
Overwatch | How Fl0w3R’s Widowmaker baited Canada (Overwatch World Cup 2017 Grand Finals)


In this edition of Tactics, we break down how Team South Korea used Fl0w3R’s Widowmaker as bait to break Team Canada on Point B of Hanamura during the 2017 Overwatch World Cup Grand Finals.

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Editor: Alex Monaghan
Lead Writer/Producer/Voiceover: Joshua Lee (

world , Overwatch | How Fl0w3R’s Widowmaker baited Canada (Overwatch World Cup 2017 Grand Finals) , #Overwatch #Fl0w3Rs #Widowmaker #baited #Canada #Overwatch #World #Cup #Grand #Finals
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42 pemikiran pada “Overwatch | How Fl0w3R’s Widowmaker baited Canada (Overwatch World Cup 2017 Grand Finals)”

  1. So what you’re saying is that the Hanamura loss is… all XQC’s fault. Just like everything else (at least according to Blizzard)

  2. XQC could have just play safe, when he jumps and instead of aiming to land in front of the window and just forced flower out of position ImO…

  3. It’s all about crosshair placement!! misses line up shot hits ridiculous flick Not about crazy aim at all!!

  4. National pride?? I assure you the entire country could not
    Give less of a shit, except for the friends and family in the arena

  5. And i am sad that Tobi, Ryujehong and Zunba ar Seoul Dynasty Players now and Saebyeolbe and Mano NYXL Players… ich wish they all play in the same team… i dont know how i must cheer ;(


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