
New World: Aeternum Showcase | Asmongold Reacts


Asmongold Reacts to IGN Live Day 2 – New World devs present Aeternum
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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48 pemikiran pada “New World: Aeternum Showcase | Asmongold Reacts”

  1. NO good MMORPG until Ashes Of Creation come out. Sad but we have to accept it. The creators of Ashes Of Creation mission is to create a good fking game, not to make a lot of money. They are connecting to the players from the very first time, active forum, only cosmetics shop etc..

  2. McConnel and Asmongold were disappointed.

    Everyone were furious and with a very long dislike on steam

    DEI: Time to ruin them

  3. This is proof to me that gaming companies can put out literally anything and people will buy it. I would be profoundly embarrassed and resign if this was my company

  4. – You can play this MMO solo all the way.
    – WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (Who wants to play with others?).

    Small thing: guys, stop saying how much excited you are. It doesn't matter, it's your showcase/cinematic/ad whatever that has to make us excited. Saying you are excited so many times only gives us the impression you're just covering up for how very much unexciting it is. It's like bad scenes where instead of making it good so it resonates with the viewere making him sad, the characters keep saying how sad they are; or the bad comedies where gags have zero funny but they make the characters laugh histerically as if there was anything funny.

  5. You know which other game uses Lumberyard (or rather has it's own engine based on it) and has desynch problems and lots of bugs? Star Citizen. Though I don't know if it's because of lumberyard or the negligence of the devs….

  6. I had most fun in this game when we played with asmon during the special event, we had some kind organization.

  7. Well that was depressing. Paid audience members (they have to be, right?) cheering for screenshots of content that have been in the game for years. The huge new update contained absolutely nothing other than a console port. Yikes.

  8. As an avid non player of New World after this announcement I will be an even bigger avid non player of New World.

  9. Acting like all the old content is new content and the crowd of bots cheering for old content… wtf is going on

  10. did i miss something, is pc getting anything? why they talking like any of this is new. its just new to console?

  11. 4.5k player online holy fuck¡ I left when it was like 9k 10k like a month ago. This game is dead af¡

  12. I thought they shutdown the servers. That must be the Stephen Colbert audience they shipped in for clapter and cheering.

  13. well that was sad.
    you can feel the IGN interviewer was trying his best to build hype around nothing and he knew all about it XD

  14. I disagree with the take that having lots of hour in a game you shouldn't down vote it. I had 600h in a game and i down voted it because they update it the game so much they changed the gameplay and it is not longer as fun as it used to. I uninstalled the game and downvoted it with 600h.

  15. Ohh wow, both Amazon and IGN, my skin is crawling before even hitting play…

    Nope… Would not tolerate being anywhere near any of these people on stage IRL, not gonna do it here, even if it's for lolcow purposes,…

  16. Idk if it was just me but 30 bucks for the expansion felt like too much to add to have the game be in an "enjoyable" state. It felt like I was gonna keep having to buy expansions in hopes of the next one being the one where I start having fun and it felt like such a familiar cycle so I just nopped tf out before I even started.

  17. AGS has confirmed they use Lumberyard(renamed Azoth Engine) for the Lotro MMo.
    So all features are gonna be tested in NW. Sad i spent 4k hours -.-

  18. is the shadow in front @21:20 holding a microphone in the right hand and makes gestures to encourage the crowd to cheer?
    looks like what is called an 'audience coordinator' … paid audience obviously


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