
NEWS – First OLD WORLD Novel & More Info – Bretonnia – Lords of The Lance – Warhammer The Old World


The first of likely MANY Old World novels has been announced! Lords of the Lance is is a Bretonnia vs Tomb Kings book which gives us some insight onto the NEW LORE of the setting! Let’s discuss!

NEWS – First OLD WORLD Novel & More Info – Bretonnia – Lords of The Lance – Warhammer The Old World

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world , NEWS – First OLD WORLD Novel & More Info – Bretonnia – Lords of The Lance – Warhammer The Old World , #NEWS #WORLD #Info #Bretonnia #Lords #Lance #Warhammer #World
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37 pemikiran pada “NEWS – First OLD WORLD Novel & More Info – Bretonnia – Lords of The Lance – Warhammer The Old World”

  1. hope we can have books set on an alternate universe where manfred didnt act on his treachery and the end times never succeeded 🥺

  2. Btw as a canadian who had to take a bunch of french, Quenelles is pronounced "Kuh-Nelle"

    French is a silly language so I don't blame you lolol

  3. Why couldn't they get Josh Reynolds to write a bretonnia book? He actually cared about Bretonnia and its lore and didn't bend rules to show how hip and young he is.

  4. Sounds great for me. I just "recently" came to the WH Universe with the Total War Series. Never had the time to read Age of Sigmar Novels or the regular old WH Novels. When exactly is this "Old World" settled? Before all the stuff we know from the games? And is it recommended to jump into these novels for a newbie?

  5. 7:24 You know what would be nice ? A story detailing Leforic's adventure in Cathay, now that we have the new lore for the Dragon Emperor and his kids, given that he faces a "jade dragon", he either had a not too pleasant encounter with Yuan-bo, or that part got misinterpreted and he carried out a few quests for green guilliman

  6. Maybe I’m dumb , but I didn’t see any release date ? When can we hope to get our hands on it ? Also it give me hope for Kislev and Cathay Novels

  7. a novel set in warhammer fantasy?! bring on the lore! also i wonder how different the old world factions are compared to their 2522 IC/present setting counterparts

  8. Q. "So Graham, why did you decide to make all the knights fat, obnoxious lesbians?"
    A. "Because if you divide racism by gender theory, you get climate change."
    Q. "But what has that got to do with Warhammer, Graham?"
    A. "OMG you must be a far-right extremist! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

  9. I'm probably in the minority but I'm not interested in the lore aspect anymore really.

    I've since only become curious/hopeful for the rules and that, as I can't say I like what GW has done with the lore and the direction they've gone with 40k over the last decade.

    I just can't see myself trusting them to make the atmosphere and style like the old lore. I'm just worried they'll lean into making it closer to AoS or 40k and sterilise it somehow to make it as generic as possible in order to appeal to as wide a majority as possible.

    However, I genuinely do hope that those interested do enjoy it though.

  10. Very cool. Like you I really hope they keep Warhammer relatively grounded and gritty. I don't need all my major characters to ride dinosaurs or be on fire or shoot lasers out their eyes, if you know what I mean.

  11. Think I heard the time between End Times and Age of Sigmar is aeons. So they could change when and how the end times ends. There are so many races and factions that can be fleshed out it would be stupid to just repeat the same thing.

  12. Still, knights on foot was a dishonor in WFB, you had to pay for a vow to let a knight lead a unit of men at arms

  13. If The Old World sells well and takes off, I guarantee you that GW will "multi-verse" the settings and let a version of The Old World become a third pillar. But it absolutely comes down to sales.

    I think the overall mood is one of excitement for this game and every poll I've seen or made on Facebook and Reddit groups shows a ton of love and excitement for The Old World. I made a poll in Facebook a couple weeks ago and 79% responded Very Excited for The Old world with another 13% were Somewhat Excited. Similar numbers for the Reddit version on r/WarhammerFantasy. So I think the excitement is there for pre-existing fans of Fantasy with a loud but very small minority making gripes. I think we are all just ready for this game to come out. I know my budget in January and February are going to take a massive hit.

  14. I wish it was a kislev or Cathay book but this is eh but at least it's something..

    Every time I'm about to get hyped for old world I remember that most cool characters aren't even returning.

  15. I really hope they break off a new time line all together, make some corrects and give some long term hope rather than just waiting for the clock to wind down.

  16. Great, i was hoping for more old world novels since i just finished all the audiobooks. I hope we get some for factions/races that are less covered in novels so far, like chaos dwarfs and cathay.

  17. The hate for women in the comments isn't even thinly veiled lol. Not unexpected from Warhammer edgelords.

  18. This is great news and should pave the way for some of the older Warhammer books to be republished. Wonder if Dan Abnett will also write a few novels as he's very good at the whole regular soldier thing.

  19. I like how they are starting off strong with Bretonnia and Tomb Kings since those were the factions everyone griped about not being included in Age of Sigmar.

  20. Oh look another mediocre black library author who is salty that they cannot have female spacer marines and tries to appeal to modern audience in universe deemed dead from GW


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