
New York migrant crisis: Cops assaulted, tourist shot in Times Square | World News | WION


Nearly 3,000 migrants are sleeping in tents in an island park near New York where people camping in the cold are among the latest temporary inhabitants of Randall’s Island. It is New York’s largest shelter for Asylum Seekers that now struggles to make space for incoming immigrants.

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world , New York migrant crisis: Cops assaulted, tourist shot in Times Square | World News | WION , #York #migrant #crisis #Cops #assaulted #tourist #shot #Times #Square #World #News #WION
, new york,migrant crisis new york,migrants,migrants in new york,new york migrants,nyc migrants,migrants new york,new york city migrants,new york city,nyc migrants fight,nyc migrant crisis,migrant crisis,new york post,how many migrants in new york,migrants arriving,migrant hotel new york,nyc migrant shelter,new york city immigrants,nyc migrant news,nyc migrant bus,migrant,new york city suing companies for bussing migrants,migrants news,wion,world news

46 pemikiran pada “New York migrant crisis: Cops assaulted, tourist shot in Times Square | World News | WION”

  1. Nothing surprises me anymore what happens in MURIKA the country is just a massive LUNATIC ASYLUM..

  2. I literally witnessed Jack Morphet from The New York Post giving out addresses in New York City so the migrants can know where to go. He also gave them money for interviews. You can thank him and The New York Post for hyping all this up. Not a single migrant stays in Eagle Pass. You can talk trash and say what ever you’d like about this little town , but this is a different America we have here. Our Walmart doesn’t have items locked in boxes , we don’t have homeless people bumming around. It’s getting ghetto out there America , good luck !

  3. Believe when i say to you. These people have comple disregard for human life or the well-being of another individual. They most kikely were part of gangs back in their homeland Venezuela.

  4. Was going to New York this Autumn for my birthday with my daughter now she doesn’t want to go we’re now going elsewhere

  5. Open your country to a 3rd world country your country will become a 3rd world country! The US is well on its way, thanks to Biden and his administration

  6. And news alert listen all Americans this is not the last crime we are going to see and hear of there’s more to come millions more stories thanks liberals of America for letting this happen your plan is out of control they will soon go to your neighborhoods the rich neighborhoods

  7. Hold all the democrats congress members from ny criminal liable for their actions in allowing the crimes the illegal immigrants are doing

  8. Populares son ahora en Estados Unidos. Al principio en Peru decian ayuda a tu hermano no todos son iguales no hay q discriminar y despues.

  9. The illegal immigrants crisis is the fault of Joe Biden and the Democrats for opening up the US borders.


  11. Biden could have & should have used POTUS’ executive branch authority a long time ago to quickly shut the borders & enforce to have these borders stay closed without a lame bill that still allows a certain # of illegal migrants into the country.

    Why didn’t Biden act sooner?
    In fact, it’s only now that Biden & Dems are feeling a sense of panic & urgency as even democrat voters are seething with anger at this disastrous mess that Biden & the Dems created & left unchecked whereby our country’s southern borders have not only become porous…but totally nonexistent.

    It’s like leaving the door of your home open 24×7, & welcoming with open arms strangers who trespass your property & enter your home.
    You then offer them shelter, food, clothing, & then even throw in a $1000 value credit card so that they could go shopping.

    In the meantime, while you (as the head of your household) do this…You fail to realize that the very same unvented strangers you let into your home have been stealing from you and your loved ones. And worse…when your kids refuse & resist these strangers’ attempts to steal from them…They threaten by pulling out a gun.

    Hey Biden fans & Dems…Are you alright with the above happening to you!?

  12. Is there a medication that can transform violent criminal or hard core terrorist into law-abiding, peaceful person over night? These elements, together with tens of millions of illegal immigrants, have infiltrated the USA, the UK, and nearly all NATO nationsThese lawbreakers and even terrorists are plainly in charge, as seen by the explosive rise in street crimes, which includes the sale of unprecedented amounts of drugs and assaults on law enforcement officers, as well as the violent behavior of the protestors during the current pro-Palestinian demonstrations.. What can be said about the leaders of these countries who made it easier for them to enter by providing all the amenities that law-abiding locals, including combat veterans and even homeless and crippled persons, do not have access to? Furthermore, these same authorities have imposed numerous limits on the time and means of employment for immigrants who have not only entered the country legally but have also generously donated their hard-earned money to nearby colleges and universities, greatly advancing the nation's technological advantage in vital fields.

  13. Y que esperaban dejando entrar a esos delicuentes que hacen exactamente lo mismo de donde vienen. Realmente son leyes absolutamente ridículas e inentendibles que dan risa. Todos los que los defienden son los que nosotros llamamos " guerrilleros de Starbucks" , las personas que no tienen ni idea que es vivir en otro pais y que estos desgraciados te maten por un celular y se rian., pero los defensores arreglan el mundo tomandose un latte en su starbucks y pura ideologia sin nada de experiencia. Lo siento pero a mi si me tocó varias veces lidiar con estos malandros cuando vivia en otro pais de suramerica y es increible que les abrieron la puerta
    Y los dejaron entrar …por Dios, Que estupidez tan grande. Hasta ahora se van a dar cuenta del daño que qie hicieron y los qie los defienden ahora a ver qie dicen cuando les toquen a sus familias.
    Robos, extorciones, secuestros, eso es otro lunes para ellos.
    Que tristeza tan grande.

  14. You bleeding hearts voted for this and you got it .
    At what point do you say I guess they’re not just here to work

  15. they would not freely do this in their own country, they would've been dealt with harshly……..but they heard how America is SOFT ON CRIME ! Which is true……

  16. Shows how much he appreciates having made it to America, huh?
    All of these ILLEGAL IMmigrants caught committing any crime, especially the violent ones, should be arrested and there should be a special court to try them immediately. Then they should be deported immediately. And if they work their way back to this country again and are caught here again they should have to serve whatever sentence was dealt out to them without any kind of appeal.

  17. It is my firm belief that in the very near future this once great country can become a laggerd nation. What could be said of a country where those who come to the country legally and spend thousands of dollars on university education have only a one in ten chance of getting even a provisional visa, despite the fact that they contribute immensely to maintaining the cutting edge of the United States in critical areas like science and technology? On the other hand, those who enter illegally are guaranteed not only citizenship but also free food and accommodation during their initial years of stay.

  18. Along with illegal immigrants from South and Central America some of them with hard core criminal background , tens of thousands of people from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, and many other Asian and African countries are said to have crossed the border through the USA-Mexico borders, carrying enough cash to stay in major cities. Large-scale pro-Palestinian protests over the past two months have demonstrated that they are supported by forces hostile to the United States and Europe. In addition, their confrontation with police forces suggests that many of them are seasoned criminals and even terrorists who could eventually endanger the safety and security of these nations.


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