
NY Times Proves Biden Lied: This New Detail Makes the Scandal Worse | Direct Message | Rubin Report


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about President Biden’s past lies about the Hunter Biden laptop coming back to haunt him, Brian Stelter and the rest of the mainstream media caught spreading misinformation, and Jen Psaki having to deal with the fallout of Joe Biden’s lies. First, Dave shares clips of the media suddenly realizing that the NY Post’s reporting of the Hunter Biden scandal was all true after the New York Times verified the story a year and a half later. The Hunter Biden-Ukraine-Burisma connection has now taken a dangerous turn as it has been revealed that Hunter received millions of dollars from Yelena Baturina a Russian oligarch who has for some reason not been targeted by Biden’s sanctions on Russia. Next, Dave shares some of the original reporting from journalists like Brian Stelter at CNN labeling the Hunter Biden computer story as just another piece of Russian disinformation. We now know that the biased news was the one spreading disinformation and instead acting like a public relations wing of the Democratic party. This may turn out to be one of the best media bias examples in history. Finally, press secretary Jen Psaki is now struggling to explain Joe Biden’s past lies about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.


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Thumbnail Images Courtesy of: Win McNamee / Staff / Getty Images

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