
One in 8 Million (The New York Times) – Interview with John Keegan


Pulitzer Prize winning Photo Journalist Todd Heisler follows John Keegan through the streets of New York City and interviews him providing a peak into a day in the life of the “ladies man”. John describes how he first began his transformation into the Awakened Lifestyle by putting aside his ego and facing his fear of rejection by women. After a break up with a girl, John, like many men, explored the internet to learn how to become with women and encountered the pick up and PUA community. He began to experiment with trying to meet women and realized that the art of authentically meeting women transcends pick up and is in fact, is part of one of the most important facets of a man’s life: becoming a social man and realizing his job as the connector. The art of doing this is by being authentic from moment to moment to connect with people and in this way, meeting women becomes an almost spiritual practice akin to zen philosophy.


About John Keegan
John Keegan is one of the world’s best dating coach where he teaches both men and women on how they can explore themselves by changing their inner state, comprised of your goals, beliefs, values, interests, passions and vision. He teaches men on how to attract women and connect with them naturally while also getting good at social interactions. John is also known as one of the worlds top relationship experts and gives a lot of relationship advice to men. He has also successfully differentiated himself from the pickup (pua) and seduction community. Many men around the world have hired John as their personal dating coach with good results.

He is also hosts the famous 5 day Transformation course and Mastery course where he personally teaches men on how to talk and interact with women.
Check out is upcoming programs in your city and sign up at

Don’t mind the tags
Top dating coach, best dating coach, best dating coach in new york, relationship coach, life coach,pua,seduction,how to talk to women, how to be natural,pua infield, day game, night game ,street game, how to connect with women, how to meet new people, how to be authentic with women, how to seduce women, dating tips, leading dating coach, natural game, how to develop connection, how to meet new women, pua bootcamp, transformation seminar, confident with women, how to be alpha, confidence, understanding women,girls,alpha male traits, alpha body language tips, relationship tips, relationship advice,seduction tips,sex,how to develop attraction, how to be attractive to women, mystery method,converstaion

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