
Our Leaders Could Start World War Three


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Claudia De La Cruz explains her plans for foreign affairs if she was in office.

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46 pemikiran pada “Our Leaders Could Start World War Three”

  1. War is just a way to make money for american government.
    Without a war america has to go back to the old way. Steal from each other. Which is already happening in some states.

  2. Those us who are old have heard this exact same spiel for many decades. Only the young and incredibly naïve get all excited about nothing . I've known plenty of them over the years. These suckers are all too narcissistic to listen, and that's why they keep repeating the mistakes over and over. This young woman is so obtuse that she will never see the picture eclectically.

  3. They're angry because their post war corporate colonial order is crumbling & collapsing across the globe and they want war to reassert control over the global south economies treating everyone like slaves.

  4. Congress is corrupt…Zionist aipac etc ..they are there to benefit corruptly not representing the people .The people must change all these and take charge of there govt

  5. So excellently said!
    The people of the USA need to take back their country from the vested interests, the lobbyists, the supper PACs, that are subverting democracy and have done for decades.

  6. The problem is that less powerful nations that can't afford the military deterrent will get invaded, attacked or coerced by more powerful nations. Now, I understand the irony of this given the US invades countries, but you can be assured that in most cases, being invaded by the US is preferable to a country with an even worse human rights record.

  7. Remember the biggest threat to humanity is America and europe itself ( so called the peace makers 😂) and the raducal white Christian supremist in west europe

  8. Well look, I agree that the US play the world police, is using imperialist tactics to destabilize regions, is stealing from poorer countries, is supporting war crimes in Palestine etc. BUT an idea of a world, where USA is 90% weaker than now militarily, is a pretty specific picture and I, for one, have NO idea what would happen. Do you think that China would not take Taiwan? That Russia would not simply take Ukraine?´ The USA is an arrogant overly agressive superpower, that is currently supporting genocide, yes – but to completely remove their massive world-defining military influence from the picture? are you sure you know what would happen?

  9. What if no one joins? Or fights for the rights of coloniozers? What if the world declares war on europe? Do you facists think you could win?

  10. 🇬🇧 here in the UK I am afraid of the USA.

    I see them likely to start an unstoppable war, than face being global 2nd best.

    And my stupid Government will help because they cannot shake off their imperial power delusions.

    Stressful times ahead.

  11. I agree with you but youve exagerated your numbers by 20%. Budget is 840 billion, not a trillion and the bases are 800.
    Stick to the facts. The budget is $850

  12. The warmongers Amerikkkan regime always have money for endless war but no money for free education or free health care or housing the homeless ppl or helping working class family struggling to survive

  13. On face of it sounds okay but on a little more analysis very simplistic assessment of what is going on. She needs to stick to school board or maybe city council.

  14. call US Govt to stop funding Israel's warring & supplying Israel its weapons & diplomatic cover for Israel's lawlessness

  15. Oh ok, well there goes your freedom since you so blindly want China and Russia to take over the US

    I mean you do know we just spent the last 200 years pissing a whole lot of people off and they will come knocking on your doorstep if we can’t defend ourselves. And our military is our first line of defense, followed by civilian owned, ran, and controlled militias, and finally each and every gun owner. And if you still aren’t convinced may I remind you or inform you that the Military doesn’t actually have the highest budget in the US gov. That would be social security.

  16. She’s does have a point. But going after the military is the wrong answer. Especially for the security of not only our nation but the world as well. The problem is the greed that permeates Washington through lobbyists and special interests groups. Ours is the leading economy on the planet and has the resources to ensure housing, medical and food for everybody in this country. But greed keeps us from doing so.

  17. There is no security within this country if we can't defend ourselves from other countries who DO want to control the world. PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH its not rocket science

  18. The US is supporting genocide in Palestine. This administration is dangerous to the security of the US and the entire world.

  19. Matthew 16:24-25 (KJV) Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
    For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

  20. She said we need to cut 90% of the military budget then said we need to build a society where people feel safe. Lady has NO idea how the world works.


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