
New York Times Journalists, Staff on 24-Hour Strike #shorts


Hundreds of journalists and other employees at The New York Times began a 24-hour walkout on Thursday, the first strike of its kind at the newspaper in more than 40 years.

Newsroom employees and other members of The NewsGuild of New York say they are fed up with bargaining that has dragged on since their last contract expired in March 2021. The union announced last week that more than 1,100 employees would stage a 24-hour work stoppage starting at 12:01 a.m. Thursday unless the two sides could reach a contract deal.

The NewsGuild tweeted Thursday morning that workers “are now officially on work stoppage, the first of this scale at the company in 4 decades. It’s never an easy decision to refuse to do work you love, but our members are willing to do what it takes to win a better newsroom for all.”

Negotiations took place Tuesday and part of Wednesday, but the sides remained far apart on issues including wages, remote work policies and the company’s employee evaluation system, which the union says is vulnerable to racial bias.

On Wednesday evening, the union said via Twitter that a deal had not been reached and that the walkout would happen. “We were ready to work for as long as it took to reach a fair deal,” it said, “but management walked away from the table with five hours to go.”


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