
Jurassic World 2025 Movie Confirmed


Jurassic World Dominion is in the works and may hit screens in 2025. This seems to hint at the start of a fresh narrative for the Jurassic franchise, with no involvement from Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, or the original Jurassic Park cast. However, fans can rejoice as key figures from the Jurassic World series, such as Steven Spielberg and Frank Marshall, are on board as executive producers.



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world , Jurassic World 2025 Movie Confirmed , #Jurassic #World #Movie #Confirmed
, jurassic world,jurassic world 4,jurassic world dominion,jurassic world 2025,new jurassic park movie

42 pemikiran pada “Jurassic World 2025 Movie Confirmed”

  1. I hope the series goes back to its roots. Jurassic Park is a popular and iconic franchise. Not to mention even when the films are as great, they still do great at the box office.

  2. Dinosaurs should be scary, not something you can walk up to, take by the neck and choke… Like Chris Prat did with a Dylophosaurus, that's just ridiculous.

  3. I saw the original JP when it came out. I was four. I turned out fine. Stop making it baby safe! I hope they bring back the arrogant scientist themes, too.

  4. Maybe in this new Jurassic World Movie they can focus Less on the Adventures and focus more on the Horrors in Jurassic World after all there are a lot of Scary Dinosaurs in the World and it's not just Carnivores Herbivores are also Scary🦕🦖and who knows maybe in this Movie they will have a Dragon instead of a Hybrid Dinosaur because I would not be surprised if there was a Dragon in Jurassic World🔥🐉

  5. Does the world really need another Jurassic Park/World movie? Oh, wait…don't tell me…this is supposed to be "for modern audiences", right? Guess we have to watch another beloved franchise be sacrificed to the RAGING DUMPSTER FIRE that is "Wokeness"… 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦

  6. They could always do more straight adaptations of the books, and maybe amp up the horror. The special FX need to be flawless or it won't work.

  7. We need to have the Jurassic franchise go back to its roots, where the characters are actually in real danger, even the raptors if they’re still gonna treat them as characters. Bring the magic of the dinosaurs back to JP, so far a lot of people are tired of this weird scifi stuff that’s barely relating to the dinosaurs.

  8. As a kid, the scene from Jurassic park 3 when they are trying to get through the fence and the spinosaurus just shows up behind them and stares at them before chasing them scared me to death 😂

  9. No there revamping it by making it more like the books and trust me the books even make the first movie seem like a kids movie and thare is absolutely no plot armor for kids

  10. I am obligated to see it, but I am not going to be excited for this, with wokeness and how Dominion was abysmal…ugh. There are plenty of dinosaur xenofictions out there like Raptor Red or Mark of the Conifer you could do. Even go back and explore Skull Island 2005 again.

  11. I’m not against a new Jurassic world movie, but do we really need another movie? I mean what could they possibly do that other movies include the original 3 Jurassic park movies already did? Besides bring back the horror into the dinosaurs.

  12. The Jurassic Park franchise is dead. How's about they use some imagination and make a new dinosaur themed franchise.

  13. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 🦖 Jurassic Park Franchise Overview
    – Reflection on the evolution of Jurassic Park movies.
    01:09 📝 Hopes for the New Jurassic World Movie
    – David Koepp's involvement in the new Jurassic World film.
    – Speculation on the franchise's need for a revamp.
    – Potential goals of retelling or soft remaking the original story.
    03:17 🎭 Issues with Recent Jurassic Park Movies
    – Critique on the transformation into a Fast and Furious-like style.
    – Concerns about dinosaurs losing their fear factor.
    – Discussion on excessive plot armor for main characters and the portrayal of dinosaurs.
    05:37 🔄 Revamping Jurassic Park's Magic
    – Acknowledgment of Jurassic Park losing its magic.
    – Encouragement for a potential positive change in the new movie.
    – Balancing the expectations of dinosaur and Jurassic Park fans with the general audience.
    06:45 🦕 Making Dinosaurs Scary Again
    – Emphasis on the need to make dinosaurs scary and awe-inspiring.
    – Request for consistency in portraying dinosaurs as formidable creatures.
    – Addressing the theme park nature of dinosaurs in the movies.

    Made with HARPA AI

  14. I want a dino horror movie.

    There should be an intense suspense surrounding the monster which turns out to be a dinosaur 45 minutes into the movie.

  15. Your points have merit and I can certainly concur. Yet the cash generated by this franchise is driven by children. Toys, pajamas lunchboxes, bed linens, backpacks, etc. For every adult fan who pays for a ticket at least ten children will watch the film and enjoy the themed Happy Meal after. Tie-ins, and licensing are linked with a film which appeals to the widest audience. Your six year old can adore the classic Godzilla films but your not going to take them to see Godzilla; Minus One anytime soon. Dinosaurs appeal to children first and foremost so for the time being the teeth of these films will be capped for the foreseeable future.

  16. I want a movie that goes out of its way to show a lack of plot armour for the characters. In a good way, of course.

  17. lets face it the main character is going to be black and the main dinosaur is going to be non binary

  18. 😊First 3rd Jurassic Park Movies😍Are Epic Fun Dinosaur Movies😊Jurassic Park Is My StarWars 🌴Growing Up🦖

  19. I whole heartedly agree about how the evolution of jurassic park became more of a action movie instead of a more realistic terror aspect in the first 2 movies it became a milk it for everything its worth unrealistic action fast and furious movies these days

  20. After the massive flop that was Dominion (in terms of story and well, everything, meaning, cause it still made a billion at the box office), I groaned the moment I heard there was a new JP movie in the works. What can they possibly do with the franchise at this point without making it more ridiculous than the previous JW entries (I admit, I enjoyed JW and Fallen Kingdom for what they were, but Dominion put such a big stain on them that I don't know what to think anymore)?

    All I can hope for is that they'll somehow go back to the horror-esque roots of the first film and The Lost World, hell, maybe go back and properly adapt The Lost World novel by Michael Crichton this time (I didn't like the novel that much, but right now, it has a lot more potential than the direction the JW films took).

  21. Here's my extreme hot-take – No one likes Jurassic Park movies as much these days because they've become boring and stale. The "Conservation" message was totally awesome and on-point for the first like 4 movies, seriously – bringing back an extinct species to study and entertain people, that's cool and chill for the most part, sure lots of shit goes wrong and their lots of deaths, but the road to hell and good intentions…. yadayadayada.
    Then we get to like…. movie 6 with velociraptors running around brazil or whatever and it's like, no… ok, no it's time for us to switch genre to HUNTING AND KILLING THESE MONSTERS!!!!

    Remember the Tremors movie? fuck Burt was cool, that's what jurassic park needs to be right now, because they've basically let the world go so mad that now dinosaurs are just in every country it seems like.
    We need a dude who will use an elephant rifle that has like 55mm hollow-point rounds (i don't know guns, sorry.) to explode a T-rex skull as it tries to eat a bus load of professional soccer/football players or some shit. I want to see people HUNTING dinosaurs, not making friends with them, fuck that dinotopia shit. We need a dude that literally travels country to country killing monsters. give me THAT as jurassic park for the next 3 movies and i might think better of the franchise.

  22. I’d love it if the dinosaurs were more scary.

    Movie writers and directors need to learn that horror is not jumpscares, horror is HORROR. Make a scary movie. Make me relate to the characters, make me feel for the dinosaurs. Connect me with the beasts and the humans.

    Make me root for the human characters but also FEEL attached to the dinosaurs.

  23. They're not dinosaurs, they're lab grown monsters inspired by dinosaurs. Which oddly enough, the 2nd movie was gonna be about human/dino/monsters.

  24. We're going to need a different plot formula instead of recycling the Jurassic Park element. Problem is there is an evasion to portraying dinosaurs as animals as well as using them in some original concept.


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