More Interesting World Maps!

Thanks so much for 50 Thousand Subscribers, everyone! In this video we take another look at more cool maps.

This is a re-upload. The initial video had 2 maps which weren’t accurately described and was therefore removed.

(Sorry for the poor resolution on some of them, it’s hard to maintain image quality when importing them to a video).

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43 pemikiran pada “More Interesting World Maps!”

  1. This is a re-upload, the previous version from yesterday had a map which I didn't accurately describe. So I decided to remove it and upload a revised version without that map. Sorry for the mistake! I should have double checked the information from the source, but thank you for letting me know, you guys make the channel better and help out the viewers in getting accurate information!

  2. Interestingly enough, while Google Street View is still only available in larger cities of Germany, and the pictures being still from 2008, Apple's Look Around has Germany mapped to about 95%

  3. You made my day with the Australia map; I needed a good laugh. Of course, a map of the human population would be pretty much the same, right? Maybe even more concentrated to the coast.

  4. And the migration map has some inaccuracies. They have found Asian, leaning towards Japanese DNA in people's of South America. All these migration theories are just that, theories. We have no idea where people went

  5. The U.S. very low on food map because there is an outrageous amount of food stamps given out in this country. I know married couples with both working on the books and yet both get $345 EBT every month. And that's counting the cash assistance they get….yeah, idk how they get it with jobs!?

  6. im keind of missing the flat earth map. also there is a map where the landmasses arnt resized. looks keind of like the upside down map where the two largest countrys, russia and canada, in the world take up the most space

  7. Food accounts for 10% of my monthly take-home pay packet. However, I am unusual in living in family property so I don't pay rent or mortgage, and so I can live on a part-time wage. If I were earning a full time wage even in my current job, I'd be spending around 6-7% of my take home pay.

  8. the reason in germany that there is no street view (and i think in austria and swiss too) is that there is a law saying that ALL habitants of a road have to agree to be in that street view

  9. 2.31 well the map is Europe, but it`s clearly a research done by the European Union, since the countries not in the Union is kept grey. Not so important, but would be a normal to mention that this isn`t a representation of Europe, but rather the European Union.

  10. An interesting thing about maps of world dimensions is that there is always a distortion in the size of land masses. An example of this is the comparison between Brazil and Greenland, which appear to be almost the same size on the map, but in reality, Greenland has 2,166 million km², while Brazil has 8,516 million km².

  11. The Danish Empire (Greenland, Faroe Islands, Denmark proper, and previously more): Am I a joke to you? Why is Denmark always ignored when European empires are discussed by Youtubers? Especially since it still exists today.

  12. Are you telling me that USA food is chipper than food in Mexico? …..yeah right! No one believes that even using the salary Factor! Mexicans eat more and better than the States! ….i never said healthy! Did you got the data from a toilet?


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