
New York synagogue erupts into chaos as secret tunnel unearthed | World News | WION


Secret tunnel discovered under New York Synagogue. Clashes erupt between NYPD. Synagogue members. Motive behind the tunnel unclear. Watch to know more!

#NewYork #Tunnel #synagogue

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world , New York synagogue erupts into chaos as secret tunnel unearthed | World News | WION , #York #synagogue #erupts #chaos #secret #tunnel #unearthed #World #News #WION
, secret,tunnel,tunnel secret,New York,New York Synagigue,Brooklyn,Chaos,Unearthed,Discovered,Tunnel,Brooklyn tunnel,NY,World news,Chaos unravel,New York Brooklyn,sealed,freedom tunnel,brooklyn,tunnels,secret tunnel,secret tunnels,freedom tunnel new york,living in a tunnel,homeless tunnels,sneaking into a top secret government tunnel,tunnel boring,secret undergound tunnels new york,holland tunnel,nyc tunnels,forgotten tunnels,new york tunnels,brooklyn news

44 pemikiran pada “New York synagogue erupts into chaos as secret tunnel unearthed | World News | WION”

  1. They seem to know about building tunnels. It sounds very similar to the tunnel (built fully of concrete and metal), supposedly built by the Hamas, in which Israel had no idea about?' This country has the highest, most modern weaponry in the world. I wonder if anyone would notice if I dug a tunnel between my house and to our neighbor's?

  2. Americans remember palastene country how take Zionist at palastene . Now America is that way for taking Zionist 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. This is nothing more bigger tunnels if investigated will lead to White house UN Banks headquarters. Chosen ones

  4. Wouldn't surprise me if it was an attempt to commit a false flag terror attack and make it look like another group did it. I don't need to say who would be framed, but I'm sure a "passport or a flag" would be found at the scene.

  5. Lots of literal blood libel in these comments, accusations of child sacrifice WOW unbelievable I read about this sort of accusation from the middle ages but couldn't imagine how backwards people would have to be to believe it.

    The actual reality is there is an internal power struggle inside this particular Jewish group, whose leader died 20 years ago and did not appoint a successor. It's a fight over who gets to use what space, the tunnel was one group creating a secret back door.

  6. Inside the tunnel there are chairs for small children and small-sized mattresses with flecks of blood(check out the videos of the tunnel and see with your own eyes 😢)
    Check out the story of Jeffrey Epstein and the Pizzagate scandal for anyone who wants to understand the whole story

  7. I like how they all dress the same so it makes them difficult to identify. “Oh yes it was a Jewish man wearing a white shirt and black pants with black blazer and black hat” 🙄

  8. The child size mattress with dark stain is disturbing, as is the infant high chair. I wish we had trustworthy professionals to investigate this matter.

  9. This is how they act when they don't get what they want but they don't understand why soooo many other countries have had problems with them and wanted them out.

  10. There was a baby high chair and soiled childs bed in there. Was a kid trafficking ring. They are practicing pedophiliac sex magick rituals down there. This is a problem in many synagogues. There is bodies buried down there and now the tunnels will be filled with concrete to protect the building structure.

  11. Someone had found out about the Jewish synagogue underground tunnel that was hidden for many years. It has gone viral and then riot broke out.

  12. Non vorrei mai che il sangue su quei materassi sia di bambini che venivano stuprati nel miglior delle ipotesi, oppure mangiati, si mangiati! ….oppure venissero venduti gli organi. …oppure un po' tutte le cose. Ma ovviamente questi figli di buona donna volevano solo pregare.

  13. The city was also very quick to fill in the tunnels w concrete before a thorough investigation was done… Some high profile people didn't want to be found connected to the obvious trafficking.

  14. This community was busted in 2009 for child rape and selling organs! This is NOT innocent in ANY way!!!

  15. Mattress stained mattress found there. Needs full investigation. It's child trafficking and raping place?🤔

  16. You can't make this stuff up. 😂 The irony of them crying about Hamas having tunnels and this being discovered is priceless.

  17. just as well there’s no historical association of these types with clandestine human sex trafficking &/or organ harvesting activities ….. oh …. hmmm …. yeah …. never mind …..


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