
“Outrageous”: Israel’s Netanyahu rejects genocide charge after World Court ruling


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that Israel was committed to international law after the World Court ordered it to take action to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza, but he reiterated that it had a right to defend itself.

“The charge of genocide levelled against Israel is not only false, it’s outrageous, and decent people everywhere should reject it,” he said.

Ruling on a case brought by South Africa, the court said Israel must take measures to improve the humanitarian situation for Palestinian civilians in the enclave but stopped short of calling for a ceasefire.

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, global news,israel,israel hamas,israel gaza,genocide gaza,netanyahu,israel netanyahu,world court,Gaza genocide,Israel,israel news

37 pemikiran pada ““Outrageous”: Israel’s Netanyahu rejects genocide charge after World Court ruling”

  1. Innocent until proven guilty??? Also came up to but short of demanding a cease fire.
    There was a cease fire on October 6th. The news is also not labeling Hamas as a terrorist organization….

  2. If the HAMAS kills innocent Civilians Jews,the Muslims say AllahuAkbar Freedom Fighters.But when Israel retaliates they will say Genocide

  3. Isreal needs to stop pulling the anti-simit card, if they are committing genocide (which they are) they need to own up to it. What they are doing right now is what was being done to them during WWII in Nazi Germany.

  4. Yes, Israel has the right to defend itself. But so do the Palestinians, and if Palestinians are essentially living in an apartheid state under Israel, then who are they defending themselves against. The Resistance has a right to defend the Palestinians.

  5. This is a sad to think how biased the united nations are they are obviously guilty themselves of anti semitism i have no faith in the united nations or the courts they are guilty and corrupt money talks Qatar own the united nations

  6. What a surprise 😀😀😀 netanyahu rejects charges of an international court 😂😂😂 when Israel respected a law

  7. If such a tragedy had happened in another country, then the issues of humanitarian assistance would not have arisen at all until the hostages are returned

  8. Israel have right to fight terrorism with no mercy. Israel asked put guns down and surrender and war finish right away, but Hamas refused and using civilians as a shield . So court should investigate Hamas actions as well . Why international court not say anything about Russian genocide and denacification in Ukraine, even Antonio Guterres greeting with Sergei Lavrov. This act can be formulated as UN support terrorism. World nowadays became absurd and cynical


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