
New World reminds us that we’re all replaceable. Also, 2024 “Roadmap”.


The New World devs have made it very clear that they are no longer focusing on their existing player base of pc players at all and are instead purely focusing on new and returning players. This is both in their messaging as well as their handling of platforms like Discord.


00:00 – Shift in tone
01:04 – Season 6 delayed massively
02:04 – Last season of this year
02:19 – Roadmap
04:42 – So much talk about players without ROTAE
05:35 – You are irrelevant
06:19 – The Discord debacle
07:42 – The repercussions for the NEW audience
09:53 – It would have been so easy…
10:31 – Why I’m not quitting anyways

Sources: New World Database:

#NewWorld #aeternum #newworldaeternum

DISCORD (New World):

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

world , New World reminds us that we’re all replaceable. Also, 2024 “Roadmap”. , #World #reminds #replaceable #Roadmap
, new world,new world mmo,roadmap 2024,season 7,ffa,pvp,pvp island,pvp zone,condemned shallows,june,new world june announcement,summer games fest,new world season 6,new world season 7,season 6,pc,fail,new world dead,new world aeternum,aeternum,marketing,clown world aeternum,clown world

28 pemikiran pada “New World reminds us that we’re all replaceable. Also, 2024 “Roadmap”.”

  1. So sad for I love the game. But agree the devs sucks and I also had problems whit the discord. Got muted for just asking questiond
    It was clear for me that they where not caring about feedback or customers in general.

  2. It's pretty clear what's happening. AGS is trying to earn as much revenue and possible before they soft maintenance mode NW, to make way for the LOTR MMO.

    Release on console to try and sell the content they already have to new players, do a few updates that are decent sized to get these new players to feel the game has a future, so they spend more, then start only doing very low effort updates.

  3. I think they forgot or dont undertstand how many players that quit the game in the past still keep a good eye on how the game is developing even though they arent part of the active player numbers. I would guess there is atleast 50-150k players keeping an eye on the game and would be willing to play again if they actually gave us some good updates. But they have done the opposite

  4. Honest question from someone who's thinking of starting anew as a casual with some new friends on October. I dont think id be able to reach 1k hours in even a year, would there be enough content for me and my friends during that time? Thank you

  5. if New World was a monthly sub model the game would of been shut down by now. so even you yourself in code want it shut down.

  6. If these are the same people that plan on working on the new Lord of the rings game I am not interested, and I really want a new Lord of the rings MMO, I love lotro but it's time for a new one but not from these people

  7. Honestly if you spam something somewhere, and you partake on this action you cant seem appalled on your own behavior. Toxic behavior has consequences regardless if you are in the right or not.
    Also, Scott Lane is a solo player, this is where the studio and the current New World Player Base is divided.

  8. Again as a Ex patreon supporter, I got to admit i love your honesty and telling it how it is. Sorry but AGS and NW screwed us time over time. Love ya man! great vids! Knightsky

  9. Welp it looks like it's time to put NW down for another 3-6 months and go back to GW2 and ESO. SMH such a sad state of affairs.

  10. DX11 is mostly autosetup, thats why it runs in general decent.

    Dx12 is way more coding/assigning. Thats why a lot of Games with DX12 suck, its a shitload of work to get it the right way.

  11. Got over 4k Hours, had fun, had way to high hopes and copium all the time and now im done.
    I may take a look at NW:Aeternum, but the game lacks a direction and worthwhile content down the pipe.

    Still wish everyone who is hopefull or on full copium the best and lots of fun <3

  12. Dx 12 perform miracles if the devs do it right in short:
    DX 11 – optimalization are on drivers side so who is responsible for that AMD/nVidia/Intel.
    DX 12 – optimalisations are on game renender pipeline side whos responsible for that DEVS.

  13. From a profit point of view we're worse than replaceable, we're expendable. Once a person buys the base game and expansion they're done as a revenue source save for those that frequent the cash shop. Most companies are clever enough not to go out of their way to point that out to their players.

  14. These Devs will learnt the hard way if they think that PC players are more forgiving than we are they are in for a rude awakening.

  15. Angry veterans griefing new console players? How could you think that? It only has about 100% chance of happening. AGS team is really poor at their jobs and they don't appear to be improving with experience. They will be in shock at the demands that come with console releases, for instance you can't emergency patch and all patches go through a strict certification that takes time. AGS devs show no ability at all to be able to deliver reasonably sound updates. I wish them luck and hope that it is a success since that would mean further work and content for NW, but chance of success is low (like 20%) and many firings (at like 60%) with some sorta semi-success at 20%. So 40% chance NW is still around the entire year in 2025. Feeling lucky? No, not really.

  16. Duke: that is capitalism for you
    No, it is just the fart huffing devs in commiefornia thinking big daddy Amazon parent company will always be there to bail them out. Amazon might get tired of AGS and pull their plug. They already ruined Amazon's brand name in video games. AGS is a failure, and only so long that will be tolerated. When the Romanian operations gets up and running, then the US operation might just find themselves closed for good.

  17. the discord thing reminds me of Bethesda and anytime someone asks questions about content coming out or when to expect something they would ban them on twitch during a live stream LMAO soft ass devs that enjoy echo chambers 💀

  18. if the game does well enough on consoles, it will eventually move to a more assisted combat with homing bullets and fireballs for ranged weapons, target lockon and aim assist will be enabled on pvp.

  19. Only reason this game is still alive, is because it's Amazon. ANY other developer and it would've been shut down the first year.


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