
LEGACY Armies! Skaven vs Lizardmen Warhammer The Old World Battle Report Ep 4


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The legacy armies are finally unleashed upon the battlefields of The Old World. John and Luka play a 1,500 point “tutorial” match between the Lizardmen and their very familiar enemies, the Skaven.

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A big “thank you” goes out to Games Workshop for sending us free models and books for their games, some of which may be included in this video.

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45 pemikiran pada “LEGACY Armies! Skaven vs Lizardmen Warhammer The Old World Battle Report Ep 4”

  1. loll. whast this like compared to AOS seraphon vs Skaven? do lizzies feel less OP in TOW or are they still broken

  2. Can you keep rolling the rstling gu. Or is it capped at 2 artillery. I will keep rolling till my rat goes boom

  3. Every time someone says they brought old models I perk up and promptly get disappointed when they show a 6th ed+ miniature… I must be ancient then.

  4. Thank you for the sweet battle report, I'm not a big fan of how TOW turned out but I'm very happy to see this content nonetheless.

    I have to say, changing coldblooded to not cover break while leaving the oldblood at Ld8 is a very stupid change from GW.

  5. The clan rats against the saurus first combat could of gone very different I believe Luca, don't spears when charged give you +1 initiative, so your skaven would have struck first. Unless i'm missing something?

  6. Stupidty movement happens in compulsary movement, not remaining moves. Therefore, the Carnosaur should not have been able to block the cold ones or go within 1" of it unless they have no other choice.

  7. I get that this game is pretty casual but that was actually brutal. Close games are more entertaining.

    Does this system make even games or is it just stomps every game?

  8. Love the old world games! Just ordered a bunch of new bases for my old Warriors of Chaos army, excited for them to rank up properly for once in their lives. I have no idea what base Harry the Hammer should be on though, get him off the scenic base and see if he fits on a 30mm I guess.

  9. Lets go my two favorites in the same video i have already come up whit some fun Skaven lists to run myself

  10. Regarding turn 1 🙂
    Units failing stupidity moves during the compulsary sub-phase so before all other units move (so the general couldn't block the cold-ones)

  11. Shouldn't the Stupid Cold-Bloods have moved during Compulsory Moves before the lizard general had the chance to block them during Remaining Moves? 🤔

  12. Men I'm enjoying this so much.
    On the other hand I have to be honest, It seems that a little bit of the idea of "more terrain" that is commonly a good thing in 40k (and I assume AOS) hast wrongfully translated to TOW.

    Rank & File games shoulden't be so heavy on terrain in the middle of the board. Armies that formed in rank & file tended to search for open battlefields, were the terrain features where on the sides helping sometimes protect week flanks if possible.

    Battle of magnesia is a good example.

  13. You forgot the cold blooded rule for the lidership test of the lizardmen. They roll three dices and discard the highest result.

  14. Wouldn't the cold ones get to re roll their leadership test for stupidity with the BSB near them?

  15. Now I am of course bias, as I was a Lizardmen player. But I don't think the old Cold Blooded rule was overpowered and this new version is very disappointing considering the army didn't drop in points at all. It should have ATLEAST stayed on Break Tests. It's especially egregious when you consider the army is actually fairly low leadership. Everyone always thinks of Saurus and are like "Ooooh that's so good" forgetting that Skinks are all 5 and 6 Leadership and Skinks make up the MAJORITY of armies if you are including anything beyond basic Infantry and Cavalry. Your Monsters? With the exception of Carnosaurs and Troglodon's (Oracles are Leadership 8 for some reason) all taking Break Tests on Leadership 5 or 6 now. You better hope your Stegadon or Bastiladon win combat, because if they don't you have almost no shot at staying in the fight now, and a really tough time rallying.

  16. I was just trying to find this on yt seeing if anyone has used the skaven for the new old world lol, glad to see i manifested it

  17. Dammit…missed outnon the first like but got the first comment.

    Great work guys loving this old world stuff


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