
New World Roadmap 2024: What To Expect!


The New World 2024 Roadmap has been delayed until June, along with the announcement that there will be major news at that point. This will very likely be the announcement of a console release, but there are also various other pieces of content that we’ve gotten hints at in the past that may be scheduled for later this year. For example, we know that a full raid with multiple bosses and trash mobs is planned and that Scot has specifically referred to this as the Medusa raid. Additionally, casual wars have been talked about for a while and are something the devs did say they want to include in the future, which could come along with a new matchmaking system or a role queue for PvP. Other potential features include a corrupted portal rework, company housing or a barbershop.


00:00 – What’s coming in June?
00:25 – PvP Content
02:02 – Casual wars
04:04 – New OPR map
04:31 – Monetization
05:44 – Console version
06:42 – PvE: Corrupted Portal Rework
07:40 – PvE: Full Raid with multiple bosses
08:37 – Engine overhaul & Combat code
09:21 – Company housing
09:52 – Barbershopt

Sources: New World Database:

#NewWorld #Roadmap #2024

DISCORD (New World):

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

world , New World Roadmap 2024: What To Expect! , #World #Roadmap #Expect
, new world,new world mmo,may,may roadmap,new world roadmap,roadmap 2024,casual war,full raid,raid,nw,matchmaking,console

32 pemikiran pada “New World Roadmap 2024: What To Expect!”

  1. SInce I only get to play New World a couple times a week, like 8-10 hrs a week, the fact the game is evolving slowly suits me just fine. I would bet they are ok gearing the game to casuals like me.
    Not everyone is hardcore 30-40 hrs a week, aka a second job lol

  2. I have over 7000 hours in NW and finally quit this past season, the game is absolute dog shit, the devs are clueless, and the game has no aim to become better. Who the hell in their right mind thinks just spam running the same m3 dungeons over and over is content? or the same 1 shitty OPR map? completely disgusted that they failed this game.

  3. Downgrade the war to 40vs40 is a good moove, and pliz add the fact that a company can only have 1 territory. You loose your town if you win a other. More roster, more company, more fun for everyone.
    And fk yu gold sellers you destroy the game ❤

  4. so bad management, they cant be so clueless, nothing to do in the game 0 pvp content and they keep adding trash stuff, just dump it guys they deserve to get fired..

  5. wont thing u didnt mention was a NEW TRADESKILL. based on history new content they add is based on a trade skill. so figure out what that is and be rewarded!

  6. Major issue for me is continuously calling features content. There is a major difference between a feature and content.

  7. We all know what they need and i doubt they match it 30% this year even. Opr new matches ore maps how hard is it realy to make? all of us reverse enginering games in the past know we talking about mini games isolited from the main serv and cod. thats just one thing thye could have done another is solo q options but this is a prob in msot games i play br and cs go from the begining and i think only game that still have some what a chans is fortintate becuase they jsut push out new content and skins faster.

  8. I just feel this game is dead and it's all on the developers. Just clueless. The minute they said 'wait six months until may….' they lost nearly everyone remaining.

  9. Season's are one time content and it's confusing to list them on the website after they're gone. I personally think the seasons being removed are a mistake because they tell important stories. I think they should remain in some sort of mode you can turn on to have the season be there, but then that also assumes you dont use those areas for other things.

    My predictions

    Gamepass – Game will be the full version with all content unlocked, seasons will be extra.

    FSR3 – If you're targeting consoles then FSR makes sense as all next generation consoles appear to have locked in AMD GPU's. DLSS is still a possibility if they chose to support both tech platforms, but FSR is a more likely candidate as even lumberyard and a Amazon employee did the groundwork already with patches for the engine to enable FSR.

    DX12 – We know it's coming. Newest Xbox's dev kits are DX12 so there's that. DX12 also is required to enable FSR or DLSS.

    New Territory(s) – Until recently I was able to death slide into the north and westward territories and there have been changes up there. They're working on the terrain actively. At some point in the last patch cycle they put a fix in for the death slide so I can no longer glitch into the blocked areas.

    Larger guilds – they talked about this already, still see no reason for this to not happen.

    New OPR Map – Some interesting new islands are out of reach – could be new content, but we'll see.

  10. I just picked the game back up after 850 og hours only to realize that the new content is DLC and I must pay for it as if I haven’t given these bastards enough money let alone the gold farmers. Let me tell you something I’ve spent about $3000 on this account and now I got a shell out another 29? This is absurd. I’m doing it tomorrow.

  11. Same ole BS – PVP tweeks, cosmetic stuff and camera options, and not much else. They wonder why the game has died….. because the devs are brain dead.

  12. Queueable wars would ruin what makes wars fun in the first place. Wars are fun because it's fully player organized with full control over roster comp, main calls, micro calls, etc. It has to be cross-server company vs company not tied to territory. Then this way we can have the 50v50 or the 40v40, 30v30, whatever. Add a wager feature and leaderboards and you got a super successful war scene.

  13. Community: For the love of God, give us a PvP update!!

    Devs: Mounts are allowed in OPR in season 5. It's gonna be awesome!

    😂😂 FML

  14. How old is the video that you’re using ? Cause i can see myself in the video and havent been on that server for a while 😅

  15. Tournament 1v1 PvP mode would be hype. Have maybe 24 players go against each other bracket style. Allow spectating for matches that finish earlier than others. I'd be on that shit 24/7!

  16. Just give us 4 new OPR maps call it battlegrounds, little bit of role balancing and done. Just slice existing parts of the map where there are no races like myrk, a city and so on.

  17. I hope so badly that they don't do queueable casual wars. It would be so much better if they put in a challenge system so companies can war against each other freely.

  18. new weapons adn alot of new pvp content I hope¡ Man I want dagger, shield and spear, crossbow, asian weapons maybe a katana¡

    We need weapon lot of weapons

  19. After 8k hours daily log ins I'm about over it hopefully coming back but took a 3 week break feel better for it


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