
NEWS – Bretonnia Army List & More Information – Warhammer The Old World – Old World Almanack


Another OLD WORLD Almanack dropped and this one is BEEFY! Old army styles are confirmed with 25% core needed for your armies and LOTS more information including the ARMY LIST, so let’s discuss!

Read the article here:

Old World Almanack – Mustering the Grand Army of Bretonnia

NEWS – Bretonnia Army List & More Information – Warhammer The Old World – Old World Almanack

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20 pemikiran pada “NEWS – Bretonnia Army List & More Information – Warhammer The Old World – Old World Almanack”

  1. Pretty sure that the “off white” comment is referring to the potato cam leak of the Tomb King boxset that came out a few days ago. Probably addressing that.

  2. This is so good. All good news. Very excited as a soon-to-be Bretonnian player. I love the potential of mercenaries and I love just making very different kinds of units. I cannot wait to get my hands on the rulebook, models (even the old ones), and start painting.

  3. Can't get over how ,,old-school" this is. My biggest question over the last few years was whether or not this was going to be AoS/new-40k on square bases. But this is straight up WHFB. I'm in love. I hope the lore and art direction remains as faithful to the old material aswell.

  4. I've said this before but the streamlining is what 8th edition 40K ought to have been, I like the combining of profiles for mounts and riders.

  5. If you can ally with Wood Elves with Bretonnia does that mean there won't be a conflict between the two races in the first edition of the game? I remember a map where there was a Wood Elven enclave far west of the Athel Loren, which was surrounded by Bretonnian kingdoms. I presume at some point that enclave is going to get destroyed?

  6. I imagine the Hypogryph will return with Louen Orcslayer's model, and the generic option for a Duke/Baron will be included in the kit.

  7. i like what they did with the pesents hopefully they do something simerler with undead so they are more like their older editions in that the units didn't do much damage but could brake units with fear but they relied on vampires to do the damage and ghouls

  8. It's going to be exciting seeing units of squires and that new sergeant at arms hero, which I guess will work best with peasant units. Seeing Bretonnian powder weapons is going to be cool too, even if it is limited to one kind of army.

  9. i was hoping they were going to tell us how hoard works. looks like it will be limited to some extent which should be good

  10. I cannot wait to get my hands on the rulebook. I'm painting Dwarfs like mad, but really need to see how to base my dragon ogres, shaggoths, and trolls.
    Let alone my Ogre Kingdom army.

  11. My little brother used to do the knight errant list in storm of chaos, it was not fun to see. He actually let 12 year old barrow it as a ringer for a tournament… The kid got into top 3 just because of how the army worked.

  12. there's not much meat on that roster… I was hoping there would finally be some new units instead of simple dismount options. At least you got a new sergeant at arms… that's something I guess.
    The more I hear about Old World the less enthousiastic I get. As a former Bret player I feel like we haven't progressed past 6th Ed for all these years.

  13. Brets in vanilla WHFB: SCREW ZE MERCENARIES. Zey unchilvarious scum.
    Brets in WHTOW: Alright, maybe mercenaries are not such a bad idea after all.
    Also WHTOW Brets: We can borrow a bombard from the Border Princes. It's still not breaking the commandments of The Lady we swear it.
    But the lack of Grail Beasts/Questing Beasts is worrying to me.


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