
People globally now view Australia as one of the world’s ‘anti-Semitism capitals’


Journalist Julie Szego says people globally are starting to view Australia as one of the world’s “anti-Semitism capitals”.

Ms Szego joined Sky News host Rita Panahi to discuss the growing anti-Semitism in Australia after she was doxxed by anti-Israeli activists.

“I mean, that would have been unthinkable a few years ago,” she said.

“I think, in a way, we were in a bit of a state of denial for a long time here.

“Certainly, the Jewish community here always thought of ourselves as very lucky that we didn’t have some of the extreme problems that we’re seeing in some places in Europe that have, I guess, larger and radicalised Muslim minorities.”

world , People globally now view Australia as one of the world’s ‘anti-Semitism capitals’ , #People #globally #view #Australia #worlds #antiSemitism #capitals
, 6346722928112,fb,msn,opinion,ritapanahi,yt

24 pemikiran pada “People globally now view Australia as one of the world’s ‘anti-Semitism capitals’”

  1. the 'inner north of Melbourne'??? you mean where the Greens stronghold is, thanks to many yuppies and uni students being there.

  2. I can assure you it will worsen to a point where you will want to live in the United Snakes of America

  3. Aw they get racist slur aw i feel so bad must be sooo terrible how about the poor Palestinians who mum and dad are dead and Rita wished she was Australian she cant be English but she can be Aboriginal she looks aboriginal but she indian lol 😂

  4. Occupied Palestine is nothing to be proud of.They should live in England or Ukraine. Netanyahu has a son in Florida hiding from military service.

  5. We all know these attacks on the Jewish people in Australia are only occurring because of this antisemitic govt of Albanese. We have police forces in Aust at the state and Federal level who's bosses are so politicised that these institutions behave more like Gestapo.!! It's very obvious that our police can't be trusted to uphold any Aust laws.!!🤬 When the public can no longer trust the police!! The public must take these institutions back from Nazis even if that means violence, after all that's what Albo wants!!! 🤬💩

  6. This is cap lol they only say this because of one action llol the doxing problem qe hardly see Jews they hide in eastern suburbs and the city lol 😂 they are acting victim's

  7. If this was happening to Muslims on this scale the government would have cracked down on this long ago. I can only assume the federal labour government is anti-sematic or passive due to political expediency.

  8. No it's called mass unintelligence and unfortunately it's been taught in schools. Yay one for the woke teachers!!!!!

  9. Australia an international pariah thanks to the anti semitic Albo and Wong. The undynamic duo still want to give tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to fund the terrorist UN. More secret Hamas tunnels under UN buildings, more weapons, more terrorist fighters.

  10. I am also shocked by the level of anti jewish baiting and hatred that has suddenly come
    to the surface in Victoria. Then we do have a very left-wing government and they seem
    to be pro Palestine and pay lip service to any compliants. Indeed it seems to be a Jew
    seems to be a dirty word.
    And I thought that this type of anti semitic baiting and harassement belonged to Nazi
    Germany. Well no apparently, it live and active in Melbourne.

  11. The Australian 🇦🇺 tax cattle paying over 14,000 pages of tax law, are the envy of every single government.

  12. Australia 2024 is like Germany 1930 for its Jewish population. From continuous pro Palestinian protests, to government indoctrination of school children in anti Semitism to active bias against Jews from various Australian police forces. I'm surprised that the gov hasn't yet mandated yellow stars of David and internment camps….


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