
New F-22 Raptor After Upgrade Shocked The World


New F-22 Raptor After Upgrade Shocked The World
The resulting machine was so innovative, decades ahead of its time, that the U.S. Congress banned exports to any third countries, including NATO allies. An exception was made only for its staunchest ally in the Middle East, Israel. And that only in 2020. The U.S. has approved the sale of about 50 F-22 Raptor units to that state, for about $10.4 billion.

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26 pemikiran pada “New F-22 Raptor After Upgrade Shocked The World”

  1. F22 right platform at the right time…..F23…ahead of its time….F23 dissected and modernized…don't be surprised if some of those UFO sitings are actually the new updated F23….

  2. You all calling like cowered,and really scared to POLIS KUALA PENYU ?, orang kuala penyu yang baru pulang Sabah dari AUSTRALIA, and jadi mangsa AADK AND POLIS, that sensation of unduk ngadau space with SUMPAH caci maki orang , and idola for Air force and women in the world at IATA stages, F-16 SUPPLY at ARMADA'S was defacted, while YOUR FAMALY has celebrates that delivery!,
    I ask MY GIRL in there with his F-16 and his all man, i call it -MAN' bring their F-16 to revenge. 5:01
    Macamana mau cabit -gandum daripada beras haram, dan bangkai 5:01

  3. จะเป็น​ใหนๆของอเมกาที่ผลิตบินลบลอ่งหนจะเป็น​F22หรือF117ที่ยังไม่นำออกมาเปิดเผยรว้นแต่บินลบรุ่น​ยุค, 5,6,,ใครในโลกของมนุษ​ย์​ก็ตามไม่ทันอเมกาสว่นที่เป็น,, ว, 5,,ไม่ให้ประเท​ศรู้ก็ยังมีเพราะ​อเมกาเอาใว้ปรสาบกบฏ​ของโลกผมติดตามบินลบของอเมกาไม่รู้​เลยว่าอเมกาจะหยุด​ทดสอบไปเรือ่ยจนนับรุ่น​ของเครื่องบินลบไม่ใด้เลย

  4. Several people have already made note, but I thin the narrator meant to say the first stealth fighter. Personally I think instead of making it a bomber aircraft keep it in it's role of stealth fighter. Upgrade where and whenever possible in regards to taking on other aircraft. If Air to air missles become smaller well then see if we an fit more inside of it. As radar's improve upgrade it's radar etc.

  5. Nothing much to upgrade except it radar and missiles they carry. F22 is a dying specimen. China and Russia fighter plane are equip with hypersonic missiles and their radar can detect F22 100 miles away. Beside America are too poor and technically not able to upgrade it aging F22 as fast as they would hope for.

  6. I absolutely love them renewing the F-22. Being a former Airman, the F-22 has a special place in my heart and the fact that they are renewing the F-22 is welcoming.

  7. i wonder who wants to TRASH the best aircraft in the world is it a ccp member of our government (like a ccp demorat) THAT IS ON THE TAKE FROM THE CCP

  8. The biggest scam in the entire history of aviation only to be dethroned by the f-35 which took the pilot's breath away.. literally speaking… struck fear in the hearts of parts contractors worldwide..

  9. '
    nice pretty coool F-22…
    but need to change design better round jetmotors with twin circles as \ (O)=(O) // on the rear…
    not twin rectangles

  10. It’s not the worlds first stealth aircraft the F-117 Nighthawk is 41 years old and the B-2 Spirit is 33 years old while the F-22 Raptor is merely 25 years old

  11. Moderation I think is a complex concept to really understand a way to build future stealth technology planes because we never know how the future stealth plan will turn out


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