
NATO Strikes BEGIN In Russia, Russia VOWS Retaliation Against US, Says World War Three HAS BEGUN


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NATO Strikes BEGIN In Russia, Russia VOWS Retaliation Against US, Says World War Three HAS BEGUN

world , NATO Strikes BEGIN In Russia, Russia VOWS Retaliation Against US, Says World War Three HAS BEGUN , #NATO #Strikes #Russia #Russia #VOWS #Retaliation #World #War #BEGUN
, tim pool,timpool,timcast,timcastnews,timcast news,ukraine,russia,nato,world war 3,ww3,world war three

31 pemikiran pada “NATO Strikes BEGIN In Russia, Russia VOWS Retaliation Against US, Says World War Three HAS BEGUN”

  1. Umm, don't just download survival guides lol print them out in duplicates. You aren't going to be able to use them when you run out of power and most of you will never be able to generate your own power, and EMP's will kill all of our phone's and computers. Most people don't have them secured in Faraday Cages.

  2. Well the only problem I have with all this is that our weapons are made throw contracts with private manufacturers that every country can buy with the money all ne it I'm am not stupid enough to think we are not involved

  3. I'm not dying for this country. I'd rather die trying to escape it than die for it. Maybe demonizing straight white males was a bad idea.

  4. Damn, it is almost like this was predicted four years ago. Oh that is right it was predicted by Donald Trump and many on the right that this was the intention of Biden and the radical Leftists Democrats. I wonder if the 1980s are still calling wanting their Cold War policies back, like Obomber joked about?

  5. Ukraine is going to purposely provoke Russia to get the United States involved because it’s Ukraine’s only chance of ever winning this war that the Ukraine is losing.

  6. Of course every article written and posted on MSNBC have comments turned off. ATell-Tale sign that the elite know the people dont want it and that they will keeping plowing forward without pause. Bastards, damned bastards.

  7. Fuck this bullshit, this is what the Military Industrial Complex wanted, where is the outrage, where is the call to stop this nonsense? This whole thing has been a steady and deliberate march towards Nuclear war. I cant count the number of times we reached a checkpoint to pause, perhaps recall the last few decisions, perhaps pause the unchecked and likely criminal funneling of U.S. wealth a weapons to the Ukraine. I do not want my tax payer money going to this and I do not want our weapons in the hands of these desperate fuckers. Get our shit out of their and condmen any further Ukrainian aggression NOW!!!!!!!!

  8. I stocked up the first aid kit it's behind the headrest in the truck. Every one should have the first aid capability to deal with minor injuries

  9. The cult will never reap what they've sown. They cheered as their fuhrer and his puppet chancellor pushed us to this point. They fully expect the "maggots" will be the ones sent while their social studies degrees will be too important to risk losing to the conflict they supported.

  10. usa weapons are being used by the taliban, does that mean america is attacking afghans american weapons are being used in hati does that mean america is attacking hatians, youre logic here doesn't work since ukraine has been using our weapons to attack russia for years now just because you want some big new war to happen involving america doesn't mean that any conflict that is distantly connected to america is world war 3, if we follow your logic any weapon that was made by the soviet union that is being used in a place that isnt part of the soviet union means that the soviet union is at war with that country, same goes for china or any other country that manufacturers guns

  11. I highly doubt if WW3 breaks out it will go Nuclear, most likely it will be a conventional War the likes of which have never been seen before. My guess is minimum 500 million dead by the end and the war will take around 7 to 9 years to finish

  12. Everyone is trying to make sense of this. What if I told to there is no rational explanation for it at a human level. Everybody in this world is confused of what is going on from the corruption inside of this country to the outside of this country, including the people that are doing it. It is like a person that keeps making one mistake after another and can't stop themselves because it is wired in them, like an addiction. Biden is a puppet for the Master Puppeteers around the world and they do not want Trump in office because the goal is to centralize government for the whole world and everyone knows this is going to happen but refuse to believe it as if they can stop it. We have backslidden for decades and this is what we ended up as a world. Ask yourself how can such a very small extreme RADICAL groups have so much POWER that they can have large corporation BOW down to them and make politicians BOW down to them. If you want to sell your SOUL, you can experience the same earthly powers as these groups. Is it any surprise that these famous singers at concerts are doing Satanic ritual dances and people think it is COOL. You all have been duped. Even some of these actor and actresses have dropped out of Hollywood because they are experiencing and seeing now Satanic rituals. In order to see what is going on, you need to open your eyes ( Your brain )to see it. We all need to still do our job daily and have responsibilities to vote morally and ethically but the course is still set just like if a person knows a company is on the verge of shutting down, they still have to go to work to make income but they do prepare ahead time before it is out of business. People are delusional thinking this world is going to continue forever or somehow we will live on another planet. God gives us knowledge to a certain point but there is a limit to what he is going to allow us to have .We try to rationalize on the same level as our creator as if a 1 year old baby trying rationalize trigonometry math equations. Even Tucker Carlson said it, we are at a point that nothing makes sense but he even agrees that is an evil spiritual entity that has manifested itself globally. Aliens, ghosts and demons are part of that world and people are trying to access it or manifest it. Satan has the power to manifest whatever you want him to manifest. People open up portals all the time but they are accessing things that they should not but curiosity is the temptation we all struggle with. That is why in the Lord's prayer, you ask God not to lead you into temptation and to deliver you from the Evil one.


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