
Next Update Preview: AZURE LANE & New Campaign Ship Stats | World of Warships Legends | 4k


today we are taking a look at the next update to come to world of warships legends

world , Next Update Preview: AZURE LANE & New Campaign Ship Stats | World of Warships Legends | 4k , #Update #Preview #AZURE #LANE #Campaign #Ship #Stats #World #Warships #Legends
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37 pemikiran pada “Next Update Preview: AZURE LANE & New Campaign Ship Stats | World of Warships Legends | 4k”

  1. they need to come back with another al commander to replace atago. many of us never got her and shes essential on many ships. its inexcusable they didnt make an atago skilltree clone

  2. If the EU follows China's new gaming laws, then this game will be die off real quick

    China basically banned all the scummy things WG does. No more pay-to-win, no more log-in bonuses, no more loot crates, etc..

  3. WE’EE FINALLY GETTING AL BISMARCK!? LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (I literally started playing AL for her)

  4. "If you want a better experience in our game buy this commander" and the fact that you're okay with a pay to win tactic shows a lot about you as a person. Tommy we have storms ravaging people's homes, wars going on, the threat of nuclear war looms around every corner and all you can do is tell people to waste their money on a FREE TO PLAY GAME instead of buying food, medicine, clothing and supplies for what's coming. Because let me ask you something Tommy, how long could you go for without any food to eat? I can go 3-5 days I doubt you can, unlike you I've been putting my money into preparing because "Chance favors the prepared mind".

  5. I want to get zara, but it's just not worth it due to the lack of variety. Venezia would be cool but it'll still just be another tier8/*
    Ive been really hoping for an Amalfi W/B. As i like to make money due to not having constant premium.

    Would love the smoke changes for the cruisers and hell destroyers too. Hard to call sap op when you can have an anchorage type just smoke up and just start fire simulator

  6. Jager a tier 7 dd that can get 94 knot torpedoes with the right build plus lower torpedo reload with torpedo mod in the 4th slot

  7. Good update video sir thank you…long time viewer first time caller ;)…might you consider doing an updated video on recommended commanders for Azure Lane assuming they are bringing them all back for purchase? Might be time to stock up on some "must haves"

  8. Hello tommy boy. Thanks for the update and continuous content 🙏 are they going to be re releasing previous AL commanders? I'm a new player and really want some of the other commanders 🤞

  9. Nice to see jager isnt straight up getting halland torps. But my main concern is how theyll do with the concealment. Jager on pc has the best concealment out of pretty much all destroyers ingame

  10. anyone know what the specialisations are? I imagine Bismarck will have something OP but curious to know what sov soya will have

  11. Sovetskaya Rossiya is going to be spendy, considering it's T9 in WoWPC. Still, we're going to have the very first Soviet BB that is accurate at range. And yeah AL Sovetskaya Rossiya will definitely be an accuracy commader. The Soviets have needed a premium BB commander forever. Can't wait.

  12. Ima be honest, thought I saw the yudaci and almost clicked off before I noticed it was something else lol. No need for yudaci violence this early in the day lol

  13. I got moves like jager. I couldn't help it, but it's a nice change that we're getting such a goofy ship.

  14. I hope you are wrong about AL Colorado, otherwise American BBs will be even more OP than they already are.

  15. @TOMMYBOY601 In Azur Lane, Bismarck has a special, secret skill in the game's tutorial, called Rhein Drill. It drastically increases Critical hit damage in Azur Lane. In legends, it could speed up reload and citadel damage, at the cost of secondary range

  16. It's kind of funny now that i think about it, but Sansonetti in Legends already does a lot of things that Zara does in AL.

    Namely buffing either AP or SAP damage (in Sansonetti's case, it's because Punch Through and Subtle Manipulations are at the same tier in his perk list) and both having some damage mitigation (Sansonetti's base trait and SM's incoming dispersion increase).

  17. This will be a fun ship because while the torps are low they are many and very fast. It will keep cruisers on their toes


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