
Leave The World Behind Is Secretly A Horror Movie


Here’s why Leave The World Behind is secretly a horror film, but first let’s recap the events that occured.

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34 pemikiran pada “Leave The World Behind Is Secretly A Horror Movie”

  1. I thought the movie was pretty intriguing. I agree that this movie could be classed as a horror movie, especially since it ends unresolved.

  2. Buckle up folks, looks like we’re going to war with Iran soon. This is clearly a propaganda film to raise the American peoples’ awareness of a potential threat by Iran. I sincerely hope I’m wrong, though.

  3. I feel like this movie is about divorce & interracial relationships/marriage. The wife was not happy in her relationship with the husband suggest they go away for the weekend to a place she arranged to go. The black man is a newly single father who has a daughter and he arrives to meet her children and introduce his daughter. I like how they made the wife like R & B symbolizing her attraction to the black father. The Spanish woman is the housekeeper who tries to tell the husband the wife is cheating on him with the black father. Kevin Bacon is the neighbor who sees everything he is the one spying on the house sleeping in the shed out back. ..thats my theory

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie too. I love it when movies are thought provoking, dramatic with a hint of realism. Unlike a serial killer or space alien coming after you, it addresses the realistic horrors that we have to confront within ourselves. The most dangerous threat we have to fear is MAN!!!

  5. Agreed! This was great. When it was over I thought “this is a scary movie!” It was well done and kind of riveting. The clean lines of the house and surrounding landscape drew me in easily. Julia Robert’s was not the draw here for me and I despised her character but loved Ethan Hawkes, he was terrific and Kevin Bacon as well though honestly I’d watch Mahershala Ali in anything. He didn’t disappoint. This movie is something that could possibly happen which made it frightening. I would watch this again, maybe tonight.

  6. There’s a lot of things that are wrong with this movie , like when the city gets nuked , from where these people are the shockwave would have leveled the house they were staying in for one , & if any country tried to attack the United States in which this would never happen because of are air defense NATO & other country’s would counter attack very quickly no body would waste any time doing so . People wake up because this could become a reality , it’s not far off the horizon. I & my family have a great plan to survive a apocalypse like this one & in less than 10 minutes I can be at a nuclear bomb shelter only less than 2 miles away & it’s not open to the public & that’s because my uncle owns it , see way back in the 70s , my uncle bought a house that was made in the 50s . The guy who built it was so scared of nuclear war that he built the house with a nuclear bomb shelter 180 foot deep with lead lined outer walls so no nuclear waste or radiation could get in . The outer walls are 2 foot thick reinforced concrete with blast doors . I was just down in it this Thanksgiving of 2023 . Ever since my uncle found the thing he updates it every 10 years just to keep up with the times , it’s stocked with everything we would need to survive , they say that if you survive a nuclear strike & survive, you should not come out of hiding for 2 weeks after a strike & when you do you should wear a lead lined suit because of radiation in the air . Less than 1/8th inch of lead can protect you from radiation and nuclear fallout . I have a side by side that can easily transport 6 people with 2 people in the back of the small truck bed & I will drive on the sidewalks with reckless abandonment if need be to get to my destination .

  7. This movie was the first movie in a long time that actually freaked me out. And it not ever these types of movie that do that.

  8. I just watched "Leave the World Behind" on Netflix, & 2 impressions it made resonated with me. The first is that people generally treat each other like shit. The other is that while extremely rich people (or an evil cabal, such as the Illuminati) can certainly better protect their wealth, assets, & loved ones with advanced knowledge of coming catastrophe than the rest of us, there is nobody "driving the bus". We all just throw gas on the fire without knowing what will happen next…

  9. The daughters allegory had a boat, a plane, & god saying don't wait. There was a boat (oil tanker), plane (crash), & her not waiting ( for deer guiding her to salvation ( the bunker).

  10. So I run a big horror group and they sent us to watch this 2 weeks ago on the big screen.

    It is great!

    Now a couple things you missed? Or didn't want to explain?

    Clay didn't give up on saving his son….he begged. He didn't do the toxic masculine bs like the other two with weapons….he stood between them and pointed out that as a father he wanted help for his son. Not to harm, kill or take away. …just help.

    He was reaching out with humanity. …which is what Kevin was explaining in the whole issue on how we are going to destroy each other.

    The kids annoyed me to no end

  11. I can’t believe everyone is missing the biggest theme of this movie which is sleep! The whole movie was a dream, hints why everything is so random and personal, just like your dreams! Y’all gotta wake up 💤💤🛌

  12. Love the Bikini Kill shirt.

    Not because I had ever heard of them, despite living through the 90s (born in 1979)… but precisely because I had NEVER heard of them.

    Saw the old shirt, looked it up to see if it was real, and now a new band from my past to give a listen to. They might rock, they might suck, but I'd have never known, and now I'll give them a try.

  13. I haven't watched the film, but I wonder are there hints Julia Roberts character knew something is going to happen and planned "the vacation" for that reason.

  14. I think in the city there was a lot of violence between the races. That is why George and his daughter were very vague about what was going on back in the city.


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