
Medjugorje – Last day for world peace and extraordinary apparition


Medjugorje – Last day for world peace and extraordinary apparition

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43 pemikiran pada “Medjugorje – Last day for world peace and extraordinary apparition”

  1. Dziękuję Matus za moją rodzine za wnuki, kocham Cię Matus❤❤❤❤ łucja Darmetko Bruxela z rodziną I wnukami I bratem Edwarda I jego rodziną I za duszę czysccowe

  2. we beg Oh Lord in behalf of our fellowmen,who do not love you,adire,give time to you,,hurt you and Mama Mary,,please firgive them,and all if us,,amen,,

  3. Praise the Lord God our Father. Lord show us your mercy and heal our ailments. Protect us against Corona Virus Pandemic. For our family and near and dear ones. For our spiritual and temporal wants. Our Lady of Medjugorje pray for us. St William of Montevergine pray for us

  4. Dear Mama Mary please remember 4 of us . Safeguard us from all evil . Please give us good health peace and joy of the Holy Spirit .
    Please help our son to study well and pass his license exam on July 30,31 and August 1 and testify. Thank you mama Mary 🙏🏽💕🙏🏽

  5. My Darling Mama Mary please intercede for my family, relatives, friends, neighbors, my country, countries facing war and the whole world to always be close to Jesus and to live in peace. Thank you Mama Mary.

  6. Grazie Madre Nostra per tutto quello che fai per me, la mia famiglia e il mondo intero. Grazie per la tua presenza in mezzo a noi e non ti stanchi di noi. Ti vogliamo bene. Un abbraccio forte e un bacione grande ❤😊🎉

  7. Aramaic is Jesus and Mary language. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel of Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Sydney Australia speaks Aramaic. To realize USA poked and killed Russian Orthodox Church on Pentecost Sunday yesterday. The reality is,NSTO UK USA ISRAELis using Ukraine to kill the True last pure Christians in Russia. Israel owns Ukraine. USA whole purpose is to kill those who follow the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.

  8. Mãezinha, rogo te pelos corações endurecidos e pela cegueira de não ver o seu imenso amor e de N.Senhor Jesus Cristo. Que o Espiritoo Santo nos ilumine e de sabedoria, mansidão e retidão. Protegei minha familia e a todas as familias do mundo inteiro, socorrei os que sofrem das necessidades e carências , das enfermidades. Peço e rogo a Paz e um mundo mais feliz.

  9. Please Dear Mother Restore my Teeth so that the Mor.mon Community will see your glory Amen Thank you

  10. Maria Santíssima rogai por toda humanidade. Pela conversão dos pecadores. Pela paz no mundo e a Santificação das famílias 🙏

  11. chère Maman du Ciel aidez moi j ai besoin de votre aide Merci demandé au Seigneur votre fils de mettre les contacts en place rapidement pour partir merci Amen Je vous aime ❤❤❤❤❤

  12. have mercy for all sinners,we may lwearn to love our soulsthan this world,,particularly my family,,to be free from all mortal sins,,

  13. Please help me with prayers for my Daughter Desiree that she gets her kids back Wade 5 yrs old and Addie 4 yrs old they cry for their Mother and their Mother cries for them.

  14. Bella madre María Reina de la Paz, cuidamos ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Vela por la paz del mundo y la salud de todos los enfermos, especialmente los que sufren por Cáncer. Intercede ante tu amado hijo Jesús por todos nosotros. Amen ❤

  15. Is today Our Lady is suppose to give a message concerning the Novena or is that tomorrow? I have been doing the 9 day Novena……Is today her final Apoarition on Earth?

  16. Pray for peace and the world conversion of Russia and repent all of the world thank you Maria queen of heaven

  17. Mãezinha do céu , rainha do céu , obrigada por sua abençoada presença no meio de nós pecadores 🙏abençoa a mim , minha família e ao mundo inteiro 🙏🌹

  18. Salve Maria Santíssima,pelas Graças alcançadas pelo te amor, por Jesus Cristo Salvador na minha vida , familia e por todos que rezo obrigada Santa Mãe por Jesus Cristo Salvador assim seja amém ❤❤❤❤

  19. Je te confie mon frère et sa petite famille, viens brûler tout ce qui n'est pas de toi et bénis les d'un saint mariage où ton amour sera le socle

  20. Nossa Mãe Querida Mãe Do Nosso Salvador Jesus, Rogai por todos nós e pelo mundo inteiro 🙌💙🇧🇷🥰

  21. Que la paix et le sang du Christ embrase cette maison pendant que j'y suis et même après mon départ. Sors moi d'ici maman , Amen

  22. Je demande la paix du coeurs des époux et épouses adultères, que Jésus touche leurs coeurs et qu'ils, elles se consacrent à leurs familles

  23. Je te dépose mon amie et soeur, offre la à Ton fils et lave là de toutes maladies, accorde lui la grâce du mariage ❤

  24. Ô maman Marie, je te confie Nicole et ses problèmes de santé, surtout d'estomac, offre les à Jésus. Lui qui a tout vaincu lui donnera aussi la paix du corps et de l'âme. Aide la et sa famille et guide les vers les plans de Dieu et pardonne leur, nous tous nos péchés ❤

  25. Cher maman je te confie Carine et tous ses problèmes de santé, surtout de ventre, prie Ton fils pour elle, qu'il l'opère et la lave entièrement

  26. Our Lady please pray for Singapore especially The warriors of The Flame of Love of yr Immaculate Heart of Mary. Also please pray for all our priests and protect all our families, relatives and friends. Thank you Mother Mary. ❤❤❤

  27. Agradecendo por meu milagre e acreditando na minha cura, por trazer os meus para à fé e pela paz no mundo!


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