
New World: an unfinished masterpiece


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One of the most hyped modern MMOs in recent history that hit huge peaks in player count before bottoming out like nothing we’ve seen before. New World is a game I’ve made fun of a lot for how bad the release of it went relative to expectations, but in 2024, over 2 years later, is it still as bare bones as it was? How about with the new Rise of the Angry Earth expansion?

I played a TON of new world over the past week to find out what works, what doesn’t, and if this game has a future that’s worth investing in.

00:00 Intro
1:21 Part 1 (the beginning)
4:38 Part 1 again
10:39 Part 2 (uh oh im addicted)
19:37 Part 3 (macrotransactions)
23:09 Part 4 (do it again)
29:34 Part 5 (anyways)

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50 pemikiran pada “New World: an unfinished masterpiece”

  1. Get 20% OFF + Free International Shipping + 2 Free Gifts with my promo code "IDYL" at

    Thanks for watching! Did any of you play New World on release and stick with it for a while, or was it really that big of a burn out machine?

  2. New World is the MMO I play the most right now. Mostly, I admit it's because of its monetization system since monthly payments are really expensive for us in LATAM. You mention the biggest problems of the game, that everything is the same, that it's the same mods over and over again, and its end game is not easy to understand, to be honest. I hope they fix that. Another problem the game has is that if you don't buy the expansion and reach level 60, it's going to be very uncomfortable because they will drop level 60+ items that you won't be able to use until you buy the expansion. This makes the vanilla level 60 content super uncomfortable to play, a somewhat sneaky strategy to make you buy the expansion. I do want to buy it but not at this price; for what little it offers, I'm waiting for a promo. This made me stop playing until I have the promo. I hope the game continues and improves; I feel it has a lot of potential. God of video games, I hope they don't abandon it.

  3. At end game gathering & crafting is a great way to make gold as well as make best in slot gear and lock in exactly what you want for your dream piece. At the same time drops are a great way to get some bis gear and a lot of drops can be customised to your liking. They strike a good balance here.

    NW has come a long way, but still needs more engaging content end game (new PvP maps & modes, 20 person dungeons etc). Expansion was nice, but as you rightly said lacked content.

  4. Your character is so floaty looking because of your FOV. Turn up FOV to the max. It will NOT look different but your animations will not look like you are running on ice. You will also be able to zoom out further. Again: it will NOT distort the image. It will just look better.

  5. higher level areas have more variety to them, devs are still fixing the lower level areas to not look the same. crafted gear is bis once you reach end game and can cost a pretty penny, but not as much as it used

  6. for your remark about the parkour not letting you know where you can jump, watch the white spots on the rocks. That's where you should go. I saw a YT video before of 2 guys (JiggySpice and maybe Whelps? Not sure) who did parkour around Brimstone and they kept saying "follow the cum" – that's how I remembered it, lol.

  7. Star Wars Galaxies (pre-NGE) had the best crafting and player economy of any game ever made. Would love to see you make some videos on SWGEmu or the SWG Restoration servers.

  8. So much potential, so much promise, so much hype. All for nought. R.I.P New World, you will be remembered.

  9. I played NW when it came out and sunk about 400 hours into it. It definitely needed work back then and I'm glad it's in a better position now. However, I was a major crafter and gatherer player. I loved spending hours just gathering materials and crafting tons of stuff. But when I got to later and later items, it got very hard to want to be a crafter. I didn't mind having to go to more difficult areas to get high level ingredients, but I did mind how I'd have to spend tens of hours just getting lower level ingredients just to use them in higher level recipes. Thousands upon thousands of wood, metal, stone, etc. just to make a handful of swords or bullets or potions. The crafting system was genuinely cool, but gathering was a pain in the ass. Right now I check in on NW every now and then in hopes the gathering system, at the least, has been overhauled to make the grind easier. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it will be anytime soon.

  10. to be fair the guns were better on release. but after some updates now they feel wonky. its ok though you didnt miss out on anything

  11. One of the cool things about New World is that it is a lot of people's first time playing any sort of mmo. I really hope Amazon keeps working on it. I played in the beginning, burnt out, then played again before Brimstone Sands (first expansion) and for a bit after. But the fact that you can see exactly what's wrong with the game after just 30-50 hours says a lot about the game.

  12. Personally I find new world to be incredibly boring in design. Just worse ESO. However, there are many negative comments (from some botter) so I just wanted to say you are doing great, President Idyl. Thanks for the content 🙂

  13. For anyone who might get confused "write-offs" don't make things "free," write-offs just make things tax-free. Idyl's business had to pay for the game and the expansion, but doesn't have to pay taxes on that expense (well, they probably paid taxes but they get to deduct those taxes on the annual tax forms we file in 'Muricka).

    Actually actually it's not that they don't have to pay taxes on the game it's that they can deduct the cost of the game from their income, offsetting the amount of taxes they have to pay on their income. It's referred to as an "above-the-line" expense, as in, you calculate the expense before calculating the tax as opposed to a "below-the-line" expense where you pay with money that you got taxed on.

  14. ive been playing new world for 6 months and have over 300 hours in it. you really dont know anything about late game it seems lol

  15. Why did you have to disrespect waffles? Waffles are amazing! They have little pockets to hold the syrup unlike those non-pocketed pancakes!

    Unsubscribed! Oh wait, I’m not subscribed,…hold please,….subscribe confirmed aaannnnddd unsubscribed!

    (By the way, great video waffle hater)

  16. I still play nw, its got ALOT of problems, fixed alot of them but my opinion is that wow wasnt built in a day. Game looks amazing and has a gorgeous worldspace. One thing i really liked was playing an expedition and seeing the map from another expidition just off the map

  17. The biggest issue is the last minute switch from a full-fledged pvp game to a pve game where people only pvp in instaced BGs. Now they will be playing content catch-up for the games duration.
    They also made the game far too quick and simple. You get to max level and max gear score so fast, theres nothing to do after a week.

  18. I stopped after a month cause I hate mmos where one character can build and max everything, no point in the market or specialty characters or specific people in your guild for specific things like no , just everyone is the same character just cosmetically diff, I was one of the first max levels too which was kind of a bummer I rushed the game and put so much time into it just for me not enjoy the overall crafting / social aspect .

  19. How DARE you talk smack about my favorite sugar and butter delivery device. Waffles are at least A tier, cmon now. Except for Eggos, that is just frozen recycled cardboard and should not be lumped in with waffles at all.

  20. Good job Idyl, this is your worst one yet 😀 New worlds zone variety get's a lot better towards max level, Highly recommend hitting max level just to see the cool zones at least.

  21. I didn't know games in the top 100 MOST ACTIVE GAMES on the entirety of Steam were dead. That's a really interesting take. And DAMN that's a lot of dead games.


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