
Let’s Talk About The Price Of Warhammer The Old World


IS it a scandal as many claim? No. However I will agree some stuff is overpriced. However some kits are better value than some stuff for 40K or AOS. So let’s talk about it with a level head 🙂 Let’s discuss!

Let’s Talk About The Price Of Warhammer The Old World

#warhammer #theoldworld #warhammerfantasy

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29 pemikiran pada “Let’s Talk About The Price Of Warhammer The Old World”

  1. Is it a scandal? No lol. But I wanna offer my thoughts on this because there is good and bad in my opinion!
    ALSO this might be the only video today UNLESS I get back in time as I want to FINALLY show off the NEW Battle Report studio for the channel 🙂

  2. Well, Warhammer isn’t a drop £300 on army and play it type of game. It’s spend £60ish a month kind of game. And if someone can’t afford £60 per month on their hobby, they probably need different hobby. I started playing in 2000 and I feel like models are actually cheaper today than they were back then. The famous Tale of Four Gamers was £150 for a full army and it is equivalent of over £300 today. I’m comfortably making a Chaos Warrior army for under £300. Didn’t check, but pretty sure other factions can do it too. We all would like things to be cheaper, but Warhammer was never that. And it probably never will.

  3. People would be better off complaining about the people paying £20 for some dice or £40 for three models than at GW for charging what people will clearly pay.

  4. Comparing AoS's widely inflated prices to the new Tomb King prices? Really? The Grave Guard were £15 in 2008 (when they were released) which puts them at £23 for 10 today with inflation… GW are selling them for £32.50. OK…. It's true GW charged in 2011-2015 £25.50 for 10 Tomb Guard on release: so today 20 would cost £71.89; but that's ignoring the fact that GW were charging £25.50 for 10 models in the first place when they should have been around £15-20 in line with the Grave Guard. PRICE IS PARTLY WHY WARHAMMER FANTASY DIED IN THE FIRST PLACE. Most of us weren't going to fork out £25.50 for 10 Tomb Guard back then – and £47.50 i.e. £23.75 for 10 is small comfort given they're 13 years old. Do you think £2.30 per Tomb Guard is a reasonable price given an expensive METAL miniature from your average wargamers manufacturer is about the same price?

    The AoS Deathrattle Skeletons are £37.50 for TWENTY and they were released 2021 with the best technology and are miles ahead of the 2013 Tomb Kings. And £37.50 is taking the ** 20 skeletons.

    The Necrosphinx is priced WELL ABOVE INFLATION. It was £32.50 on the day GW blew up the Old World.

  5. Honestly, as someone in NZ, I’d love to pay these prices for the minis 🥲 but for real, if I end up getting into the old world, I have to find 3D prints that are actually affordable. It’s not fair that we pay roughly 3.5x the price of GB when most of the models we get don’t do anything except give us some rank bonuses.
    And don’t get me started on actually trying to bring new people into the hobby. In my 14ish years in the hobby, I’ve convinced one person to start playing and the reason others didn’t is purely the price. It is quite the barrier to the hobby most of the time

  6. I’ve done my contribution to supporting GW by buying Settra and the ebook. At this point I’m only interested in new Character models, not the actual tabletop game because it’s just absurdly expensive to get into. Should prices remain roughly the same per unit forever, I’m likely to look elsewhere for “core” units. The grand release with old models was disappointing for me, hopefully we got more new models soon, characters at least. All that negativity aside, I’m stoked the setting is returning, and I can’t wait for the lore.

  7. I love this guys videos but saying he’s happy with the pricing when he gets sent everything for free cracks me up 😂

  8. Fascinating like majority is saying that metal models are bad and we need plastic. But I'm on a completely opposite side. Old models have character for me and they are much more appealing than the new ones, often overdesigned. So I'm happy they are selling the old metal models. Also I do rather prefer resin than plastic. However I'm unhappy with the price. UK one pricing is pretty decent but other countries..well the prices are horrendous.

  9. I'm very tempted to just rebase my old 4th and 5th edition miniatures. Not sure these "new" miniatures are worth it, either on quality or price.

  10. There is one thing to charge 36 pounds for a new model, and there is another one to charge same for essentially age-old reprint.

  11. Yeah, there is one, huge question – when and in what manner GW will bring back models for other factions. Like cmon if you will make ppl wait for next year or so for eg next 2 armies then it will definitely be not something good. I wish GW will be more transparent about their TOW roadmap

  12. The box of 20 tomb guard isn't bad by today's standards. The set of 3 metal ushabti is ludicrous.

    I'm just glad 3D printing is in such a great place right now. I prefer having the official scupts, even if they are old and janky. But the price hikes over the last few years have pushed me away from buying GW anywhere but the secondary market.

    I just hope new hobbyists become aware of the cheaper options before they give up completely. WHFB died in my area because of the insane pricing and barrier to entry. Would be a shame to see them make the same mistake twice by focusing on squeezing the dedicated few over bringing in new blood.

  13. It’s still way less that the price of a modern GPU. And in 10 years your models will still be worth something.

  14. I find it curious that so many people complain about the models simply for being old. Surely when deciding whether or not to buy the question should be 'are the models any good'? I get that in some cases the answer is no (though this is very subjective), but this is not the same thing as being 'old'. I also realise there will be people who already have the old models and would like something new just to have something different, but suspect that mostly those who already have enough models for a unit aren't going to be buying anyway.

  15. As someone that doesn't play GW games as a rule, I always have a good laugh when the words 'reasonable' and 'value' are used to describe their models. After spending the last several years 3D printing things to be used with One Page Rules Age of Fantasy and AoF Regiments (OPR Mummified Undead are a great example), the difference in cost are huge. Including the cost to purchase the STL's, printer and resin you can easily 3D print an army for less than 1/2 the cost. 🙂 And then you have a 3D printer to use to print your next army.

  16. You should be comparing the prices to the prices of competitors like perry miniatures, mantic, kings of war, etc. . Comparing GW with GW doesn't say much about value.

  17. I've been assembling some of my old pile of shame metal models and boy is the plastic so much better to work with. Let's hope metal gets phased out sooner than later to be replaced with plastic.

  18. With GW products I remain of the opinion that in the money vs time enjoyed calculation their products remain good value. I spend many, many hours with any given product and if we compare this with video games, home video, cinema, restaurant, public tourist attractions, even some gardening, or (the most expensive of all for time enjoyed) holidays away from home, GW remains top value. Comperable pastimes in that calculation might include some sporting activities, some board games and some other arts and crafts. Most other collecting type hobbies are far more expensive for the time they offer. Yes, some paatimes are vastly cheaper, but not many, it needs to also be noted that GW products also tend to keep their value or even increase in value (if you paint them fairly well), so that investment isn't just in enjoyment, you don't really lose the wealth, it is just in a non liquid form.

  19. I used to buy Warhammer boxes for £15-£20 and characters were about £12. I can’t believe how much they’ve gone up. It stops people from getting involved in the hobby especially parents purchasing for their children.


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