
New Hybrid Battleships Teased In World of Warships Legends


today we are taking a look at a new line of American battleships that has been teased in world of warships legends

world , New Hybrid Battleships Teased In World of Warships Legends , #Hybrid #Battleships #Teased #World #Warships #Legends
, 4k gameplay,gameplay,ps4,ps5,world of warships,world of warships legends,wows console,wows legends,xbox series x,american hybrid battlesh,US hybrid battleship,new,ship,hybrid,battleship,us hybrid battleship

37 pemikiran pada “New Hybrid Battleships Teased In World of Warships Legends”

  1. War gaming is missing the point of fun. With Japanese carriers I have a lot of fun diving hard and deep towards the deck and traveling up to deliver; at tier 3, but at tier 5 all the fun falls apart cuz all the planes disappear by the time I’m near the deck. They need to maintain some consistency for each nations carriers. And increase the xp a bit

  2. I’ve been wanting these on legends for a while,it’ll be fun watching them get dev struck from superstructure damage from confused players

  3. Here’s how I would want/prefer this playing out:
    The Hybrid BBs planes are similar to the Dutch airstrikes, but maybe stack 5 instead of 3.

    It all depends how they’re implemented, like you said.

    I hate to say it or over exaggerate, but given this last update, if these hybrid BBs are implemented terribly, I could really seeing it be the nail in the coffin. I love the D7P, thinks it’s balanced really well and an interesting, fun little ship. But the CV rework, and the back to back plane/CV focused updates have a big chunk of the player base’s patience waning with Wargaming. I get it, u paid to have them implemented and need to see return on that, but at some point just count your losses and move on, some planes are ok, I get it, but please don’t make it world of planes. Like u said tho, if implemented the right way maybe these things are essentially BBs capable of dealing with island camping HE spam, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. So you don't think these will make players sit behind islands and only engage planes? Cue in fail music now…. So broken CVs means let's put in more planes??? Does no one love the close quarters combat?

  5. I don't swear and F F F hybrid ships that is what destroyed PC wows not subs I really really enjoy this game please don't do this wargaming 😢

  6. Japan had a couple hybrid carrier battleships during the war. Not sure how effective they were though. They rebuilt two, Ise and Hyūga into hybrids by removing the two rear turrets.

  7. They have been telegraphing Hybrid BBs for a long time some of the none hybrid commanders have skills for AP bombs and torps for nations whos bbs have none, so yes this was fore told a long time ago. So mark my words subs well come to this game, just watch.

    Now the ships shown from left to right, is Nebraska tier 8 so 7 console, next thier 9 so 8 console, and Louisiana tier 10 so the Legandary ship console,

    Now I think its not the full line I think Nebraska well be downed tier 6, so Delaware at tier 7, why this change easy PC has two tier 9 Hybrids the other is Kearsarge so that well be the 8 maybe, with Louisiana the Legendary ship to buy or already in the bureau,

    Now I could be wrong and Kearsarge could be this campain,

  8. Enterprise’s dive bombers were Helldiver bombers. Generally they carried 1x 500lbs bomb and 2x 250lbs bombs. A triple bomb drop isn’t too far out of the question.

    Ngl, excited for the Hybrid ships.

  9. American hybrid battleship aircraft carriers did not exist but when the Japanese were losing in the Pacific, they did convert two of their battleships into hybrids. They didn’t do much but those ones existed.

  10. If that's the case we should have gotten pan european battleships but nope just one premium or we should have gotten the Dutch cruisers but I doubt we get. All we get is premiums which is starting get annoying we need more tech lines

  11. You guys never cease to entertain me. "Waa waa Aircraft carriers are too powerful", "They ruin the game". Oh but have them with battleship guns and the community goes "ohhh cool"

  12. Even though I'm a history nerd, I don't mind the idea of "hybrid battleships." Actually they arguably make more sense in a game like this than regular carriers do, because no carrier skipper in their right mind would ever willingly get within 50 nautical miles of an enemy ship. At least these hybrids exist in the sort of alternate reality where carriers would be expected to also participate in direct surface combat. The biggest issue for me is going to be the infinite plane regeneration, because even the most generous carrier hybrid design could carry maybe a squadron or two of aircraft, total — the reason these ships were never built was because you either were intentionally building a bad battleship or a bad aircraft carrier.

  13. The Japanese navy actually did have a couple of hybrid battleship/carriers, so they are not a complete fantasy.

  14. Couple things on this — HE bombs for Enterprise makes sense. It was primarily fires from the American bombers that decided the Battle of Midway (go read the story of the Akagi sometime). Also, good to see SBD Dauntless dive bombers and TBF Avenger torpedo bombers — true to history. I still do not understand why those SBDs are dropping like 5-6 bombs apiece. Either one 1,000-lb bomb or two 500-lb bombs — and basically the 500-lb bombs were never used in service. The whole idea of dive bombing is to deliver a single bomb in a relatively accurate attack, like a precision strike — hence the long dive to the target.

  15. PC only has one hybrid tech tree line, which is the US hybrid battleships. Evey other hybrid on PC is a premium (Ise, Tone, Halford, and a new Russian Cruiser)

  16. You don't know how much i held back making a comment on your last video when you said "we pretty much know everything coming out next update" lol

  17. I keep telling myself, "we're not getting subs, we're not getting subs,…." with this update
    "We might get subs…"

  18. Since on average the hybrids use dive bomber I can see them. Kearsarge uses attack squadrons. I to want Kearsarge but I wonder if she will retain her unique style.


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