
Let’s Leave “Leave the World Behind” Behind


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FTC: Today’s video is kindly sponsored by Thrive Market.

world , Let’s Leave “Leave the World Behind” Behind , #Lets #Leave #Leave #World
, Netflix,Jaime French,movie review,funny movie review,leave the world behind,new Netflix movies,Julia Roberts,Ethan Hawke,doomsday thriller,bad movies

21 pemikiran pada “Let’s Leave “Leave the World Behind” Behind”

  1. Funny review of what looks like a HORRIBLE movie. this is extremely disappointing, as the director (I think it's Sam Esmail?) directed Mr. Robot, a truly great show. It absolutely looks Shamalan-esque, and totally reminded me of The Happening, with the weird diaglue and going nowhere plot. Also: Elon Musk is definitelyyyyy not the Einstein of our time, although he very much wants everyone to think of him that way. He had more of that reputation a few years ago, more so as an entrepreneur… before he bought/tanked twitter and went down a far-right rabbit hole.

  2. Umm ya we are told basically our own Govt. had all this happen but like duh, the fact that obama had a hand in this movie, and everything that s been happening and ya know who he is still , clearly , i wouldnt be surprised this crap really happened one day

  3. Thank you for saving me from potentially losing 2.5 hours of my life. I wanted to watch this film for Kevin Bacon but I can't handle abstract endings 🤣

  4. Am I the only one thinking that, regardless of the color of the strange people knocking on my rental door, I'd be questioning it?!?! Like WHO WOULDN'T?? You've never seen or spoke to the person you rented from. Who would take some strangers word?! Of course they had to jam race baiting in there. I don't watch anything that comes from Netflix, or out of Hollywood, anymore. It's all political. I tend to like my entertainment a-political. I know. I'm a crazy girl! Also, for the record, I'd have picked up the woman that was all freaked out on the side of the road. She looked terrified. I couldn't have left her there. Also regardless of race. I feel like most Americans don't consider race in situations they find themselves in. Thanks for reviewing this dumpster fire Jaime! You're awesome for making it hilarious.

  5. Jamie, you had me laughing the entire video 🤣"here's some radiation medication I happened to have on hand"😂

  6. The dad saying, "you guys ready to vamonos?" at a Mexican restaurant had me ROLLING! Please don't come for my dad like that.

  7. I only got about 25 minutes in and then passed out.
    Glad you're covering it so I don't have to waste my time.

  8. Jamie I'm SO glad that you pointed out that the ship would've stopped before hitting the beach! I was in navigation while serving in the Navy & an especially large tanker would've ran aground way before getting to land

  9. BLUE everything is blue i just had a memory, everything in Hawaii burned except for the blue things! something about a laser or somethin connected? or coincidence? idk but i dont believe in coincidences


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