
Palestine’s UN ambassador holds back tears during appeal to world court


At the international court of justice hearing on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the UN, held back tears as he appealed to the judges to uphold international law in the Palestinian territories and help secure a two-state solution ‘in which the two-states live side by side in peace and security’.
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Mansour told the hearing: ‘The Palestinian people only demand respect for their rights, they ask for nothing more and they cannot accept nothing less.’ Israel disputes that the territories are formally occupied.

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#Gaza #Palestine #InternationalCourtofJustice

world , Palestine’s UN ambassador holds back tears during appeal to world court , #Palestines #ambassador #holds #tears #appeal #world #court
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22 pemikiran pada “Palestine’s UN ambassador holds back tears during appeal to world court”

  1. Ironic asking for a 2 state solution while wearing a keffiyeh, Arafat "walked away" from peace negotiations…

  2. Since when dying children is alright 🙁 palestinian or israeli, they are all children and with valuable lives

  3. They all reap what they sow each side has had long enough to get this sorted…so who cares alm crocodile 🐊 tears😢

  4. Palestine. sourire. bon. Courage. Merci. Amin 🇵🇸👑💪🏽🧳✍🏿👩🏻👁️👂🏼🎤🎓👩🏻j’en a ntt

  5. He is a abassader right?. For what country?? He is asking for rights and peace and rule of law. What a hypocrite. Palestine provoke this war and abducted hostage. Release the hostage if you want peace.

  6. The west has made a mockery out of human rights and values, who are they to uphold and grant rights while killing infants?


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