
New World: Forged in Aeternum – Community Q&A (December 2023)


In episode 67 of Forged in Aeternum, Scot Lane (Game Director), David Verfaillie (Creative Director), and Scott Geiser (Senior Gameplay Engineer) answer your community questions.

1:47 Season 4 Delay
4:03 Controller Lock-On and Aim Assists
5:04 Crossworld Arena 3v3
6:23 2024 Upcoming Content
7:29 Why Do We Develop Certain Things?
9:42 February to May Roadmap
11:02 Influence Races
12:12 Winter Warrior
14:17 OPR
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47 pemikiran pada “New World: Forged in Aeternum – Community Q&A (December 2023)”

  1. Thank you for creating such a fun game, thank you for hard work! When we going to have a Combat Log. Merry Christmas 😊

  2. Hi! 🙂
    I'm relatively new to the MMO genre and have been thrilled returning to New World in Season 3 and Season 4!
    Thank you for for all your hard work, it definitely shows! Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

    My question: As a music enjoyer, I'd love to see more songs being added to the game! Any word on when we can expect to see more songs being added?
    (Side note: Some of the guitar notes on 'Morning Chores' seem to be slightly off-beat, could someone look into that, please? :P)

  3. I agree petiole asks for controller but in comparison to how many people ask for more content it’s inexcusable. You’re actually just tryna buy time so just say that. It’s pathetic to try and cover what you’re doing

  4. Merry Christmas all ! As a new player Who’s at lvl 49 rn I have played about half my time (80ish total) with controller I’m so glad official support is coming. I hope the lock on is soft cause i don’t seem to need any but a little will help with spear/ranged I think. And thanks for the reasoning on the yeti. I thought it was funny seeing 300 people rotating for yeti. I do wish we could do more then 3 that feeling you described was there but enjoyable cause so many people were there talking.

  5. First of all, I felt sorry for Scott an his Christmas spirit, so hope you all have a great Christmas and can change your focus away from new world and your work! Have a good Christmas time!
    Its a bit heated atm, that might explain the rude questions, but in my opinion we got a lot the past years and new world is a great game atm (yeah, it was a rough release, but i think the brimstone update was great and solved the bad release and we got a lot). We all make mistakes, some bugs are annoying but it be fair, they get solved pretty fast now!
    And after all that we got content and features and it was pretty good, at the moment we all thought we get a short break of content after the update but it’s a bit hard to see it’s a longer content break. The problem is, we don’t know what to do when we log in, we want something new (some repeatable content AND it should be rewarding). Group finder is nice and an awesome feature and the cross world expeditions will Be great too, but that is something I will be happy about for a short time that we can play dungeons etc more frequently and then I need a new dungeon to fill my time or better, some things they are different everytime (like new pvp things which depend on the people playing in my round) or repeatable soul trials with mutators or sth like that.
    I wrote a lot, I hope you can solve som cryptic sentences. I really Whish you all a good Christmas time and good food! I am pretty excited for the new year and glad about the state of new world!

  6. I think people don’t quite understand the time/effort it takes to code a game despite being developers. If you could showcase a behind the scenes to what fixing bugs, developing content, etc. looks like, then I feel it would give players a visual to what actually goes on and the effort y’all put in!

  7. The community wanted more content including new OPR maps ( I hate OPR but the overall community wants this)
    . As a community we did not ask for controller support. and no crimbo message from me, you guys rly need to step up otherwise the player base will be below 10k in no time!
    3.5K hour player literally asking you guys to pull your socks up or the game literally dies infront of you.

  8. Keep working hard guys! take the negative comments with a grain of salt and learn from them. Me and many others are going nowhere. New World has ruined other MMOS for me, this is the game i wanna play and watch get better and better over the years. The only thing i would wanna see, is maybe take some inspiration from some aspects of WoW, in just quality of life things. New mounts, maybe flying ones eventually. Keep building on solid ground till you get ahead guys. I don't mind the bugs, i understand that's going to happen. Just stay enthusiastic and release exciting content for the players. for ex, like a random boss with a guaranteed drop who shows up on new years eve night at a random spot on the map that elite players will catch on too and get. Players love exclusive drops because they mean more, especially if the weapon actually competes with meta gear. excited to see what is to come!

  9. Just kinda weird at the end how you're comparing a new opr map to things other players want. Did you seriously conclude that a new expedition is more valuable to players than a new OPR map? A new seasonal trial? An updated main story? Your updated main story is the reason why the current expansion was a flop because it led to more issues and gatekeeped people like Shroud from the expansion

    At the end of the day we're all happy you're still developing the game but you actually have competition this year with Throne and Liberty and Ashes of Creation. You need better priorities. Seriously hoping the "exciting" news you haven't shared yet is more than a console release

  10. Just excited for the reintroduction for aim bot mechanics due to addition of “aim assist”. Y’all pissed about bows right wait till this releases 😂

  11. P.S nerfing the only actual fully PvP mode (3v3) has essentially killed it and now I'm stuck with OPR with the PvE lords that can repair gates with 1 person against 15-20 and have to deal with range being toxic anywhere outside of one of the points. I vote bring back 3v3 rewards and leave OPRs buffed rewards as they are and let's idk the player decide on what they play instead of severely nerfing one mode and buffing the other essentially only giving players 1 choice of mode (and map)

  12. Can't you do an actual poll system to get proper feedback? Like where in the world are u getting random stats like people want controller more than a opr map ?

  13. PvP severely needs love of there is not multiple maps and modes added and serious balance done to nerf range idk what you guys are doing, we've waited long enough for significant PvP modes and maps and balancing to be done, the heavy melee response has come because the range damage creep since S1, Actually put range in line with other weapons better is sad, I think a lot of people are going to be done if PvP doesn't get actual significant content and proper balancing with the range problem if you guys just straight nerf heavy builds and either do not touch range or buff them directly or indirectly that will be it I think, people sick of waiting PvE gets updates and content we have to beg in PvP for years to only have 1 OPR map and 2 Arena maps and that's only 2 modes as well, LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS THAT PLAY.

  14. Intro: Youre making a joke out of it but this is just the state of your game/development. Its kinda bad.
    If OPR is one of your biggest modes, why cant it get new maps after its been arround for over 2 years!!! Did your comment at the end about the OPR map suggest your not even working or not even THINKING about working on a new map????
    Suggestion for Yeti: first 3 drops daily are "premium hailspikes" that give bigger rewards like you have now, and then all after are "normal hailspikes" that give a smaller reward but keeps it worth doing them.

    By not saying much about what comes in May but keep saying "In may were gonna have alot to talk about" is putting ALOT of pressure on you to atleast deliver news of what follows and then ALOT of pressure to deliver that actually ingame… You say you want and need to do better. Thats your goal. Whatever you have planned for, and anounce in, May. Thats the target. Good luck.

  15. FEEDBACK – Re State of game/content:

    Since release, PvE players have received: Mutated Expeditions, Tempest Heart, Brimstone Sands, Ennead, Barnacles & Black Powder, Trials, Elysian Wilds, Savage Divide, and Glacial Tarn. This is 1.5 new zones (I realize Elysian Wilds is a whole zone in terms of dev time, but we also lost First Light)
    6 unique expeditions (including mutated Starstone+Amrine)
    2 Trials. THIS is what most players refer to as "content" when referring to PvE.

    Since release, PvP players have received: Arena PvP mode, 1 new Arena map, Influence Races.

    I'll grant that there have been many balance changes, and QOL changes, to and around PvP content, but there has been a marked dearth of NEW PvP "content" in the game. THIS is why PvP players are complaining about lack of PvP content.

    New expeditions / trials are released regularly, every season or every other season, and while PvP changes are frequent, new pvp CONTENT is almost nonexistent. It's all well and good to grease the squeaky wheels on old toys, but the PvP boys want new toys too, and it feels like too little dev time is being allocated to generating new PvP content.

    The reason players want to hear about the road map, is they need hope for the future. If the developers don't have a plan for the future that they can share with the players, how are the players supposed to know what to look forward to? If the players have nothing to look forward to, it causes them to loose interest in the game, and loose faith in the dev team. We don't need hard commitment to a time table, but we would like to know goals and priorities for the near future in as much detail as possible.

  16. Doing both PVP and PVE, is always something that will kill an mmorpg. BREAD and BUTTER in an mmorpg will always be PVE, people pay to play PVE (most do). get PVE to top tier, then focus on PVP.

  17. A software tester walks into a bar.

    Walks into a bar

    Runs into a bar.

    Crawls into a bar.

    Dances into a bar.

    Flies into a bar.

    Jumps into a bar.

    And orders:

    a beer.

    2 beers.

    0 beers.

    99999999 beers.

    a lizard in a beer glass.

    -1 beer.

    "qwertyuiop" beers.

    Testing complete.

    A real customer walks into the bar and asks where the bathroom is.

    The bar goes up in flames.

    An old joke BUT you need to hire that guy.

    You keep stepping on the same rake over and over.

  18. I don't think it's unreasonable that we keep asking for new opr maps and modes. It could be such a huge boon to the game and I just don't understand the pushback. Use existing assets in the game if you must (Myrk etc) but give us something. Please.

  19. APOLOGY: As a player since beta, I have had my share of frustrations with how the dev team has addressed various perceived issues with the game, and I understand that it is very difficult for most people to remain civil, when they feel slighted. I myself have been quite vocal/heated about my opinions regarding various changes, but when I hear some of the other comments read out loud… it feels emotionally abusive, even to me. While I disagree with many/most of the changes made by the dev team, I appreciate that they are doing the best they can / know how, and I don't think they deserve to be subjected to verbal abuse. Whitty snips, sure. Memes absolutely, but tasteless brow beating, and ad-homonym defamation isn't remotely acceptable, and it saddens me that people find it acceptable to behave in this manner.

  20. You missed the boat on the Yeti clamp down. I understand that the server can't handle the zerg, but that's what I enjoy doing. I was enjoying myself every day since the event started. Then someone said, "Oh, you can only get rewards for your first 3 kills." I wanna kill the Yeti over and over and over again until my eyes bleed. You can have an ECR group with 100 or more people and you encourage that type of play and even call it "content" but a once a year event and we can't have a massive multi-player online experience with it? Quit limiting how I want to play. Upgrade the servers so we can have all 2500 people zerging at the same time. Now that sounds like fun!

  21. loves the game but the issue in the early S4 make me run away this time, i hope the game the next year improve. happy holiday and happy new year

  22. I don’t know how but, could you do something that some areas get more interesting for companies to hold it or do war, because the wars just turn around Windsward,everfall,brightwood and Brimstone and the other areas are nearly death 😢

  23. Fridges dawn making the greatsword overpowered really? Sounds like a fire staff user crying about us having good armor against them! lol wawawa!!! 😢

  24. Hard to be a developer can’t satisfy everyone. I would like to say I think yall are on the right path, and I’m happy to see a development team so involved with the community of their game. New Worlds PvP is a real gem please don’t drop the ball. I hope you guys come with some new maps and modes for pvp.

  25. Happy Holidays. Please No controller lock on for PvP and go easy on the aim assist. Controller shouldn't have advantage over mouse n keyboard. Winter warrior change was good (just needed to be done from start).

  26. I might not be happy with the amount of stuff that is coming, and I understand development can have unpredictable speeds. but damn i appreciate these videos where you go through fire to face quite fierce comments head on in a video like this and it gives me faith that you guys are trying!

  27. FEEDBACK – RE Yeeti: I understand WHY you made the change, but the problem is, some players would rather work/grind an event for 3 days and be done, and others would rather do a little every day. Some people can't play EVERY day, and for those players, the event change drastically diminished how much they were able to participate. The Winter Warrior event, ISN'T something you can simply get 5 people and go do. It typically takes ~20 people to do comfortably, and the more casual players have always been reliant on the event grinders to keep the zerg moving, so they can jump in more "at will" and get their participation in. With the Inductor and Seals already time gated, there was really no danger in allowing players to grind the event, and by time gating the event tokens, you essentially knee-capped all of the more casual players that may only have 30min-1hr to play durring the week. Because there's no way for them to guarantee they will be able to assemble or join a group for the event AND secure their 3 kills in that timeframe.

    Additionally, announcing the change BEFORE it happened, allowed the time rich players the opportunity to grind and hoard enough Hailspikes to be able to meet the daily turn in limit without ever killing the WW again, which completely defeated the purpose of the change, AND removed nearlly 100% of the players that would have been motivated enough to form groups regularly to kill the boss, so that the more casual player base could participate.

    Finally, I think that placing a cap on the spike/day exchange is FINE, but limiting the kills/day that grant spikes to 3, was IMO, a poor design choice. The hailspike drop rate was 1-5 per kill, and if a player got unlucky, they could end up with only 3 spikes, which would prevent them from hitting the 5/day cap, and unless they already had a preexisting surplus of spikes, that means they loose out on those 2 turn-ins. IF the spike exchange cap remained, but the kills per day were uncapped, then players could grind up a surplus of spikes, and stay ontop of the event during the week. IMO the biggest problems with the change, was that it removed player choice of how to spend their time with regards to the event, AND it punished players that failed to be opportunistic by stockpiling hailspikes.

  28. A lot of people asked for controller!! Me included. This game with controller feels great Even with the steam mapping that doesn't work that well.

  29. There is tons of content lol you guys are ridiculous. The problem with the content is that we need to make more gold for the content played! Optimization is severely needed over content at this point.

  30. You guys just keeping working on the game!! We are behind you thanks for the fun game! I have a couple of suggestions, but if you would please some of the content would be played more if you added more money to the content. More gold for running OPR, also gold for running raids, and the hatchery!! Specially with the gold sink in the game. That would help make money playing all the content!!


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