
Matthew Teaches Dave How to Play The Old World


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Dave takes on the obvious mantle of the Warriors of Chaos in this tutorial battle report where Matthew teaches him how to play his first-ever game of The Old World.

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23 pemikiran pada “Matthew Teaches Dave How to Play The Old World”

  1. Just started watching the vid and paused after like two minutes to say the new camera angles are fantastic! Ive been a fan of MWG for a longish time, and its great to see the faces of the voices more frequently, alongside the lovely rolling screens of warriors!

  2. 56:10 an important detail to know for all veteran WFB players, overrun counts as a pursue move, thus at the end of the pursue move, you may test LD to reform. This wasn't in 8th edition, but the FAQ and Errata says that it's a pursue move and as pp 129 and 157, it allows Frenzy units to reform after overruning. If somebody else finds something against this, please inform us but this is how we understood it in our LGS

  3. This was really pleasant to watch. Just some dudes enjoying a new game with a giant yelling corrections at them.

  4. This was a really good walkthrough/tutorial! Having real questions from someone who knows gaming but not these specific rules made it much more helpful for those of us trying to pick up the flow of the game, and it's intricacies. Two people who both understand it all makes it much easier for them to skip over little fiddly bits without explanation.

  5. I think Mat forgot that Tomb Kings (and all Undead for that matter) have Regeneration saves. And I also think you have to maximise the amount of models in base to base contact. So when those Chaos Warriors charged the Chariots they should have scooted over a bit and likely would have all 5 guys in btb.


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