an okay computer, you can buy TableTop simulator and play ANY warhammer game or war game you want. And if you find out you don't like it, nbd. Return TTS or just play board games online with your friends.

  4. Shame this video is necessary, games workshop pricing has always been too off-putting for me to ever even try it – seems it always will be

  5. How the hobby actually works is: u get some figures, u play, time passes, u wana try other armies, ur dwarfs start to disquise as elfs, than, you peak and play with paper only.

  6. So this video convinced me and a friend to try it out! Tho any place or how do we get like the rulebooks to understand how and what to do?

  7. This topic actually lead me to Conquest by Parabellum. The game is significantly cheaper, looks much better, and has more streamlined rules. All of the rules are free online and they have a free army builder which makes a custom/proxy play very easy.

    Really like your recommendation for focusing on the bases idea. I know Battletech did something like this, having/encrouaging card board cutouts of the mechs/models.

  8. For me its a case of either/or. Either a full army of proxies or a full army of official kits are fine. But I draw the line at someone going halfway on both.

  9. with the whole "offical tournaments thing" i have just like with another old hobby of mine. That being magic: the gathering which i have played on and off for over 25 years. I had fun playing it in my local youth club with friends but never, as in never have i attended any tournaments. I like any game i have played, it has been with another friend and we just did your own thing.
    If it can save me alot bucks, so i as a currently unemployed middle aged male have more money for my daliy expenses then that all good.

    Tournaments i feel just make for good youtube videos and showing off the hobby for others.

    also: i painted warhammer as a teenager but took a break from it later on. Then when youtube and social media became a thing and people started making videos on it, i wanted to get back at it. But i honestly had like a big fear that i will not make it look "as good" as the cool youtubers ie Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy for instance. It just makes the whole thing look "so easy" like anyone can just speed paint in 5 min and make it look like the picasso of warhammer figures 😀

    so another thing we can normalize is to not compare yourself to others if you want to just start out to paint and get into the hobby again. I did go to my local games workshop store and talk with one of the staff about this. And i think his advice was solid: compare yourself to yourself. Remember some youtubers live off painting – no one starts at that point. Let your first figurine be ugly! like let be horrible! then be a little better with it for the next one. And the next one – and maybe the 100th figure would be alot better.
    i had a starter paint set with army painter with minsk and boo from Baldurs gate 1,2 and 3. – i didnt touch it for like half a year at least. But the mind set of let it be ugly at first made me actually start painting! i was like: lets fucking do this! and you know what? i am acctually glad for the way it turned out!
    i used no primer, no wash or anything fancy. Just 4-5 colors that was in the box.

    lets normalize just starting out and just going with what you creativity feel like.

  10. I'd often fall into the habit of buying the models and rules at the same time which is really silly as you haven't read the rules or made an army list yet. I have more AoS Soulblight Gravelords than I can actually run and have returned a few unopened boxes.

  11. My current problem is also related to the bases. I started with warhammer with my Lizardmen, even before I did 40k. Now I have units from back then, like the Kroq-Gar in plastic and so on. I would really like to test Old World but my models now all sit on bases for Age of Sigmar, which are much larger than the Old World bases. So giving them different bases just to test it and maybe dont like it, hm. But playing with larger bases could also mean a problem.

    Plus, the new Saurus Warriors look amazing, but they probably wont fit on the square bases.

    Yet no other army than my Lizardmen would go into Old World. Because thats how I started this whole hobby and I want a bit of that back. Feeling young again with my mid thirties…

  12. PancreasNoWork does a pretty good job of going over the pros and cons of individual armies from the different Warhammer settings with his Do or Don't videos, go watch his content for additional details.

  13. Even you have lots of money and you walk into Games Workshop store, you cannot find any army except 2 currently released: Bretonnia and Tomb Kings. And even those 2 there are not every model you will need. So you have to proxy (= using other objects instead of models, like in this clip) anyway.

  14. I like the idea that you could technically cut apart some sprues, Glue them into janky necrons and they would be tournament ready because it is GW plastic after all..

  15. The actual solution is to not bother. Vote with your wallet. If they want your money, they lower their prices.

  16. I entire concept that you could proxy Warhammer never once occurred to me. As an avid MTG fan I am baffled I hadn't thought of it.

  17. I remember as a high schooler playing a big 40k battle that was supposed to be strictly wysiwyg but I had an elder falcon with a sticky note on it that said "fire prism" and when the shop owner was checking armies he just laughed and said "well that's clearly a fire prism" and moved on.

    That is my strongest memory of playing 40k.

  18. 3d print better looking models at significantly cheaper prices. GW needs to go under. Their product isn’t worth anything anymore. Shitty company and quickly becoming a shitty game design. Their models are still decent but not the best end all be all. The fact they haven’t really updated old world stuff to new standards and just retooled older versions to sell at a higher price. Yeah no. Boo.

  19. cough couch metal sculptors friends who make the minis at a third of the price and are basically unrecognisable to any not serious tournament… COUGH!


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