
Monster Hunter World Is BACK?!


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28 pemikiran pada “Monster Hunter World Is BACK?!”

  1. I love coming back but man I thought the souls community was a bunch of elitist dickheads but the MH community is way fucking worse

  2. for those that dont know mhw is made by the main team or mh5, rise is mide by different side team its more experimental, so rise isnt mh6, mh wilds is gonna be mh6

  3. I think your perspective is a little wrong. I mostly agree with your points but the idea that Rise "got rid" of things that World had isn't really how you should look at it. The two games are made by different teams, the main team, and the "portable" team. Rise was never meant to have the things that World did, and the game after Wilds will also most likely be more akin to Rise despite what people may think about World/Wilds.

  4. Aight, mate. Since you're so close with Capcom, can you explain the difference beween cheating and visual mods to them so they don't screw over the proper mods with DRM and just screw over the cheaters? Thanks.

  5. It's crazy how capcom can have great sucess with MHW and at the same time have that DRM dissaster. I'm not sure how to feel about them right now.

  6. I hope you know Max that Monhun devs are essentially split into two teams. The "handheld" and "console" teams. They take turns in developing a game of the series essentially and have different priorities in their games, with different fans enjoying different parts of those priorities. Personally, I dislike World quite a bit, but on the otherhand I don´t like Rise that much more either. I´m a grumbly grognard that wishes to go back to the good-old slower days without dumb clutch-claw gimmicks or wirebugs.

  7. Wilds for the first time ever, looks like an actual sequel to World. Capcom knows its the most popular, whether you think Rise is good or not, Wilds is going to be very simialr to World and nothing like Rise (and frankly, the next game made by the B team for Switch is probably not going to be like Rise either)

  8. World > Rise. Period. World was bought and never left my hard drive since, while Rise never got further than demo and "free" version.

  9. New player to MHW.
    I Rise may be fast, but it lost the slow methodical hunt of older MH games. If I was playing Rise I would be zipping around and focus on positioning and stuff, but now in MHW,

    I cannot stress it enough, how close I am to sh*tting myself when during a fight with Bazelgeuse, a Deviljo pops out of nowhere, plucks it out of the sky and slams it to the ground, where the Bazelgeuse detonates its explosive scales and knocking back the Deviljo, smacking it against the Uragaan passing by, antagonizing it as we sat there, crawling on the ground as the Baan and Deviljo shockwaves kept knocking us down and the Bazelgeuse takes to the air carpetbombing everything as they detonate from Uragaan fiery pebbles and Deviljo thrashing.

  10. same opinion about rise's endgame, reached anomaly rank 70-80 and then got out of the game, quests lasted for 4-5 minutes and were all too easy , it essentially became monster killer, not monster hunter.
    world, on the other end, felt more satisfying in almost everything it did

  11. I have 150 days played on Monster hunter world and im really happy people are getting back into world and new people are coming in.

  12. Rise was fun but looked like ass even on PC. World had its issues but the gameplay made up for it.
    Rise had a fun gimmick but it felt the gimmick is what made the game. World didn't untill Iceborne and even then clutch core isn't necessary to be used.
    Rise had some cool monsters but the endgame was incredibly lackluster and empty. World keeps you questioning and wondering how or what if.

    Rise felt like a side project to fill the gap, World feels like the true story based with knowledge of the previous games. I highly doubt we'll ever see qurio or wire bugs again.

    I enjoyed both games, I've put 400 hours in both games, rise made me comfortable, gore magala was the only true challenge I had before the advanced hunts. World was the same but even after 400 hours I haven't experienced all that world has to offer and I'm still encountering a rough time but still fun.

    My personal experience is both are good, one is more slow and methodical the other is fast paced and action packed with the move-sets at least they're not dauntless right?

  13. I hated Rise making things ridiculously easy and pointless. Felt like i was absuing monster instead of Hunting them 1v1. Wire bugs is probably the worse mechanic in the series so far. Why? Cause it nullifies any difficulty or punishment for making dumb moves. You can literally make the monster your puppet and take a chunk of their health for free and jump on another random monster and do it again.

  14. Idk man It was a super fun game but did anyone else feel like Rise was a chore after a while, World felt like a great experience overall.

  15. I think because my first monhun game was 4u I never noticed the difference between mainline and portable, because of its well mixed identity. I like both world and rise a lot and mainly liked rise more for having complete weapon models.

  16. To me apart from the graphics, or visual artstyle, Rise is too arcady. While the game itself is great and it is a great game on its own, that style of gameplay is not what I play MH for. Too much shit on screen at once, hunters that move like spiderman ninjas all over the place, not as grounded and meaty as previous games, and the boss rush philosophy kind if put me out. I feel like playing a MH like more than MH sometimes. However what Rise and sunbreak did well compared to World are monster diversity, originality and some endgame aspects. The risen monsters and anomalies are much better than tempered and arch tempered monsters. Only MH4U has had an endgame as great. The only thing lacking in sunbreak endgame was a forbidden monster imo. I'm happy Wilds seems to go more in World's direction but some aspects of Rise and Sunbreak should definitely stay.

  17. Id argue Rise is like a Experimental game. They added a bunch of mechanics to see what sticks and whichever ones are liked by everyone will come back to the next mainline game.
    A lot of stuff from Gen/X inspired new abilities and moves in World/Rise.

  18. After I completed RiseBreak. I returned to WorldBorne and got felt a fresh breeze. That is the only 5th gen MH that I don't mind to re-play from start again and again.
    Rise just feel just too arcadey to me. got bored too fast.

  19. When Wilds got revealed, I went and began to play World as my first ever MH game. Instantly hooked. It's been absolutely amazing! I'm now High Rank 100 Master Rank 60 with almost 200 hours played. Can't wait to see where I will be once Wilds comes out.

  20. Capcom must feel both extremely validated and pressured by this second upsurge Monster Hunter World.
    I hope this bursts open any closed doors that were potentially still around in Capcom HQ in terms of Budget or creative freedom or whatever.

  21. Those people who compare MH games to this day still are just sad. Just enjoy every MH game as it stands out. There is no better or worse there is just Monster hunter franchise. And you call yourself a MH fan ?


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