
Messianic World Update | Insights on Current Global Events and more


January 12th, 2024
Join Monte Judah as he looks at the state of the world and the Holy Land. In this week’s episode, Monte discusses the striking of Houthi rebel bases by the U.S., the ongoing Israeli-Hamas conflict, the current state of U.S. foreign policy under Joe Biden, and Secretary of State Blinken’s recent Middle East visit.
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world , Messianic World Update | Insights on Current Global Events and more , #Messianic #World #Update #Insights #Current #Global #Events
, Monte Judah,Lion lamb,Israel,Messianic World Update,United States,Lion and Lamb Ministries,Messiah,Anti-Semitism,Gaza War,Hamas terrorists,support for Israel,Gaza,Hamas,Middle East,Hostages,Iran,Israel-Gaza conflict,West Bank,Yeshua,IDF,Regional Dynamics,Middle East Conflict,Palestinian territories,Houthi rebels,Gaza Strip,Media Bias,Houthi Rebels,Global Conflicts,recent events,geopolitics,Hezbollah,Current Events,Global Events,Houthi Rebel Bases

27 pemikiran pada “Messianic World Update | Insights on Current Global Events and more”

  1. LOL… Everyone knows Obama is still running R Deep State controlled country & Told them it was coming! Biden is just a senile puppet.

  2. Some people have been divorced and remarried several times, yet we pray for YHWH to bless their marriage…. isn't that adultery according to scripture?

  3. Joe might have been watching, but he surely didn't see. The Palestinians had peace in their own space, until they slaughtered civilians and took captives. Israel must do what they know they must do. The Most High , His plan, His will. I trust Him.

  4. I have never seen until now grown men and women who are most incompetent to run a country such as ours !

  5. An email sent to the SOUTH AFRICAN government by a Citizen of South Africa this week.
    "My email to government

    Dear Minister,

    I am emailing you to request that the case of genocide against the nation of Israel be withdrawn.

    SA has a far worse actual history since 1994 of genocide against white farmers and I am sure that we can bring such a case against the SA government if we need to.

    Not only that, SA has the highest case of daily murders, rapes, violence against women and theft in the world. And now the government has the audacity to try and condemn Israel who is fighting a war of survival against TERRORISTS. Palestinians in fact don't exist because there has never been a country called Palestine in the history of the world.

    Please take note that when you point a finger, 3 point back at you.

    And may I give this warning from our God, Yahweh, the creator of the heavens and the earth. You will stand before the judgement seat of Christ and be judged by the King of all the earth. The results will be for eternity. The Lake of fire should be feared.

    Proverbs 17:15
    [15] He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord.

    I appeal to you to do the right thing and withdraw the case, lest God’s judgement fall on you.


    Dawn Piper."

  6. I’ve always heard that when a monkey breaks a leg, the circus still runs. Evidently, that’s not the case with our government.

  7. People of the tribe of Asher of the 10 tribes of Israel founded and operated South Africa until caving in to pressure from some countries to end aparthied, causing the people of Asher to lose governance of their own country overnight.
    South Africa quickly fell in many ways including standard of living, and recently Israelite farmers have been being murdered, their farms taken by the new controlers.
    Deuteronomy 28: 1 – 68
    is a prophecy concerning the 10 northern tribes grown-to-countries of Israel.

  8. I pray for Israel. That they repent from their Sins, recognize that HaShem has historically used its enemies to wake them up, into repentance. I pray that Israel stop putting faith in technology and government, and declare in unity: Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord! Amen

  9. 2 state solution, I thought Gaza was that, how did that work out? South Africa, what about all those white farmers? Can you say genocide?


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