
O’Sullivan vs White R2 MATCH ENDING! | World Open 2024


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19 pemikiran pada “O’Sullivan vs White R2 MATCH ENDING! | World Open 2024”

  1. Hendry always crumbled against top opponents,not if your name was Jimmy.

    Hendry literally won 4 of his 7 world titles.against Jimmy,then Ebdon,and Nigel Bond!

    WOW, World class opponents NOT!

    Ronnie O'Sullivan is the GOAT 🐐

  2. Congratulations to Mark Selby🐐 for SAYING HE IS the second greatest after Ronnie O'Sullivan 🐐the GOAT. Its was trending on SM. Well said Mark 🏆👌

  3. Stephen Hendry snooker hero was Ronnie O'Sullivan. He mentioned it in an interview with SJ podcast. The real GOAT of snooker 🚀🐐

  4. 17-4 & 17-6 WSC SF 2004/8 pummeling by Ronnie broke PONNIE Hendry. Watch the two matches. its on YouTube! Sat there looking a sorry figure. No better sight to behold in snooker! He realised the King has arrived. The one and only GOAT RONNIE O"SULLIVAN 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐

  5. Princessyips aka Stephen Hendry and his fans boys need to get a grip and realize their man princesyips is yesterday's news, a spent force, a new Davis. We all know the greatest is the one the only Ronnie O'Sullivan🐐 closely followed Mark Selby 🐐

  6. The players today should count their luck they were not playing in the 50s. The world snooker championship in 1950 was best of 97 frames, with the quarters and semis best of 71 frames. Maybe there have been some standout players of the recent years, but never the GOAT. That is an impossible accolade. Was Steve Davis better than Joe Davis. Based on World Championships Joe Davis won
    15 consecutive. No one in recent times comes even close. We can never say with certainty who is the GOAT.

  7. As the chinese ronnie fans screach with delight…i plyed snooker in china in a local club and when people watch you play they lean on the table..its proper off putting

  8. Stephen Hendry won matches due to luck alone. Won all his major titles playing in a weaker era. The GOAT of flukes 🐐

  9. As you can see he's way ENGLISH sensitive for the internet. Way over the top. Literally runs hundreds of accounts to post about Ronnie O'Sullivan the GOAT🐐

  10. How is the pony great?

    Hendry declined from the early 2000s, but I think that is false.

    It's just that at the beginning of the 2000s, a new generation of extremely talented players emerged, not to mention the fact that Ronnie continued to progress enormously from the years 2002-2003 and after.

    It wasn't Hendry who declined, it was just the adversity that was too much for him.

    And let's face it, in the years of Hendry's reign, there was no great adversity facing him. If there were today's players back in Hendry's heyday, he would have won far fewer titles.Hendry is no Ronnie a far better player and hendry will be the first to say it! The UNDISPUTED GOAT Ronnie O'Sullivan


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