
Old World Broke My Heart!


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In this Jay goes over Warhammer: The Old World and debates if he should get into it based on the price! We have new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

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30 pemikiran pada “Old World Broke My Heart!”

  1. GW prices do not surprise me.
    Do I think what GW is asking is worth it, not at all (you can thank GW shareholders for the ever increasing prices).

    Unless you plan on playing in a GW store or at a GW sanctioned tournament there are alternatives out there.

    Many companies make physical miniatures that are as nice or nicer then GW's and at a much better price point.

    Then there are the dozens (maybe hundreds) of 3D creators who offer alternatives out there.
    Some of these creators offer physical miniatures that can be purchased from them directly or they have authorized merchants who will print them out for you.

    Then there is always the auction sites where old miniatures can be obtained.

    Basically you do not have to go down the GW route to obtain your Old World miniatures, there are alternatives to either replace or supplement what GW sales.

  2. I was looking forward to it but having so many dated miniatures hurts it. Plus paying so much for a side game isn’t worth it. But people are free to their own opinion.

  3. I figure with the snake-bois, you could probably greenstuff out a snek body for that second unit type.

  4. Personally, Old World has really pissed me off. Granted, It's not just Old World, Its a bunch of different things all happening at once. But Old World is the straw that broke the camels back. We are talking about an old game which back in 2015, GW discontinued because it was not selling and because it saw no value in continuing with it. And now, it's back, and that already has me questioning why? Is it a nostalgia thing? Is it a AOS isn't working out thing, is it a lets go back to basics thing? But what really struck me as odd was that they are just releasing the same models. If they came back with brand new up to date Brettonian and Tomb King sculpts, that would be fine. But this just seems lazy. And at these prices. People didn't want these models in 2015 at 2015 prices. And now they are selling the exact same models at 2024 prices and they expect people to eat it up. And the most disappointing thing is, that people are eating it up. And I don't know why the fuck they are doing this. I mean. if we compare it to video games. I know that they like to remaster games. GTAV for example was a PS3 game which was remastered for PS4 and PS5. But at least they remastered it. Old World is like the equivalent of taking GTAV which was like £40 back in 2013 and then rereleasing it with the exact same graphics as the PS3 version on the PS5 10 years later and charging £70 for it. Who would buy that? And they did the same thing with the Battle for Macragge box. £40 back in the day. Inflation should make it £69. But they charged £90. And they took the rule book away. What the fuck GW. Not cool.

    But what really pisses me off is the timing of it all. On December 2nd 2023, Legions Imperialis released. And already the buzz has disappeared as everyone is talking about Old Worlds. A game set to release 49 Days after Legion Imperialis. Meanwhile, I pre-ordered Legions and I'm still waiting for it. They didn't make enough and I'm left waiting for the box to come and already, before I've had a chance to even hold the box, It's yesterdays news with Old Worlds being the next new thing. But also, why didn't they focus on making all the LI boxes before moving on? It seems very careless of them. Like they don't really give a damn about LI. Not to mention it doesn't give me much hope for OW being flush in stock either. In fact I believe its all sold out anyway. And I ask, why can't they focus on getting the release of one right before moving to another. Can't they put all their effort into releasing one game before moving onto the next barely 7 weeks later. And on top of this, before you start making more games, try making enough 40k, AOS and MESBG to go around because all of their current games have huge numbers of models out of stock. Why not focus on making enough of your flagship models before committing to releasing new games. In particular, I have a bone to pick about my preferred gamed.

    So my preferred game is Middle Earth. I think its the most rounded game, the most affordable and the most simple to play (I like simplicity.) But my Elf Army is using models which are 23 years old now. My elf warriors are trapped in a box set with Numenor warriors I don't want or need and so i'm forced to buy more boxes than I need. My leader has an option to ride a horse but no such model exists. And 5 out of the 13 boxes currently available in the Elf range is out of stock. And I have it lucky. The Arnor page on the webstore has ZERO models available. Same with Dunland. Armies like the Rangers and the Wanderers in the Wild have only 1. And many more armies only have 2. We have not had any meaningful additions to the game in the whole of 2023. Only some terrain, a diorama and some ghosts which are the same as the current ones but in clear plastic. And recently I found out about the profile for a thing called a Rhur Drake which has never had a model and GW seems to have no interest in making a model either. Also some armies like the Hobbits, who need large numbers of hobbits to make even the most standard and smallest of armies are only available in blister packs and cost £11 for 4. Which may not sound a lot by 40K standards, but 24 Gondor Warriors are £30 meaning the same number of Hobbits would cost you £66 and when Hobbits are half the points value, you need to spend £132 to match the 24 Gondor Warriors. The prices are so mismatched. The availability of models is appalling. The age of the models is enough to make some Imperial Guard and Eldar players thankful. MESBG needs some attention and yet it gets ignored all the fucking time. GW is instead putting effort into reviving old games like Warhammer Fantasy and Epic which failed and failed for a reason and are ignoring a game like MESBG which has so much potential, especially as an affordable game which could be the perfect gateway game for many children and new players, not yet ready to spend £175 on a Old Worlds box or £90 on a Combat Patrol Box. Just buy a MESBG Battlehost box for £55.

    So the lack of attention for MESBG, the large number of out of stock models for 40K, the ridiculous prices for old models, the risk taking of bringing back failed games and the ridiculous speed at which they are churning out these new games mixed with the inability to release enough copies of each game has all built up inside of me these past few months and made me question GW a lot. What the fuck GW. I get that everyone like brand new models, but this is too much. Focus on what you have. Improve the games you already have. Because these new games run the risk of diluting what you already have. How many people will abandon AOS for Old Worlds, thus making both less profitable? How many people like Jay here will find themselves simply unable to afford to pay for all these new games? And how many more games are going to have stock issues in part because attention is being diverted to making the next batch of new models for the next new games. It's all getting just too ridiculous now.

  5. It doesn’t matter if it’s $500 or $700 because you’re not supposed to be buying the entire army in one go. You’re supposed to spread the cost by buying 1 or 2 units at a time and finishing those kits before you add more.

  6. It is very much the Old Tomb Kings Battalion box + 1 huge model.
    To be fair the infantry can be built as either spearmen or archers and cavalry either scouts (horse archers) or spear cavalry. I think the cahriots also can be built varied somehow (or it's the same guys as unit leaders for infantry or same horses as plain cavalry, it was a a decade ago…). As a tragic collector I bought enough to have an archer hoard or an infantry hoard or an all chariot host 🙂 WIth a huge dragon model not as interesting to get 2 x the moden starterset.

  7. I was excited for old world tomb kings until they unveiled that they weren't redoing the range to be new modern sculpts for the majority of units.

  8. World of Warcrafthammer: Classic
    This is why I was done with tabletop about 10 years ago when they abandoned fantasy for Age of Shidmar. Profits over product.

  9. Maybe they're trying to bake in the cost of old players dusting off their sets and just buying rules, but it's still too much. And the fact they'd use 30 year old sculpts and mix in resin and metal makes it feel janky AF.

    Definitely a case for using proxies if you're going to bother getting into it.

  10. Old World was fun when there were no other concepts than kill the opposing army. Otherwise it was a grindy game where you had to ensure that your army was lined up perfectly so you didn’t get wrapped, battleline infantry was the majority of your army, and then you faced Skaven for the next seven hours. It was ok then, but it looks like it will have all the same problems it had when I sold my armies decades ago

  11. I dont understand how independent game stores can undercut Games workshop stores. Shouldn't it be the otherway round, if at all?

  12. In my club, most players would usually just do the first rank or 2 with actual models, and then fill up the rest of the movement trays with empty bases to count as the other troops you need to fill up the unit. Makes it a lot more economical to build up a a full army, and over time you can eventually upgrade those empty bases to real models and your time and budget allows.

  13. Take out $55 for the rulebook, templets, and dice and you are paying $200 for 76 minis. That is $2.86 a mini. Really good by GW standards.

  14. Inflation has been 5-10% for 5 years. $200 in 2010 money is $300 in todays money. An apple that cost $2 in 2010 is $3 now

  15. Damn the US got hit hard with the import cost! Makes a change though. We usually get shafted in the UK. It works out like £55 more than here for the tomb king box. I can see them casting all the old stuff in plastic if old world becomes a huge success.


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