
NYTimes Poll: Biden Doesn’t Need High Approval to Win in 2024


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Common Q & A
► What are my ratings for my electoral maps (lean, likely, etc.)?
Tilt: Less than 1%, Lean: 1-5%, Likely: 5-15%, Safe: 15%+
► What website do I use for my electoral projections? or
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Usually once or twice a day
► Do you go live?
Occasionally.. usually if there is an important election or event (debate, town hall, etc.)
► Why do you say “welcome back to today’s video?”
It’s a phrase I began using back in 2017 and I’m four years into using it, so it’s sort of a token of my channel
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► Member section: Thank you guys so much for donating to my channel. This helps out tremendously. Below is a list of all those President rank for this channel.
● JGuida
● Eric Cooper
● Cdalex1996 E.
● John Putnam
● Kai Simson
● Adam Boyer
● Kevin Holland
● Brandon Lee
● Travis W.
● Bartleby Scrivener
● millwx
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TAGS: Election Predictions | Election Night | 2022 Governor Senate Races – 2022 Midterms Elections | 2022 Predictions | 2022 Polls | Election Polls | 2020 Election Data | Democrats 2024 | National Polling Data | Donald Trump 2024 | Joe Biden 2024 | 2024 Election | How Democrats Can Win | How Republicans Can Win | Mitch McConnell | Chuck Schumer | Nancy Pelosi | AOC | Kevin McCarthy | Will Democrats win in 2022 | 2022 Senate Predictions | 2022 Election | 2024 Map | 2024 Races | 2024 Projections | Can Democrats win the Senate? | Will Democrats win midterms | 2024 Senate Elections | 2022 Midterm Elections | Will Democrats win Midterms? | Will Republicans Lose in 2022? | Will Republicans win in 2024? | Will Republicans Lose Seats? | 2022 Midterm Predictions | Will Democrats Take the House? | Will Republicans Retain the House? | Why are Democrats losing in the Polls? | Democrats Republicans will never win again | Donald Trump 2024 | Kamala Harris 2024 | 2022 Democratic Wave | Democrats in 2024 | Democratic Convention | Donald Trump Wins | Donald Trump Loses | Impeachment | Democrats Win | Republicans Win | Joe Biden Wins 2024 | Joe Biden Loses 2024 | Who Will Win? | Jo Jorgensen | Howie Hawkins | Third Party | Election Polls | Polling Data | 2020 Election Data | FiveThirtyEight 2020 | Winning Senate | Senate Majority | House Majority | Governorship | Kamala Harris | Harris 2024 | Mike Pence | Vice President Kamala Harris | Pence 2024 | 2024 Election | FiveThirtyEight | Fox News | MSNBC | CNN | NBC | Nikki Haley 2024 | Ron DeSantis 2024 | Will Republicans Win in 20222? | Who Will Win in 2022? | Red Wave | Blue Wave | Red Tsunami | Blue Tsunami | Nancy Pelosi House Speaker | COVID-19 in Politics | Mask Mandates in Politics | Kevin McCarthy House Speaker | Mitch McConnell Senate Majority Leader | Chuck Schumer Senate Majority Leader

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