
Messianic World Update | Hostage Crisis, Political Tensions, and more


February 16th, 2024
Join Monte Judah as he looks at the state of the world and the Holy Land. In the latest episode, Monte delves into the escalating political tensions in the Middle East. Covering the current hostage crisis in Gaza, the hardline stance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against Hamas demands, and President Joe Biden’s controversial strategies, he explores the complex and volatile dynamics shaping the region. Join us for a comprehensive analysis of these pressing issues.

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world , Messianic World Update | Hostage Crisis, Political Tensions, and more , #Messianic #World #Update #Hostage #Crisis #Political #Tensions
, Monte Judah,Lion lamb,Israel,Messianic World Update,United States,Lion and Lamb Ministries,Messiah,Anti-Semitism,Gaza War,support for Israel,Gaza,Hamas,Middle East,Hostages,Iran,West Bank,Yeshua,Middle East Conflict,Houthi rebels,Gaza Strip,Hezbollah,Current Events,Global Events,Joe Biden,IDF soldiers,Nuclear Weapons,Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,U.S. Strategy,Biden,Netanyahu,Palestinian State,Lebanon,World Politics,U.S. Foreign Policy

40 pemikiran pada “Messianic World Update | Hostage Crisis, Political Tensions, and more”

  1. Matthew 23:39 (CSB)

    “For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’! ”

  2. God Almighty protect and bless Israel 🇮🇱 🙏! Our president is so disgusting. The land belongs to Israel 🇮🇱 ❤️!

  3. I don’t believe that that will save him to go against Israel. The Lord said I will bless those who bless you. I will curse those who curse you maybe this is the quickest way to get rid of Biden, that the Lord do it.

  4. He has no right and there’s no place for him to be angry with Benjamin Netanyahu. Benjamin has far more wisdom did Biden ever has had when he was in his prime.

  5. We know that man it’s not only senile he is overstepping his authority. Don’t worry about an outgoing president unless he thinks this will get him some votes

  6. Let O'Biden and crew give an account for all the dead Ukrainian, first. Then, let them explain the Ukrainian war that we've financed for too many years now (nothing, really, to show for that!)

  7. Hey Brother Monte!

    Good report! the people all over the world need sound information. The prime minister of Israel is very correct! to ignore Mr. Biden and all voices like or agree with Biden. The communist leadership is evil and Godless as you already know, but the Torah is the light that shines through Godlessness! therefore, we are to expose the evil workers' plans to the world to the ignorant! so they will have a choice to choose sound doctrine and turn away from the ignorance! of man and turn to the wisdom of God! who also has an eternal plan for his creation! We have in America people in high places who have turned their backs on truth! they think they can not be known, but the Torah says you will know them by their fruit. These people or cowards are like the Hitler Beast helpers, working to help evil destroy humanity! but the light in the world exposes all of them and the enemy of humanity, too. So, the light,the Torah, is a weapon to be used against this or these workers of the beast! Shalom!!

  8. Christians in the west have become cowards in the guise of being subservient to the government that the "Lord has placed into power." The more subservient they became the more government became their "true" god!

  9. Biden just needs to go away….preferably to the old folks home where they give calming medication.


  11. Why on Earth why would the hostage exchange be so outnumbered? I know its always been that way😢. The Palestinians need a state someplace else! Israel can not trust them, ever. Biden can just butt out.

  12. Trump brought forward the Abraham Accords which is a plan to divide Israel and give half to the Palestinians.

  13. All nations will be gathered against Jerusalem. God brings judgement against those nations that attemps to divid His land. I hate that America thinks we can do this and get by with it. In April 2024 the eclips will complete the X on America, at the same time we are attempting to divid His land; judgement will come. I worry that our Godless leaders will lead us down the pimrose lane. I hate to see this come but YeShua wrote us a big book, telling us what to do and what not to do and yes, we voted for it. God Have Mercy on us.

  14. It was reported that hours before Biden announced a "freeze" to further support for UNRA, they had released $700 million of the intended $1 billion in aid, that the US was intending to give them.

  15. The announcement of this Russian space weapon coincides with the Ukraine funding bill. Nothing more, nothing less.

  16. I did a study on the timing of the crucifixion and resurrection and it seems like it had to have happened in 31 AD. If we apply the "day for 1000 years" principal, 2 "days" will have passed in 2031, and the eclipse at the beginning of this Hebrew year marks 7 years before that. Could we be approaching the 70th week of Daniel? I believe so.

  17. Absolutely hostages crisis is political. Biden does understand what Israel knows. In the first place what is the burry of creating a pslestine state when the hostages are held by hamas and the bodies of dead hostsges lying in the gaza hospital. Let biden concentrate on the release of hostages. State of palestians is not a priority for now. Secondly creating state of palestians is like rewarding hamas who came and butchered the Israelis and kidnapped many civilians of Israelis. Netanyahu is right

  18. 💙💙💙 🇮🇱 💙💙💙
    💙💙💙 🙏 💙💙💙
    💙💙💙 ✝ 💙💙💙
    ❤GOD BLESS 🇮🇱 ❤


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