
OpenAI shocks the world yet again… Sora first look


OpenAI just announced Sora, a state-of-the-art video generation AI model. Let’s find out how Sora works and predict the ways it will change the world.

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– What is OpenAI sora?
– How to access Sora
– Google Gemini 1.5
– AI video tutorial
– How to create videos with ai
– Future of video editing software

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42 pemikiran pada “OpenAI shocks the world yet again… Sora first look”

  1. Time to evolve again. It has been a long time since we started to walk upright with a stick in our hand. No idea where to evolve, though. Will ask AI to give me ideas.

  2. Jensen Huang isn't even accepting fiat currency from OpenAI at this point, there are talks of acquiring half the OpenAI pie.


  4. This will be gatekept for rich corporations. Only they will have full access. Those who think this will be a "tool" for artists are wrong…….this is their replacement, at least in the commercial world

  5. This is NOTHING. Our AI came up with blueprints for a starship with a real warp drive. Our engineers couldn't understand it but we went ahead and built it anyway and lo and behold, it worked! We have been conducting test flights ever since, and even have gone as far out as Neptune and back! Unfortunately, some of these test flights have been unintentionally observed by bystanders and it has caused some alarm. You might have seen some of the uproar in the media, what with military aircraft observing our starship and being very alarmed at it's incredible flight characteristics (re: gimbal video, etc). Unfortunately I can't make the AI system available to the public, you understand. After all, it might get abused.

  6. Some gurus say that the world will be a much better place when people are free to do the things that they are passionate about, rather than working at something else, because they get universal basic income. Doesn't Elon musk make that point? Does that translate to: People need to be liberated from working and doing things to make money, signed "some guy that 1. has multiple big companies, 2. might be the biggest workaholic in all of history, 3. is or is close to being the worlds richest man, because of engaging in capitalism".

    Also, if watching tv all day and getting universal income is so awesome, then why not just start now?

  7. some people already found the source video it use as data for the bird one. Its REEEAAAAAAALLLY similair. Too close to the original, you can see it clearly, far more so than SD and such. Almost like an interpolation between two different footages (like the bird and cameleon example). I think people will start recognizing some of the source media and begiin pointing it out in time. Though there is so much data that it probably will be hard to spot any significant amount. Thought when there is enought proof…. then man, legal chaos is bound to happen.

  8. I want to approach to this AI phenomena from a different perspective: Money.
    Obviously it seems like we need very large amount of data in good quality to produce things like Sora.
    As the video mentioned, companies leading the industry like OpenAI or Nvidia try to invest lots of money on HWs to fuel this competition.

    So the key is, all you need is more money to feed AI models massive data and super fast large scale HWs.

    I feel like AI would be more like the cloud – only a few companies survive, like AWS, Azure, and GCP, and many businesses are and will be relying on these companies. Many so called "AI" companies will be shutting down, their "original" ML/AI algorithm being defeated by those AI giants.

  9. As I expected, there's a new Fireship AI video before SORA even fully got announced
    Generative Jeff AI is that fast

  10. I went to check the OpenAI website to find out what "Sora" is.
    Well now I'm scared, I'm scared in a way I've never been in my entire life.

  11. I'm no expert, but wouldn't it need a bit more than just three color channels? There is also light and darkness. And in digital non-analog terms we usually operate with about 16 million colors to include every variation visible and then some. So wouldn't that mean a 1000×1000 picture would be closer to 16 trillion data points? You know, since there are 16 million possible values for each off the 1 million pixels? And it usually iterates over that 20-60 times too, so we should probably multiply it by that to get the full number of calculations for a single frame, no?


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