‘Our planet is teetering on the edge of World War Three’: Donald Trump

Donald Trump says the world is “teetering on the edge of World War Three” at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

world , ‘Our planet is teetering on the edge of World War Three’: Donald Trump , #planet #teetering #edge #World #War #Donald #Trump
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28 pemikiran pada “‘Our planet is teetering on the edge of World War Three’: Donald Trump”

  1. This guy is so full of BS, its just astounding to see all that Cattle in the crowd watching without critical thinking and applauding. This guy has one single goal -> power. He is willing to sell his soul to the devil for becoming president again. And the crowd is just as amazed and inspired like the Germans in 1939…. The USA 🇺🇸 should bockle up for a bumpy and catastrophic ride!

  2. War world 4 , the 3 is a coronavirus, silent war, but it don’t have to be. Countries should do businesses, not politicked manipulation and robbery of tax payer’s money redirecting fonds to they pockets , using war spendings as a coverup. They had business models even before , and Ms Trump knows better then menu others that the business models are more clear and straightforward the politics . Then everybody may prosper , eat and make profits and progress , wars troth people back, and it is no win situation , and than they have to recover , and it is not fonds , people dieing for politicians and they bed politics they can’t comprehend, compromising it with bottles – bottles Sun Tzi once said , “-the the only war that truly won , is the war that has never started .”

  3. "We are close to WW3" he says as he forces Ukraine to surrender to Russia, thus starting WW3
    I used to like Trump, and then he said he wanted to leave NATO and Abandon Europe… thats not the America i love

  4. People that support Trump are also the same people that have either never heard or choose to ignore the disastrous outcomes of Project 2025 as well as Trump choosing an even more idiotic man as VP.

  5. Greetings from Australia. We also admire Trump and thank Almighty God's Providence saving him. However, how can America insure Trump's victory, in 2024 shall not be deprived of him as Alzheimer's Biden's rigged-election of 2020?
    Any thoughts?

  6. εαν ανοιξω εγω το στομα μου καημενε εσυ θα αφανιστης απο προσωπου γης εαν εχεις εστω και ενα γραμμαριο τσιπα πανω σου αλλα δεν εχεις ουτε ενα γραμμαριο γιαυτο δεν χαραμιζω το σαλιο μου

  7. ενας κλασικοτατος ξετσιπωτος σουπερψευτης σουπεραπατεωνας αγιογδυτης συμμοριτης μπολσεβικος σιωνιστης πιστος δουλος του δουλου αυτος εισαι και τιποτα αλλο!!! καθε χαρακτηρισμος χωρις ελαχιστο ιχνος υπερβολης!!! το δεντρο απο τους καρπους του το καταλαβαινουμε!!!

  8. ο κοσμος ειναι στα προθυρα του πολεμου και εσυ θα βαλεις τον κωλο σου μπροστα για να τον αποτρεψεις και να σωσεις την ανθρωποτητα απο τον χαμο ε? αντε γαμησου βρε αλητη εβραιοδουλε βρε αντε τραβα γαμησου αληταρα!!! βρε αντε τραβα γαμησου αλητη εβραιε μπολσεβικο εσυ δεν εισαι για σφαιρα αλλα για παλουκι αλητη

  9. It's great the vision he has , but I feel the horse has bolted. The Brics nations will see this vision fall short. But I carnt think of a better leader for the states to deal with the struggle ahead.


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