
New World Update 4.0.4 FINALLY nerfs doorPR!


New World Update 4.0.4 finally comes with a good PvP change to reduce doorpr. Along with that, we also get the Lunar New Year event and the improved group finder with cross-world for normal expeditions, M1 and M2.

00:00 – New World Update 4.0.4
00:37 – New skins
01:06 – Combat changes
01:48 – Less doorpr
03:16 – Pestilence nerf
04:50 – Expeditions
06:37 – Fixes
07:17 – Frigid Dawn fix round 2
07:50 – Known issues

Sources: New World Database:

#NewWorld #pvp #opr

DISCORD (New World):

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

world , New World Update 4.0.4 FINALLY nerfs doorPR! , #World #Update #4.0.4 #FINALLY #nerfs #doorPR
, new world,new world mmo,crossworld,m3,arena,group finder

19 pemikiran pada “New World Update 4.0.4 FINALLY nerfs doorPR!”

  1. To destroy a door under repair you have to light kegs at the same time which without a team on voice is virtually impossible, I've don this once.

    If repairer has wood = 4 kegs
    Repairer no wood = 3 kegs
    With brute = 2 kegs if hit same time as brute hit

    That crazy

  2. Sometimes i be a builder at OPR and i like make some people who want to back cap my base without brain angry at OPR, sometimes i make my base strong and keep the gate close anytime, you may good at PVP but you not playing by yourself that's why you have brain and use it properly lol, you also have team who need minimum 3k of poin hahaha

  3. So the keg can't even take out a T3 door, I don't think this is going to have any impact. It's just way faster, easier and more efficient to get the brute or wraith.

  4. Re: Lost Stopwatch – I imagine that they took the feedback from PTR that stopwatch should also be counted for PUG finder, so they changed it at the backend but for one reason or another they couldn't get the UI updated to say that.

  5. personally, i just wish when someone hands my ass to me in opr that i could see more than just their weapon they used, sometimes i want to know what perk combo made me do absolutely noodle damage, and what gems people are using to guide me in the right direction for my runeglass uses, i know i could "lookup a guide" but where's the fun in that XD

  6. Yeah, this isn't a big change. Nobody buys kegs in OPR. It's a waste. And the majority of ppl in OPR want zero PVE plebs ruining our only outlet of consistent PVP…

    Get rid of mat farming/building or give us open-world raid party duels…

  7. People don't use the kegs enough because they only think "chase kills". I mean it only took 4 mob kills to buy one. Not hard. Same people who zerg mid and keep running to the other end leaving mid empty and wonder why they get flanked are the ones who complain about pve in OPR. They sure do like getting the buffs though 😉 I do like the cost reduction though. Anything that makes it faster is better and more fluid. You only need to go kill 2 mobs to buy a keg. Ez stuff. People will still not do it while they complain about doors. The change they should make is the fact that 1 single defender can out-repair 10 attackers on a door. Slow down the repair speed and DoorPR is solved. Not that any of it matters until we get more maps (picked at random, not on a weekly rotation) and new game types. It's not hard, but apparently it is for these devs.

  8. 1. new OPR Map, plz
    2. ranked system for OPR (im casual, i know im not good – would be awesome to be against your kind and not 24/7 pvp neckbeards + vise versa)
    3. role/loadout specific regulations for OPR …its WAAAAY to random (sometimes you got like 10 musket players, no healers vs 10 bruisers and 5healers)
    e.g.> would be awesome if system detects 14 healers in a 40ppl opr queue and split them on both teams equally

    exta: the new event is a shitshow!! 1 location on a server with normal type enemies?! …like 200 ppl standing on one spot just trying to get participation IS NOT FUN

  9. I just want an opr map with absolutely no pve. Capture the flag maybe. We need way more map variation for opr and arena and not on a weekly cooldown

  10. The cinematography here is breathtaking. Each shot is a work of art, creating a visually stunning experience.💝


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