
Metaverse: The Most Evil Business in the World


Free weekly essays written by Moon –

Facebook’s Metaverse Is Far Worse Than You Thought…

Clip at 1:25 is taken from Dustin O’Daffer’s ‘Life of a Simp’:

Title taken from Jake Trans Nestle: The Most Evil Business in the World

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The Metaverse will bring about a new age of crypto trading, business, NFT’s, and investing. But there is another side to the Metaverse. Because Mark Zuckerberg sees the Metaverse as a new business venture to extract the money out our depressed and lonely generation. Mark Zuckerberg wants the metaverse to make money from his users privacy and data which poses a major threat to our society. This video explains the metaverse and what it means for business and society. There is lots of money and wealth to be made. This is how Metaverse makes money because it’s business model relies on our sick society. So join me as I explain the truth behind Facebook’s meta rebranding and why Metaverse is the most evil business in the world.

#Metaverse #Moon

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46 pemikiran pada “Metaverse: The Most Evil Business in the World”

  1. Interesting content, but if you honestly think that the CCP is virtuously promoting marriage and family values, then you haven't been paying been paying attention kid…

  2. Social media is becoming, in large part according to our choices, what philosophers called a “noble lie”. Akin to what Voltaire said, “if there was no god it’d be necessary to invent him.”

  3. 15: "All of those who oppose this are targeted by big tech sensorship and a parasitic MOB." Epic. I was baffled by why my posts had so little response while others had a ton of engagement, until I logged out and my comment disappeared..

  4. Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Snapchat, Instagram and the other Silicon Valley giants need to be scrutinized just as with any other power brokers.

  5. I think people (including myself) are TOO dependent on technology. However, I don't think technology in itself is bad. But it is WAY TOO ADDICTIVE.

  6. Facebook- Glamorized data mining & Hollywood Movie. No one telling you to delete over data breaches.
    TicTok- OMG the worst thing ever created! CCP is taking over, getting all your data destroying your mind.
    —They are both the same, the WEST just demonizes anything they didn't think of 1st.
    But I guess my thoughts are against the HABITUS

  7. :33 < This Is Literally The "Player Number One" Plot, And To Think That We Thought It Was Only Fiction…

  8. I gave up facebook shortly after the beginning of COVID. I was tired of endless, meaningless scrolling- and the constant politicalization of everything. I haven't missed it since.

  9. Honestly this really scares me , specially of the future generations , I am from ecuador and in some private schools they work and teach with metaverse and is really scary

  10. ''Pillars of western free society'' 🤣🤣🤣
    It was never about freedom. The only right we really have is the right to consume and buy stuff.
    The rich have rights, we don't.
    Hierarchy is a mental illness.

  11. Just like tiktok (Mass child indoctrination platform)… Once launched properly and users start seeing that immense money can be made through the metaverse… They will ditch their negative opinions on the whole thing and try their luck at becoming rich and famous through it. What a fucked up world we live in.

  12. Rudolph Steiner prophesized snd called this technocratic dystopian reality the eight sphere. And he said it came from a demonic force called Ariman. So not only do we have the Luciferian forces, we also have another demonic force called Ariman to deal with. And Zuchiniberg saying he was human, is human, yeah that was weird and so is how he looks now compared to his youth, like some kind of vacancy, soulessness.

  13. Moon, thank you for your enlightening work! Gives me courage. Hope you never stop creating content like this.

    You have my most sincere appriciation.

  14. Man, your channel should have "for entertainment purposes only" in the description. Way too heavy-handed. Functioning as an echo-chamber for pessimism and one-sided thinking is also "unhealthy" and "divisive". I would agree that social media divides us for the most part, but you present the world as if we already live in a sci-fi dystopia, which is simply untrue. I guess having nuance to your arguments doesn't get the clicks from the masses, but I think anyone with a brain should see the hypocrisy of criticizing social media platforms, while applauding China – the entity that owns some of the most harmful apps (by your own report) on the channel! Watch 16:29. Furthermore, there is incredible irony in your praise for China's total regulation of what/how much its citizens consume, which is literally in the definition of totalitarianism, which is literally in the definition of dystopia.

  15. They day The Facebook was introduced is the same day DARPA dissolved almost the exact same thing. No mention of this has me highly suspect that you are just controlled opposition.


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