
Official Dev Updates! Class Changes, PvP Event & MORE! | World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery


We have some incredible news for season of discovery today! big class changes to paladins, shamans, Rogues and mages! even more changes to the battle for Action Vale event, the Dark Moon fair and how to capitalize as much as you can during the time it is active, some great gold making opportunities that you should Farm out and so much more. I hope you enjoy this episode of World of Warcraft season of Discovery news from the comeback kids, sit down and get ready, because we have so much to talk about! thank you for pushing us to be the best content creators we possibly can be for this game, we truly appreciate all the love and support.


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00:00 – Intro & Giveaway!
00:18 – Darkmoon Faire BIG TIPS!
01:56 – Class Changes!
06:10 – Big Gold Making Opportunities
07:58 – Battle For Ashenvale Changes Again
10:14 – New Raid Change For Classic?
11:20 – YOUR Top Comments!

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38 pemikiran pada “Official Dev Updates! Class Changes, PvP Event & MORE! | World Of Warcraft Season Of Discovery”

  1. stop changing, making everything NILLA, and having no exclusive feels, retail is bad with the everyone can be everything, hate that keep classic feeling classic

  2. I honestly believe a very important thing they need to change very fast with PvP is damage done and healing done on the battle ground tab rather than just kills. Trying to get my friends into PvP who aren’t the sweaty classes. I believe this really puts off many players from wanting to do bg’s.

  3. I recently found your channel and liked and subbed you doing a phenomenon job. As a long time pvp-er i love sod but need to improve. Ashenvale is a blast but after the changes take ages to start again they need people motivation to ho to av not only for the fight. As a main healer i found the priest subject really mind-blowing. I play on eu and 90% of the groups doing pemades stacking priest's because are broken AF or nerf them or buff the rest of us they are disgusting op on pve same drill on world chat Lf2 priests for raid they might ask for any other healer only if they cant found priests is getting out of hand balance change required. Now bgs are a joke full of premades stacking 3+ priest's 3+ huntards druid for fc and 3 random dps most likely rogue mage locks most of the times. Ban premades groups and make only solo. Talking about solo i love a solo queue arena no rating with fun rewards such as gold honour etc. Last thing is we need dual spec i bet most of us would love it.keep the great job good sir.

  4. This video defines your typical retail player who wishes to blend niche roles for the sake of convenience and equality. This is EXACTLY what we do NOT want in any WoW titles containing “classic”.

    He wants dwarf shamans, Tauren paladins, dual spec, etc.

    Instead of attempting to equalitywash our (finally given) Classic+, you go back to retail, please and thank you.

  5. I highly disagree with the FLEX raiding, The point to this is to bring back the community not to make it exclusive for guilds.

  6. Sounds like copium. both factions should get paly/sham. blizz just doesnt have time for that this season, which is fine, cause were getting alot of other cool shit. no reason we cant get it in a later season.

  7. Doing a good job compiling the thoughts of the community here recently; your videos becoming better imo great job

  8. I would love to see arenas happen. But I think it's important to make it so that there aren't gear rewards from it, because that's when people will complain, and that's when us PvP'ers will be gatekept out of having it at all. Us PvP'ers will be okay playing PvP without any rewards anyway. But with PvP rewards comes the PvE Lords that WANT the rewards, but if they're unable to get them, will petition to Blizz to remove arenas altogether, and cause a big stir about how it "ruined SoD."

    We must tread carefully on this one!

  9. What if they made dual spec in the form of an item that can be farmed or crafted instead of how it is in retail?

  10. They needa fix shaman weapon duel weld buffs to be able to click off its toxic when it does wrong order lol gotta wait 5 mins to rebuff… And up it to atleast 10 mins 😢

  11. I LOOOVE the idea of classic era arenas that aren’t complicated and have a billion things on the screen. This has been a refreshing pvp experience I would love to be able to play my favorite mode in it as well

  12. As a mage main i gotta say this living flame change doesnt effect anything at all. You dont use arcane blast for aoe farm and the raid dmg also doesnt increase by a significant amount.

  13. Flex rating is counter to the classic ethos. We don't want a anti social dungeon finder experience, if thats what you want its ok it exists its called retail. please do not push for changes that will ruin the classic player bases experience when you already have what you want in existance. This only exists cause nerds like me played on private servers for years and we like the fact we have to interact with others and sometimes pugs are the best.
    Edit: Also pugs is where you pick up new members and it will only help you fill 40 man raids. cant fill 2 10 mans you might as well drop guild now and find one who can and build some repour. Because your going to have to when the 40 mans come around if pugs are your kryptonite.

  14. Love faction specific classes. TBC was the beginning of the end. For this reason and flying mounts ruining the WPvP and vast feeling of the world. Now I wish they would remove Wild strikes from Druids. That’s such a shaman class identity and trading BoK for Windfury isn’t a fair trade at all.

  15. Flex raiding is a must for smaller guilds. I know if they do 40 man's or even 25 man's my guild and most likely many others will fall apart due to a lack of people. It's a guild of friends and I would love to finish sod raiding together utilizing flex raiding.

  16. Thank god they nerfed paladin in pvp!! It was good into druid and warrior and… thats it..
    Gets beaten by literally every other class at 25

  17. Question for Blizz: Why make the shaman class have pretty much the lowest output overall and then remove the only thing that can make them useful to a raid grou, by giving WF to Ferals who already seem to do way more damage and arguably have better utility before this change. It feels so wrong that as an Enh Shaman i rely on having a feral in the group for WF because my biggest native dps output weapon enchant is rockbiter which means im tanking everything automatically.. WF is what makes Shaman so unique, or was..

  18. There already isn't much content; making the game more 'quality of life' is the WORST thing blizzard can do, at least right now.


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