
LIVE | The World Over with Raymond Arroyo | February 29, 2024


On “The World Over” tonight: Fr. Gerald Murray & Robert Royal, The Papal Posse analyzes the major Church news of the week including Pope Francis’ health landing him in the hospital following his Wednesday audience, a Vatican Cardinal reaffirms the Church’s stance on Freemasonry, and an anonymous cardinal speaks out on the Francis pontificate and the priorities for the next one. Mel Gibson & Jim Caviezel discuss the blockbuster movie, The Passion of the Christ, in highlights from their 2003 & 2004 World Over interviews for the 20th anniversary of the film’s release.

The World Over with Raymond Arroyo airs on EWTN Thursdays at 8pm ET. It re-airs on Fridays at 1am & 9:30am ET, and Mondays at 10pm ET.
Raymond Arroyo is known for his penetrating interviews of leading news figures. His Conversations on The World Over have included Presidents Bush and Trump, Pope Benedict XVI, Mother Theresa, Mel Gibson, famed tenor Placido Domingo and comic legend, Jerry Lewis. The show is produced by EWTN News:
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42 pemikiran pada “LIVE | The World Over with Raymond Arroyo | February 29, 2024”

  1. As I recall. Reading a sermon by St. Augustine who was a bishop in Roman Africa, I noticed how he said the truths of the faith are NOT just cultural to Africa but for the whole world.

  2. It might be good for us to remember a declaration made by Henry Morgenthal, the key activist in the campaign to have abortion given legal status in Canada. Mr. Morgenthaler was a card carrying Humanist who nursed a longstanding hatred of the Catholic Church. His pet project was to destroy the Catholic Sohool System. When his initiatives did not yield the results he wanted, he turned to promoting abortion. He reasoned that the best way to attack the Catholic Church was to lead it to embrace abortion. His reasoning was based on the assumption that if you were able to get any institution to embrace a principle in conflict with one of its basic beliefs, that institution would auto-destruct. In giving its blessing to the practice of homosexuality, the Church has embraced a practice in basic contradiction to its teaching on human sexuality — no diubt to the delight of people like Henry Morgentaler. Wherever he is — in heaven or in hell — all he thinks he has to do is wait to see the results of the destructive process he has set afoot.,

    Masonry has chosen a different approach. The approach has been to lead the Church to adopt in practice conduct in contradiction with Catholic morality. The results they expect would be to see Catholic doctrine reshaped to conform to the dictates of the society in which it lives. To the dismay and disgust of many Catholics, the present pope has shown himself to be amenable to prectices and abuses in conflict with Catholic morality. A contributing factor enabling him to do this has been his practice of presenting as administrative measures ways of acting which imply a change in doctrine. He has tried to enforce his will by invoking his papal authority. He does this in the context of relativism, i.e., not in virtue of being a witness to the word of God, but in virtue of his authority as pope.

  3. I hope they’re conducting studies on the population of same sex couples, men particularly. The health outcomes of a lifetime of that kind of sexual behavior. The bowel was not meant for that kind of activity.

  4. Does anyone know that Our Lord, is listening and seeing what we are doing by His omnipresent. God is judge not man not even our beloved priests and religious. We are in great trouble.

  5. 🤔 I've heard that: Pope Francis, is 'bisexual'. I'm a Catholic, but I'm not a theologian. So how, can this be possible, when he is supposed to have consecrated his life, to the Catholic Church ?

  6. 🥸 The perfidious Jews. Much of this has to do, with the ZIONIST Jews 🤑 (Netanyahu, etc.) & the ANTI-CHRISTIAN Biden 👹Administration ! Here in America & the Gaza strip !!
    Many of whom, are also Catholics (Christians), as well as Muslims (e.g.- Palestinians).

  7. Sirs, only you Operators of the Multinational Company EWTN-USA, as a filo Masonic Telecommunications Enterprise (after the pass away of Mother Angelica) knows why you are serving the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Christian Roman Church in many of Her Mission's activities? (The IDOL of the Book of Revelation.)

    My impression, in the Signs of Times, you became the Instruments that fulfill the Prophesies given to Us by the Apostles Saint Peter and Paul:

    False Prophets and the spreaders of apostasies to the Christian Faith.

    Disguised Wolfs in Lamb Clothes having Agents tasks to confuse Christ's Flock Doctrine and part of the Instruments use by the Mystery of the Iniquity/Masonry to prepare the Entrance of the Antichrist to Desecrate the Temple of God and posed to destroy Christ's Church. Regards.

  8. Mass should bring you to a closer relationship with God.kneeing for the privilege of receiving our Lord brings reverence priests leading us to the Lord not facing the people helps us realize we our their to give worship silence not constantly having music playing.

  9. Beautiful prayer. But do you really love your neighbours? Your neighbours are not only those who believe in your ideologies.let me know if you do.

  10. We got to Pray the Rosary and ask Mother for her intercession for humankind. It hurts me what is happening in the Vatican. Seems like Satan is working his way in. 😢 it hurts me to hear how the Christians are suffering in Nigeria and China 😢 please help us Lord Jesus!!
    Thank you, Mel and Jim for making a beautiful and painful movie of our Lord Jesus! I could feel the pain of Our Savior 😢 God Bless 🙌 it was very touchy to the Soul. 1:00:26

  11. The vatican won't allow the Latin Mass bcuz it is THRIVING & demonstrating how pitiful attendance at the new Mass is in comparison

  12. All the disciples were married… This so called canon priest is so hating … Fuck off and leave the Pope alone

  13. A liberal Jewish woman I know, she prides herself on keeping informed reading the NYT cover to cover, once told me the African bishops are very progressive, accepting feducia supplican. I told her NO! She did not argue. I wonder , the NYT is gaslighting people on this subject?

  14. Since only 7% of Uruguay Catholics even attend Mass on Sundays, this ridiculous blessing could hardly have damaged the Church there any more than it already is. Obviously, the Vatican has already written that country off.

  15. 36:23 How many different times does the Church have to say she does not have the right to ordain women? Meanwhile people are starving for Christ and progressives continue to dwell on this issue. Let it go and move on already.

  16. The only purpose of FS is to sow confusion and eventually normalize immorality.
    A trans person appeared in a video recently claiming that the pope approved SS marriages.
    FS was unnecessary if it changes nothing, as Fernández claims.

  17. When Murray and Arroyo finally get off harping on gays and begin teaching like Jesus himself the World over might be worth watching

  18. I love the Holy Father. I wish that he would continue the apostolic tradition and not try to recreate the Church. It can only bear bad fruit. I vote for a change in direction in the next pontificate.

  19. False Pope is the LAST one , his real name is : BERGORLIO =666 , he will be alive when Jesus returns in the Glory to Judge , Jesus throws this pope to the HELL with Anti-Christ and his followers

  20. Admit it . This Pope is a non-believer, an communist and a heretic. Nothing holy about this Francis. He is satans son


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